description: How to use the built-in font icons in the UI for Blazor suite
slug: general-information/font-icons
tags: telerik,blazor,icon,font,built-in
published: True
position: 1
# Built-in Icons
The UI for Blazor suite comes with a set of font icons that you can use in various places like in the Button component.
To use a predefined font icon, you can set the corresponding property to a member of the `Telerik.Blazor.IconName` static class. The Visual Studio intellisense should provide you with the available options.
You can find the full list of available icons in the [Kendo UI Web Font Icons Library]( article. The names of the icons match the classes you see in the article, but without the `k-i-` prefix. You can use them as hardcoded strings as well. Their corresponding class members are in `CamelCase`.
>caption How to use a built-in font icon class on a component's Icon property
>tip You can also render a standalone icon through a component we provide.
>caption Render a standalone font icon through the TelerikIcon component
@using Telerik.Blazor
@using Telerik.Blazor.Components
<TelerikIconIconName="@IconName.Audio"/> @* will render the audio speaker icon *@
<TelerikIconClass="oi oi-home"/> @* home icon from OpenIconic, assuming you have loaded the font on the page *@
<TelerikIconClass="my-font-icon-class"/> @* In this simple example, the built-in Telerik icon font matching the glyph position will be used, unless you provide an actual font icon of your own to override the values *@
.my-font-icon-class::before {
font: myFontIconFont; /* use actual font icon font */