Lottie-Windows is a library (and related tools) for rendering Lottie animations on Windows 10.
Обновлено 2024-08-26 20:47:33 +03:00
Windows Composition Samples the place for getting the latest code samples and demos using Windows.UI.Xaml and Windows.UI.Composition to make beautiful Universal Windows Platform applications.
Обновлено 2024-06-11 00:17:09 +03:00
AlohaKit.Animations is a library designed for .NET MAUI that aims to facilitate the use of animations to developers.
Обновлено 2024-05-20 12:56:45 +03:00
The Xamarin Community Toolkit is a collection of Animations, Behaviors, Converters, and Effects for mobile development with Xamarin.Forms. It simplifies and demonstrates common developer tasks building iOS, Android, and UWP apps with Xamarin.Forms.
Обновлено 2024-05-01 14:41:56 +03:00
Render After Effects animations natively on Android, iOS, MacOS and TvOS for Mobile .NET
Обновлено 2022-03-25 18:55:25 +03:00
**This project is discontinued** Facial AR Remote is a tool that allows you to capture blendshape animations directly from your iPhone X into Unity 3d by use of an app on your phone.
Обновлено 2021-08-26 20:25:35 +03:00
Xamarin.Forms goodlooking UI sample using the new CarouselView (Parallax).
Обновлено 2021-08-25 13:24:42 +03:00
Xamarin Forms Animation Library
Обновлено 2021-05-01 11:43:46 +03:00
Xamarin.Forms goodlooking UI sample.
Обновлено 2019-08-17 18:52:04 +03:00
Custom page transitions in a Xamarin.Forms App
Обновлено 2019-08-02 18:05:27 +03:00
Xamarin.Forms goodlooking UI sample.
Обновлено 2019-07-16 23:02:44 +03:00
Xamarin.Forms goodlooking UI sample
Обновлено 2019-01-07 15:58:05 +03:00
Image Sequencer is an example application demonstrating the use of Imaging SDK’s Image Aligner and Gif Renderer APIs for creating cinemagraph-style animations in animated GIF format. The application has a set of hard coded image sequences to be used for basis of the alignment and animation. User can manipulate the animation by limiting the animated area to a small rectangular section, and by stabilizing the images in order to eliminate camera shake. Animations with still backgrounds and minor repeated movement are commonly called cinemagraphs.
Обновлено 2015-03-24 17:10:23 +03:00
The RSS Reader Example Application demonstrates the use of RSS feed resources from the Internet, and concepts such as tombstoning and dynamically generating and modifying the user interface on the fly. It contains a rich UI with view navigation, search, lists and animations.
Обновлено 2014-11-12 16:30:47 +03:00