{\"alt\": \"Home page - list of volumes\", \"url\": \"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/docker/volumes-backup-extension/main/docs/images/1-table.png\"}, \
{\"alt\": \"Import data into a new volume\", \"url\": \"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/docker/volumes-backup-extension/main/docs/images/2-import-new.png\"}, \
{\"alt\": \"Transfer volume to another host\", \"url\": \"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/docker/volumes-backup-extension/main/docs/images/4-transfer.png\"}, \
com.docker.extension.detailed-description="<p>With Volumes Backup & Share you can easily create copies of your volumes and also share them with others through SSH or pushing them to a registry.</p> \
<h2 id="-features">✨ What can you do with this extension?</h2> \
<ul> \
<li>Export a volume:</li> \
<ul><li>To a compressed file in your local filesystem</li> \
<li>To an existing local image</li> \
<li>To a new local image</li> \
<li>To a new image in Docker Hub (or another registry)</li></ul> \
<li>Import data into a new container or into an existing container:</li> \
<ul><li>From a compressed file in your local filesystem</li> \
<li>From an existing image</li> \
<li>From an existing image in Docker Hub (or another registry)</li></ul> \
<li>Transfer a volume via SSH to another host that runs Docker Desktop or Docker engine.</li> \