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Eilon Lipton редактировал(а) эту страницу 2016-08-11 17:10:41 -07:00

Welcome to the Announcements wiki!


What is this repo

This repo serves to create a quick and easy way for the ASP.NET/EF team to publish announcements that will be seen by thousands of developers. The goal is to publish relevant announcements about major new features and significant breaking changes, while keeping the amount of "noise" to a minimum.

How to create an announcement

Posting announcements involves logging two issues:

  1. An Announcement issue in this repo
  2. A Discussion issue in the appropriate feature repo

For the Announcement issue:

  1. Set an appropriate title that makes it clear what product area it's about:
  • Good: Kestrel filter order changed from FIFO to LIFO
  • Bad: Filter order changes
  1. Set at least one of the Announcement or Breaking Change labels
  2. Set the milestone to the appropriate product milestone (e.g. 1.0.0-rc2) (in rare cases this isn't needed)
  3. In the body of the issue:
  • Make it clear what's relevant about the issue.
  • Link to the original bug and/or PR that prompted this issue
  • Link to the discussion issue where people can discuss or ask questions about the issue
  1. Lock the issue to prevent discussions happening in the Announcements repo (and thus prevent the "noise" problem)

For the Discussion issue:

  1. Log it in the appropriate product repo (e.g. MVC, EF, Identity, etc.)
  2. Put it in the "Discussions" milestone so as not to interfere with triage and regular bug tracking (each repo might have a slightly different pattern for this)
  3. In the body:
  • Link back to the Announcements issue
  • Include the full text of the announcement
  1. Optional: set a label such as "discussion"