
48 строки
782 B

native = LF
**.py = LF
**.pl = LF
**.pm = LF
**.t = LF
**.it = LF
**.h = LF
**.cpp = LF
**.cs = LF
**.c = LF
**.txt = LF
**.bindings = LF
**.sh = LF
**.jam = LF
**.as = LF
**.boo = LF
**.java = LF
**.js = LF
Makefile = LF
**.shader = LF
**.cginc = LF
**.glslinc = LF
**.mm = LF
Repositories.ini = LF
.hgignore = LF
## keep CRLF's in sync with .editorconfig
# vs can handle these as lf, but really wants them as crlf
**.vcproj = CRLF
**.vcxproj = CRLF
**.vcxproj.filters = CRLF
**.csproj = CRLF
**.sln = CRLF
**.sln.template = CRLF
**.bat = CRLF
**.cmd = CRLF
**.xaml = CRLF
# the text templating parser will actually fail on lf, inexplicably setting every #line directive as '1'
**.tt = CRLF
**.t4 = CRLF
**.ttinclude = CRLF
only-consistent = False