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Troubleshooting Reporting Implementation Into ASP.NET Core Application Learn how to troubleshoot errors in ASP.NET Core applications when crashing. how-to How to troubleshoot errors in ASP.NET Core projects how-to-troubleshoot-errors-in-asp-net-core-applications ASP.NET Core, Configuration 1383767 kb


Product Progress® Telerik® Reporting
Project Type ASP.NET Core
.Net Framework .NET Core 2.1+


If you are experiencing problems while working with Telerik Reporting, the right way to determine what has caused them is described in the following steps.


  • Upgrade to the latest version of the product in case the reason for the crash has been fixed.

  • Try reproducing the crash on another machine to exclude machine-specific problems, for example, corrupted Telerik Reporting installation.

  • Provide us with a log file containing detailed information about the error. To create the log file, go to the project that hosts the [Rest Service]({%slug telerikreporting/using-reports-in-applications/host-the-report-engine-remotely/telerik-reporting-rest-services/overview%}) and add the below settings in the Program.cs file in the Main method:

public static void Main(string[] args) { EnableTracing(); BuildWebHost(args).Run(); }

static void EnableTracing()
	System.Diagnostics.Trace.Listeners.Add(new System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener(File.CreateText("log.txt")));
	System.Diagnostics.Trace.AutoFlush = true;

	Upon running the project and reproducing the error, it will generate an `aspnetcoredemo.log` file at the application root.

* Another recommended troubleshooting approach is using [Fiddler]( or another proxy tool to check the requests, responses, and statuses. Please, create a SAZ file (see [Create a Session Archive Zip (SAZ) Traffic archive](

> After you generate the log files from the above steps, archive them and attach them to a support ticket. Include the steps which have to be followed to reproduce the issue.