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$ npm install


$ npm run build


Install Visual Studio Code, open this workspace, and install the recommended extensions.

$ code . # open in VSCode

Live-reloading for quick feedback

If you're working on a renderer, you'll likely want quick feedback on renderer output as you edit. Use npm start to watch PureScript files for changes, and recompile and rerun quicktype for live feedback. For example, if you're developing a new renderer for fortran, you could use the following command to rebuild and reinvoke quicktype as you implement your renderer:

$ npm start -- "--lang fortran test/inputs/json/samples/bitcoin-block.json"

The command in quotes is passed to quicktype, so you can render local .json files, URLs, or add other options.


$ npm test


On macOS the system Java seems sufficient to run tests.

Test only a specific fixture

$ FIXTURE=golang npm test

Using Docker

$ docker build --cache-from dvdsgl/quicktype -t quicktype .
$ docker run -t quicktype test/test
$ # run specific fixtures
$ docker run -t quicktype sh -c "FIXTURE=golang,java test/test"