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Platform helpers The Platform class, in the Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel, contains helpers for each platform. 03/27/2023

Platform helpers

The static Platform class, in the xref:Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel namespace, contains helpers for each platform.


The Platform class contains the following helpers on Android:

Member Purpose
ActivityStateChanged An event that's raised when any Activity's state changes.
AppContext A property that gets the xref:Android.Content.Context object that represents the current app context.
CurrentActivity A property that gets the current xref:Android.App.Activity object that represents the current activity.
Intent A static class that contains the ActionAppAction string, which is the identifier for the xref:Android.Content.Intent used by app actions.
OnNewIntent Pass an xref:Android.Content.Intent from an activity's overridden method, when invoking an app action.
OnResume Pass an xref:Android.App.Activity from an activity's overridden method, when an xref:Android.App.Activity is resumed as part of invoking an app action.
OnRequestPermissionsResult Pass permission request results from an activity's overridden method, for handling internal permission requests.
WaitForActivityAsync Wait for an xref:Android.App.Activity to be created or become active.

The following example shows how to access the current Context or Activity for the running app:

var context = Platform.AppContext;

// Current Activity or null if not initialized or not started.
var activity = Platform.CurrentActivity;

If there's a situation where the xref:Android.App.Activity is needed, but the app hasn't fully started, call the WaitForActivityAsync method:

var activity = await Platform.WaitForActivityAsync();

iOS/Mac Catalyst

The Platform class contains the following helper methods on iOS and Mac Catalyst:

Method Purpose
ContinueUserActivity Informs the app that there's data associated with continuing a task specified as a xref:Foundation.NSUserActivity object, and then returns whether the app continued the activity.
GetCurrentUIViewController Gets the current view controller. This method will return null if unable to detect a xref:UIKit.UIViewController.
OpenUrl Opens the specified URI to start an authentication flow.
PerformActionForShortcutItem Invokes the action that corresponds to the chosen AppAction by the user.

The following example shows how to retrieve the currently visible xref:UIKit.UIViewController:

var viewController = Platform.GetCurrentUIViewController();


The Platform class contains the following helpers on Windows:

Method Purpose
MapServiceToken A property that gets or sets the map service API key.
OnLaunched The lifecycle method that's called when the app is launched.
OnActivated Sets the app's new active window.