Loader for different .NET runtimes
Обновлено 2024-09-04 01:52:41 +03:00
⚙️ nanoFramework Interpreter, CLR, HAL, PAL and reference target boards
Обновлено 2024-08-28 03:09:19 +03:00
Python for .NET is a package that gives Python programmers nearly seamless integration with the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR) and provides a powerful application scripting tool for .NET developers.
Обновлено 2024-08-22 14:03:36 +03:00
BPerf is a Cloud Profiling system used by Bing.com based on CoreCLR Profiling APIs & Event Tracing for Windows.
Обновлено 2022-12-08 00:25:30 +03:00