
3.0 KiB


This was a prototype that we've since removed from quicktype. If you'd like to play with it, please use commit 8eba491ac167a51203eaa6100609ec73ad553236. If you find it useful and would like us to bring it back, please let us know - it's probably fairly easy.


quicktype allows the processing of Handlebars templates based on the types specified in or inferred from the input. Templates are always processed in the context of a specific target language, which makes it possible for their output to interact with the types generated for that target language.


quicktype --lang csharp --template TEMPLATE-FILE ./test/inputs/json/samples/kitchen-sink.json


{{#each namedTypes}}
  {{#if_eq type.kind "class"}}
    public partial class {{{assignedName}}} {
      {{#each properties}}
        [JsonProperty("{{{string_escape @key}}}")]
        public {{{csType}}} {{{assignedName}}} { get; set; }

  {{#if_eq type.kind "enum"}}
    public enum {{{assignedName}}} {
      {{#each cases}}{{#unless @first}}, {{/unless}}{{{assignedName}}}{{/each}}
  {{#if_eq type.kind "union"}}
    public partial struct {{{assignedName}}}
    {{#each members}}
      public {{{nullableCSType}}} {{{assignedName}}};


{{#each topLevels}}
  public partial class {{{assignedTopLevelName}}} {
    public static {{{csType}}} FromJson(string json) => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<{{{csType}}}>(json, Converter.Settings);

{{#each namedTypes}}{{#if_eq type.kind "enum"}}
  static class {{{extensionsName}}}
    public static {{{assignedName}}}? ValueForString(string str)
      switch (str)
        {{#each cases}}
	  case "{{{string_escape @key}}}": return {{{../assignedName}}}.{{{assignedName}}};
          default: return null;

    public static {{{assignedName}}} ReadJson(JsonReader reader, JsonSerializer serializer)
        var str = serializer.Deserialize<string>(reader);
        var maybeValue = ValueForString(str);
        if (maybeValue.HasValue) return maybeValue.Value;
        throw new Exception("Unknown enum case " + str);

    public static void WriteJson(this {{{assignedName}}} value, JsonWriter writer, JsonSerializer serializer)
      switch (value)
        {{#each cases}}
	  case {{{../assignedName}}}.{{{assignedName}}}: serializer.Serialize(writer, "{{{string_escape @key}}}"); break;

public static class Serialize {
  {{#each topLevels}}
    public static string ToJson(this {{{csType}}} self) => JsonConvert.SerializeObject(self, Converter.Settings);

public class Converter
  public static readonly JsonSerializerSettings Settings = new JsonSerializerSettings
      MetadataPropertyHandling = MetadataPropertyHandling.Ignore,
      DateParseHandling = DateParseHandling.None,