An advanced, composable, functional reactive model-view-viewmodel framework for all .NET platforms that is inspired by functional reactive programming. ReactiveUI allows you to abstract mutable state away from your user interfaces, express the idea around a feature in one readable place and improve the testability of your application.
Обновлено 2024-09-15 13:03:43 +03:00
Cross-platform ReactiveUI sample app built for a talk at MSK .NET conf.
Обновлено 2024-09-15 12:54:06 +03:00
This repository contains the samples for Syncfusion file format Xamarin products and the guide to use them.
Обновлено 2024-07-25 10:12:33 +03:00
This repository contains the Syncfusion Xamarin UI control’s samples and the guide to use them.
Обновлено 2024-07-25 09:44:45 +03:00
The Syncfusion Essential Studio for Xamarin Visual Studio for Mac extensions that allow you to create the Xamarin application in Visual Studio for Mac with the Syncfusion components.
Обновлено 2024-07-24 12:52:27 +03:00
Xamarin Samples for Surface Duo SDK
Обновлено 2024-05-08 18:55:43 +03:00
The Xamarin Community Toolkit is a collection of Animations, Behaviors, Converters, and Effects for mobile development with Xamarin.Forms. It simplifies and demonstrates common developer tasks building iOS, Android, and UWP apps with Xamarin.Forms.
Обновлено 2024-05-01 14:41:56 +03:00
Xamarin.Forms Official Home
Обновлено 2024-04-29 22:34:38 +03:00
A Todo app using Uno WebAssembly Renderers for Blazor Native
Обновлено 2023-11-08 23:28:34 +03:00
Azure Notification Hubs Sample for Xamarin Forms
Обновлено 2023-11-03 16:38:56 +03:00
Cross-Platform 360 Degree Panoramic Sketching App
Обновлено 2023-09-21 20:28:00 +03:00
A curated list of awesome Xamarin.Forms libraries and resources
Обновлено 2023-08-06 12:52:15 +03:00
Xamarin.Forms Map Application Sample
Обновлено 2023-05-17 12:57:04 +03:00
Sample apps built using the Xamarin.Forms framework
Обновлено 2023-03-03 03:28:02 +03:00
Xamarin.Forms Samples!
Обновлено 2023-02-24 19:27:08 +03:00
The Xamarin.Forms RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) calculator running in WebAssembly
Обновлено 2023-01-16 13:01:41 +03:00
Material de mi sesión "Crear interfaces de usuario atractivas con Xamarin.Forms" en dotNetMálaga 2019
Обновлено 2022-12-08 10:34:59 +03:00
Xamarin.Forms Performance Playground (Layouts, Bindings, XAMLC, etc)
Обновлено 2022-12-08 08:30:43 +03:00
Xamarin docs archive
Обновлено 2022-10-20 13:12:14 +03:00
Connect(); 2018 - AI Visual Provision Sample App
Обновлено 2022-09-21 21:21:06 +03:00
An experimental cross-platform native graphics library.
Обновлено 2022-09-09 00:49:28 +03:00
An experimental cross-platform native graphics library.
Обновлено 2022-09-09 00:49:28 +03:00
Xamarin.Forms goodlooking UI samples
Обновлено 2022-08-09 11:06:48 +03:00
Expense Analysis is a cross-platform demo application built using Xamarin.Forms and Syncfusion controls. This app helps users track and analyze expenses.
Обновлено 2022-03-29 10:06:18 +03:00
Xamarin.Forms good looking UI sample for Surface Duo.
Обновлено 2021-11-19 09:35:18 +03:00
Uno Platform WebAssembly Renderers for Xamarin.Forms
Обновлено 2021-11-16 17:16:13 +03:00
A set of Xamarin.Forms templated controls.
Обновлено 2021-10-31 20:46:32 +03:00
Syncfusion Xamarin.Forms Controls documentation.
Обновлено 2021-10-28 07:04:41 +03:00