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title | description | ms.date |
Debugging on Windows | This article explains how to configure Windows 10 and Windows 11 for .NET MAUI app deployment and debugging. | 11/07/2024 |
Deploy and debug your .NET MAUI app on Windows
You can use your local Windows development computer to deploy and debug a .NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI) app. This article describes how to configure Windows to debug a .NET MAUI app.
::: moniker range="=net-maui-8.0"
When debugging and deploying a new .NET MAUI project to Windows, the default behavior is to deploy a packaged app. For information about packaged apps, see Windows apps: packaging, deployment, and process.
[!INCLUDE Configure Windows for packaged app deployment]
[!INCLUDE Target Windows]
[!INCLUDE Convert a packaged .NET MAUI Windows app to unpackaged]
[!INCLUDE Convert an unpackaged .NET MAUI Windows app to packaged]
::: moniker-end
::: moniker range=">=net-maui-9.0"
When debugging and deploying a new .NET MAUI project to Windows, the default behavior is to deploy an unpackaged app. For information about unpackaged apps, see Windows apps: packaging, deployment, and process.
[!INCLUDE Target Windows]
[!INCLUDE Convert an unpackaged .NET MAUI Windows app to packaged]
[!INCLUDE Convert a packaged .NET MAUI Windows app to unpackaged]
[!INCLUDE Configure Windows for packaged app deployment]
::: moniker-end