UVAtlas isochart texture atlas
Обновлено 2024-09-15 03:46:08 +03:00
DirectXMesh geometry processing library
Обновлено 2024-09-15 03:43:30 +03:00
The DirectX Tool Kit (aka DirectXTK12) is a collection of helper classes for writing DirectX 12 code in C++
Обновлено 2024-09-14 21:40:53 +03:00
The DirectX Tool Kit (aka DirectXTK) is a collection of helper classes for writing DirectX 11.x code in C++
Обновлено 2024-09-14 21:28:23 +03:00
Effects for Direct3D 11 (FX11) is a management runtime for authoring HLSL shaders, render state, and runtime variables together.
Обновлено 2024-09-14 01:26:42 +03:00
DXUT is a "GLUT"-like framework for Direct3D 11.x Win32 desktop applications; primarily samples, demos, and prototypes.
Обновлено 2024-09-14 00:13:28 +03:00
DirectML is a high-performance, hardware-accelerated DirectX 12 library for machine learning. DirectML provides GPU acceleration for common machine learning tasks across a broad range of supported hardware and drivers, including all DirectX 12-capable GPUs from vendors such as AMD, Intel, NVIDIA, and Qualcomm.
Обновлено 2024-09-13 19:54:55 +03:00
This repo hosts the source for the DirectX Shader Compiler which is based on LLVM/Clang.
Обновлено 2024-09-12 22:04:41 +03:00
Antares: an automatic engine for multi-platform kernel generation and optimization. Supporting CPU, CUDA, ROCm, DirectX12, GraphCore, SYCL for CPU/GPU, OpenCL for AMD/NVIDIA, Android CPU/GPU backends.
Обновлено 2024-09-12 13:40:21 +03:00
DirectXMath is an all inline SIMD C++ linear algebra library for use in games and graphics apps
Обновлено 2024-09-11 21:51:11 +03:00
DirectX Capabilities Viewer utility (dxcapsviewer.exe)
Обновлено 2024-09-11 21:50:16 +03:00
This repo contains the DirectX Graphics samples that demonstrate how to build graphics intensive applications on Windows.
Обновлено 2024-09-01 18:23:31 +03:00
This repo hosts the source for the DirectX Shader Compiler which is based on LLVM/Clang.
Обновлено 2024-03-13 22:29:31 +03:00
A 3D DirectX game for the Universal Windows Platform.
Обновлено 2023-06-13 20:54:03 +03:00
Sample to show import and DirectX rendering for glTF files
Обновлено 2023-06-12 22:30:26 +03:00
DirectX shader bytecode cross compiler
Обновлено 2020-09-24 00:14:04 +03:00