The CLR Instrumentation Engine is a cooperation profiler that allows running multiple profiling extensions in the same process.
Обновлено 2024-10-21 22:38:38 +03:00
Repository for CLR Hosting and Diagnostic API native code samples.
Обновлено 2024-05-28 23:53:22 +03:00
Utilities used in the experiments for the DeepCoder paper (ICLR'17)
Обновлено 2022-11-28 22:10:42 +03:00
Pyjion - A JIT for Python based upon CoreCLR
Обновлено 2020-11-17 00:35:53 +03:00
This repo contains the .NET Core runtime, called CoreCLR, and the base library, called mscorlib. It includes the garbage collector, JIT compiler, base .NET data types and many low-level classes.
Обновлено 2019-11-18 15:59:44 +03:00