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Wrap Label Text on iOS Enabing text wrapping inside a data point or axis tick label. how-to How to enable text wrapping in Label on iOS chart-label-text-wrap-ios chart, series, axes, labels, custom kb


Product Version 2020.1.318
Product RadChart for Xamarin


How to wrap text inside an axis tick label or a series data point label on iOS.


You can use Environment.NewLine and break up the text to wrap it inside the label. This can be done witout needing a custom renderer by inheriting LabelFormatterBase<T> and splitting up the long text into new lines.

Before getting started with this tutorial, please visit the [RadChart Axes Features LabelFormatter]({%slug axes-overview%}#common-axis-features) documentation to understand how to use a LabelFormatter.

Custom LabelFormatter

In that documenation article's tutorial, the bound value for the axis was DateTime. Therefore, we needed to use LabelFormatterBase<DateTime> for the base class. In this example, the category value is a string, so we will change that to LabelFormatterBase<string>.

public class LongTextLabelFormatter : LabelFormatterBase<string>
    public override string FormatTypedValue(string text)

Now would be a good time to add extra properties that give you more flexibility. For example:

  • MaxLineLength property to set the width of each line before a line break.
  • MaxLength to set the overall maximum length.
public class LongTextLabelFormatter : LabelFormatterBase<string>
    public int MaxLineLength { get; set; } = 12;

    public int MaxLength { get; set; } = 100;

    public override string FormatTypedValue(string text)

Finally, in the FormatTypedValue method override, break up the text into several lines.

public class LongTextLabelFormatter : LabelFormatterBase<string>
    public int MaxLineLength { get; set; } = 12;

    public int MaxLength { get; set; } = 100;

    public override string FormatTypedValue(string text)
        // Condition 1
        // If the label text is less than the line length, just return it.
        if (text.Length <= MaxLineLength)
            return text;

        // Condition 2
        // If the text is longer than the desired line length, we need to split it into separate lines.

        // Clean up double spaces between words.
        text = text.Replace("  ", " ");

        // Get a list of the words.
        string[] words = text.Split(' ');

        // This holds the final output.
        var sb1 = new StringBuilder();

        // This holds the current working value.
        var sb2 = new StringBuilder();

        // Create the new lines
        foreach (var word in words)
            if (sb2.Length + word.Length + 1 < MaxLineLength)
                sb1.AppendFormat(" {0}", word);
                sb2.AppendFormat(" {0}", word);
                sb1.AppendFormat("{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, word);
                sb2.AppendFormat(" {0}", word);

        // Trim the end depending on the maximum desired length of the label.
        if (sb1.Length > MaxLength)
            return sb1.ToString().Substring(0, MaxLength) + " ...";

        // Trim the result and return it.
        return sb1.ToString().TrimStart().TrimEnd();

You can use any text splitting logic you prefer, our example is based on this StackOverflow answer. The main takeaway is that the string is split up using Environment.NewLine or explicit \r\n characters, allowing it to fit in the label's bounds.


Axis Labels

To use this formatter class for axis tick labels, use it as an axis LabelFormatter. For example, here it is being used on a CategoricalAxis:

        <telerikChart:CategoricalAxis ShowLabels="True">
                <!-- Custom label formatter -->
                <formatters:LongTextLabelFormatter MaxLineLength="12" MaxLength="100" />
        <telerikChart:NumericalAxis />

        <telerikChart:BarSeries ItemsSource="{Binding BarSeriesData}" ShowLabels="True">
                <telerikChart:PropertyNameDataPointBinding PropertyName="Value" />
                <telerikChart:PropertyNameDataPointBinding PropertyName="Category" />
                <telerikChart:PropertyNameDataPointBinding PropertyName="Category" />

Series Point Labels

You can also use this same technique on series data point labels by setting the series LabelFormatter property. For example, here it is being used on a SplineAreaSeries:

        <telerikChart:CategoricalAxis ShowLabels="True" />
        <telerikChart:NumericalAxis />

    <!-- Series -->
        <telerikChart:SplineAreaSeries ItemsSource="{Binding SplineAreaSeriesData}" ShowLabels="True">
                <!-- Custom label formatter -->
                <formatters:LongTextLabelFormatter MaxLineLength="12" MaxLength="100" />
                <telerikChart:PropertyNameDataPointBinding PropertyName="Value" />
                <telerikChart:PropertyNameDataPointBinding PropertyName="Category" />
                <telerikChart:PropertyNameDataPointBinding PropertyName="Category" />

See Also

  • [Axes Overview]({%slug axes-overview%})
  • [Series Features - Labels Customization]({%slug chart-series-features%}#labels-customization)