Cloudbase Job-Runner
Lightweight application created for running jobs on demand with a RESTful API interface and a scalable backend. Job queues are based on Zeromq.
Setup on RHEL 6.4 or CentOS 6.4
wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/home:fengshuo:zeromq.repo
yum -y install zeromq python-zmq
yum install -y python-flask python-netaddr python-six python-iso8601 python-eventlet
yum install -y python-d2to1
python install
cp scripts/* /etc/init.d/
useradd -M jobrunner
mkdir /var/log/jobrunner
chown jobrunner.jobrunner /var/log/jobrunner/
mkdir /var/run/jobrunner
chown jobrunner.jobrunner /var/run/jobrunner/
mkdir /etc/jobrunner
cp conf/jobrunner.conf.sample /etc/jobrunner/jobrunner.conf
Start the services based on your configuration. For example:
Frontend / web node::
service cloudbase-job-queue start
service cloudbase-job-publisher start
Backend worker node::
service cloudbase-job-worker start
On RHEL, Fedora, CentOS, SL, you can set the service to start automatically::
chkconfig cloudbase-job-queue on
chkconfig cloudbase-job-publisher on
chkconfig cloudbase-job-worker on
Note: the jobs will run with the "jobrunner" account, verify permissions accordingly.