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Debugging with experimental Roslyn bits

Sometimes it may be necessary to make changes in dotnet/roslyn, and react to the changes in this repo. The following are steps which outline the general process in using Roslyn development dlls and binaries with Razor Tooling.


  1. Checkout dotnet/roslyn.
  2. ./Restore.cmd
  3. Make the desired changes in dotnet/roslyn.
  4. ./Build.cmd -pack. The -pack option causes the creation of NuGet packages.
  5. You should see the generated packages in the <PATH_TO_ROSLYN_REPO>\artifacts\packages\Debug\Debug directory. Take note of the package versions (ie. Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces.Common.3.8.0-dev.nupkg => 3.8.0-dev).
  6. Open NuGet.config and add the local package source <add key="Roslyn Local Package source" value="<PATH_TO_ROSLYN_REPO>\artifacts\packages\Debug\Debug" /> and package source below under the packageSourceMapping tag:
    <packageSource key="Roslyn Local Package source">
      <package pattern="microsoft.*" />
      <package pattern="microsoft.commonlanguageserverProtocol.*" />
  1. Open eng/Versions.props and update RoslynPackageVersion to the version noted in step 5.
  2. To get the end-to-end local debugging working, running ./Build.cmd -deploy script from roslyn repository. this will copy over the right binaries from roslyn to the shared local roslyn/razor hive.


Use the steps below to do a clean build if the dlls/binaries need to get cleaned out:

  • Shut down all instances of VS.
  • Run the following scripts to kill processes running in a bad state:
> TASKKILL /IM devenv.exe /F
> TASKKILL /IM dotnet.exe /F
> TASKKILL /IM MSBuild.exe /F
  • Delete the hive folder by navigating to %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\VisualStudio and deleting the 17.0_xxxxxxxxRoslynDev folder
  • Delete the artifacts folder under the root folder of razor repository
  • Launch VS with the Razor solution
  • Make sure Microsoft.VisualStudio.RazorExtension is set as the start up project.
  • Build and Rebuild Solution from the menu or run script .\build.cmd -deploy
  • Check to make sure the hive folder is there
  • F5 (or CTRL+F5) the razor solution.
