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Zendesk Time Tracking app

From the Help Center article:

“The Time Tracking app enables you to monitor how much time you spend on tickets.”

It looks like this:

Timetracking App main interface

It also allows admins (and optionally agents) to review the logs:

TT app review screen

It also lets people edit their “time spent” before they submit a ticket.

There are a whole bunch of settings, which are documented in Help Center:

TT settings


From a Help Center article about setting up the app:

“When you install Time Tracking, it automatically creates two custom ticket fields, Time spent since last update and Total time spent.”

When the ticket is submitted, the time tracking app sets the “time spent since last update” field to whatever has been timed by the app, and then sets the “total time spent” field to the previous value of that field plus the “time spent since last update” field.


Pull requests and bug reports are very welcome ❤️