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[![Build Status](https://dev.azure.com/aasworldwidetelescope/WWT/_apis/build/status/WorldWideTelescope.wwt-website?branchName=master)](https://dev.azure.com/aasworldwidetelescope/WWT/_build/latest?definitionId=20&branchName=master)
# AAS WorldWide Telescope website
This repository contains the code for the web services backing the
[AAS](https://aas.org/) [WorldWide
Telescope](https://worldwidetelescope.org/home) (WWT) software system.
## Developer Instructions
See [these instructions](docs/dev-environment.md) for details on how to build
and run locally. Please submit issues (or PRs!) if you run into any problems or
If you have .NET 6 installed, the basic CLI build command is:
dotnet build -c Release wwt-website-net6.slnf
You can build and run the server in a Docker container with:
docker build -t aasworldwidetelescope/core-data:latest .
docker run --rm -p 8080:80 --name wwtcoredata aasworldwidetelescope/core-data:latest
# browse to http://localhost:8080/wwtweb/isstle.aspx
However, most API endpoints won't work since they need to be wired up to the
backing data storage. To test locally with WWT production assets, launch the Docker
container with the following environment variables:
-e UseAzurePlateFiles=true -e AzurePlateFileStorageAccount=[secret]
where the secret can be obtained from the running app's configuration KeyVault.
See comments in the `azure-pipelines.yml` file for descriptions of how deployment
[This file](docs/deprecations.md) logs old APIs that have been deprecated or
removed. The implementations of many of these can be found in the Git history if
youre willing to dig.
## Getting involved
We love it when people get involved in the WWT community! You can get started by
[participating in our user forum][forum] or by [signing up for our low-traffic
newsletter][newsletter]. If you would like to help make WWT better, our
[Contributor Hub] aims to be your one-stop shop for information about how to
contribute to the project, with the [Contributors Guide] being the first thing
you should read. Here on GitHub we operate with a standard [fork-and-pull]
[forum]: https://wwt-forum.org/
[newsletter]: https://bit.ly/wwt-signup
[Contributor Hub]: https://worldwidetelescope.github.io/
[Contributors Guide]: https://worldwidetelescope.github.io/contributing/
[fork-and-pull]: https://help.github.com/en/articles/about-collaborative-development-models
All participation in WWT communities is conditioned on your adherence to the
[WWT Code of Conduct], which basically says that you should not be a jerk.
[WWT Code of Conduct]: https://worldwidetelescope.github.io/code-of-conduct/
## Acknowledgments
The AAS WorldWide Telescope system is a [.NET Foundation] project. Work on WWT
has been supported by the [American Astronomical Society] (AAS), the US
[National Science Foundation] (grants [1550701], [1642446], and [2004840]), the [Gordon
and Betty Moore Foundation], and [Microsoft].
[American Astronomical Society]: https://aas.org/
[.NET Foundation]: https://dotnetfoundation.org/
[National Science Foundation]: https://www.nsf.gov/
[1550701]: https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1550701
[1642446]: https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1642446
[2004840]: https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2004840
[Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation]: https://www.moore.org/
[Microsoft]: https://www.microsoft.com/
## Legalities
The WWT code is licensed under the [MIT License]. The copyright to the code is
owned by the [.NET Foundation].
[MIT License]: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT