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Importing an Excel Files in the Grid Learn how to enable the Excel import functionality in the Telerik UI for Blazor Data Grid component by using the Telerik Document Processing Library. how-to Enabling Excel Import in Grid with Telerik DPL grid-import-excel grid, import, excel, file kb


Product Grid for Blazor


How can I import an Excel file data in the Grid component by using the Telerik.Documents.SpreadsheetStreaming package?


A possible way to import an Excel file in the Grid is by utilizing the Telerik.Documents.SpreadsheetStreaming library. This package provides an API for accessing Excel files and enabling straightforward cell-by-cell reading.

To import the data of an Excel file in the Grid:

  1. Read the value of each cell.
  2. Save the data in a collection of objects.
  3. Bind the Grid to the collection.

caption Import an Excel file in the Grid

@* Import Excel File in the Grid *@

@using System.IO;
@using System.Data;
@using Telerik.Documents.SpreadsheetStreaming;

<TelerikFileSelect AllowedExtensions="@AllowedExtensions"
                   OnSelect="@OnSelectHandler" />

<TelerikGrid Data=@GridData.AsEnumerable()
        @foreach (DataColumn col in GridData.Columns)
            <GridColumn Field="@col.ColumnName" Title="@col.ColumnName">
                    @((context as DataRow).ItemArray[col.Ordinal].ToString())

@code {
    DataTable GridData = new DataTable();
    List<string> AllowedExtensions { get; set; } = new List<string>() { ".xlsx" };

    async Task OnSelectHandler(FileSelectEventArgs args)
        foreach (var file in args.Files)
            var fileData = new byte[file.Stream.Length];
            await file.Stream.ReadAsync(fileData);
            var ms = new MemoryStream(fileData);

            using (IWorkbookImporter workBookImporter = SpreadImporter.CreateWorkbookImporter(SpreadDocumentFormat.Xlsx, ms))
                foreach (IWorksheetImporter worksheetImporter in workBookImporter.WorksheetImporters)
                    foreach (IRowImporter rowImporter in worksheetImporter.Rows)
                        if (rowImporter.RowIndex == 0)
                            foreach (ICellImporter cell in rowImporter.Cells)
                            var newRow = GridData.NewRow();
                            var cellIndex = 0;
                            foreach (ICellImporter cell in rowImporter.Cells)
                                newRow[cellIndex] = cell.Value;

See Also

  • [Configuring Document Processing Libraries]({%slug getting-started-vs-integration-dpl%})