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Arcade provides templates for public (/templates) and 1ES pipeline templates (/templates-official) scenarios. Pipelines which are required to be managed by 1ES pipeline templates should reference /templates-offical, all other pipelines may reference /templates.

How to use

Basic guidance is:

  • 1ES Pipeline Template or 1ES Microbuild template runs should reference eng/common/templates-official. Any internal production-graded pipeline should use these templates.

  • All other runs should reference eng/common/templates.

See azure-pipelines.yml (templates-official example) or azure-pipelines-pr.yml (templates example) for examples.

The templateIs1ESManaged parameter

The templateIs1ESManaged is available on most templates and affects which of the variants is used for nested templates. See Development Notes below for more information on the `templateIs1ESManaged1 parameter.

  • For templates under job/, jobs/, steps, or post-build/, this parameter must be explicitly set.

Multiple outputs

1ES pipeline templates impose a policy where every publish artifact execution results in additional security scans being injected into your pipeline. When using templates-official/jobs/jobs.yml, Arcade reduces the number of additional security injections by gathering all publishing outputs into the Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory, and utilizing the outputParentDirectory feature of 1ES pipeline templates. When implementing your pipeline, if you ensure publish artifacts are located in the $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory), and utilize the 1ES provided template context, then you can reduce the number of security scans for your pipeline.


# azure-pipelines.yml
  template: azure-pipelines/MicroBuild.1ES.Official.yml@MicroBuildTemplate
    - stage: build
      - template: /eng/common/templates-official/jobs/jobs.yml@self
          # 1ES makes use of outputs to reduce security task injection overhead
            - output: pipelineArtifact
              displayName: 'Publish logs from source'
              continueOnError: true
              condition: always()
              targetPath: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/artifacts/log
              artifactName: Logs
          - job: Windows
            - script: echo "friendly neighborhood" > artifacts/marvel/spiderman.txt
          # copy build outputs to artifact staging directory for publishing
          - task: CopyFiles@2
              displayName: Gather build output
                SourceFolder: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/artifacts/marvel'
                Contents: '**'
                TargetFolder: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/artifacts/marvel'

Note: Multiple outputs are ONLY applicable to 1ES PT publishing (only usable when referencing templates-official).

Development notes

Folder / file structure

    [templates || templates-official]\
            job.yml                          (shim + artifact publishing logic)
            onelocbuild.yml                  (shim)
            publish-build-assets.yml         (shim)
            source-build.yml                 (shim)
            source-index-stage1.yml          (shim)
            codeql-build.yml                 (shim)
            jobs.yml                         (shim)
            source-build.yml                 (shim)
            post-build.yml                   (shim)
            common-variabls.yml              (shim)
            setup-maestro-vars.yml           (shim)
            publish-build-artifacts.yml      (logic)
            publish-pipeline-artifacts.yml   (logic)
            component-governance.yml         (shim)
            generate-sbom.yml                (shim)
            publish-logs.yml                 (shim)
            retain-build.yml                 (shim)
            send-to-helix.yml                (shim)
            source-build.yml                 (shim)
            pool-providers.yml               (logic + redirect) # templates/variables/pool-providers.yml will redirect to templates-official/variables/pool-providers.yml if you are running in the internal project
            sdl-variables.yml                (logic)
            job.yml                          (logic)
            onelocbuild.yml                  (logic)
            publish-build-assets.yml         (logic)
            source-build.yml                 (logic)
            source-index-stage1.yml          (logic)
            codeql-build.yml                 (logic)
            jobs.yml                         (logic)
            source-build.yml                 (logic)
            common-variabls.yml              (logic)
            post-build.yml                   (logic)
            setup-maestro-vars.yml           (logic)
            component-governance.yml         (logic)
            generate-sbom.yml                (logic)
            publish-build-artifacts.yml      (redirect)
            publish-logs.yml                 (logic)
            publish-pipeline-artifacts.yml   (redirect)
            retain-build.yml                 (logic)
            send-to-helix.yml                (logic)
            source-build.yml                 (logic)
            pool-providers.yml               (redirect)

In the table above, a file is designated as "shim", "logic", or "redirect".

  • shim - represents a yaml file which is an intermediate step between pipeline logic and .Net Core Engineering's templates (core-templates) and defines the is1ESPipeline parameter value.

  • logic - represents actual base template logic.

  • redirect- represents a file in core-templates which redirects to the "logic" file in either templates or templates-official.

Logic for Arcade's templates live primarily in the core-templates folder. The exceptions to the location of the logic files are around artifact publishing, which is handled differently between 1es pipeline templates and standard templates. templates and templates-official provide shim entry points which redirect to core-templates while also defining the is1ESPipeline parameter. If a shim is referenced in templates, then is1ESPipeline is set to false. If a shim is referenced in templates-official, then is1ESPipeline is set to true.

Within templates and templates-official, the templates at the "stages", and "jobs" / "job" level have been replaced with shims. Templates at the "steps" and "variables" level are typically too granular to be replaced with shims and instead persist logic which is directly applicable to either scenario.

Within core-templates, there are a handful of places where logic is dependent on which shim entry point was used. In those places, we redirect back to the respective logic file in templates or templates-official.