Added a simple integration test into the Project, which can be executed with the Test Runner panel. I added instructions for running the test to the run_example readme, and I added a yamato config to execute this test automatically against PRs to dev and main.
* Renaming tutorial folder to readmes
* Adding LICENSE and Third Party Notices
* Adding ROBOTIS copyright to Third Party Notices
* Adding .md suffix to LICENSE
* Adding full explanation page text
* Adding in new images
* Attempting to fix markdown to play nice with github md parser
* Moving around the images a bit more
* Fixing line breaks in explanation
* Added 'Scenes' section and misc. typo fixes in explanation
* Fixing weird text wrapping in Scenes section
* Updating packages-lock to match manifest changes
* Fixing bad tag name in docker build step.
* Fixing explanation link on Project Setup page
* Removing unnecessary Gazebo setup from Dockerfile
* Suggesting 'Show HUD' check in Unity setup
* Small tutorial editos addressing bug bash feedback.
* Adding appropriately sized goal_pose gif
* Adding 'what next' to run example page.
* added dockerfile for novnc option
* ros installation scripts
* made the link in the novnc instructions clickable
* Changing VNC docker to default and removed tilt constraints from TurtleBot
* Removing superflous colcon package files
* Cleaning up workspace and upgrading Dockerfile to Galactic
* setting script file permissions to executable
* Additional tutorial cleanup and some prefab adjustments
* Changing Robotics-Warehouse back to git version
* Cleaning up some Dockerfile cruft
* Tweaking image layout in run_example
* Adding slam_toolbox to colcon dependencies for clarity
* Various typo fixes and additions to address PR feedback
Co-authored-by: Hamid Younesy <>
Co-authored-by: Hamid Younesy <>