roslyn/docs/infrastructure/feature branches

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Creating Feature Branches

This document describes the process for setting up CI on a feature branch of roslyn.

Push the branch

The first step is to create the branch seeded with the initial change on roslyn. This branch should have the name features/<feature name>. For example: features/mono for working on mono work.

Assuming the branch should start with the contents of main the branch can be created by doing the following:

Note: these steps assume the remote origin points to the official roslyn repository.

> git fetch origin
> git checkout -B init origin/main
> git push origin init:features/mono

Adding branch to Azure Pipelines

The following files need to be edited in order for GitHub to trigger Azure Pipelines Test runs on PRs:

Under the pr section in the file add your branch name.

- main
- main-vs-deps
- ...
- features/mono