Tasks app for Nextcloud
Обновлено 2024-09-18 04:41:43 +03:00
Task runner in JS monorepos
Обновлено 2024-09-15 08:08:54 +03:00
Kendo Theme Tasks
Обновлено 2024-09-01 18:18:31 +03:00
A Node task which reformats and adds metadata to raw data 🎼 🖊️
Обновлено 2024-05-15 21:59:11 +03:00
A grunt task to check l10n .po files for unexpected/malformed HTML.
Обновлено 2023-10-19 23:36:50 +03:00
A free social network for task management (no longor maintained)
Обновлено 2019-12-16 13:44:14 +03:00
DEPRECATED - Notifications for NSS on Taskcluster
Обновлено 2019-04-03 18:55:37 +03:00
Streamline CI setup for your React Native app using a set of useful pre-defined build steps.
Обновлено 2019-03-12 09:19:10 +03:00
Streamline CI setup for your Apache Cordova, PhoneGap, Ionic, or Cordova CLI compatible app using a set of useful pre-defined build steps for VS Team Services or TFS
Обновлено 2019-03-12 09:17:25 +03:00
An internal utility package exporting gulp tasks for the Kendo React components infrastructure
Обновлено 2018-10-08 19:19:48 +03:00
An utility package exporting gulp tasks for Kendo UI NPM packages
Обновлено 2018-08-22 10:08:59 +03:00
INACTIVE - http://mzl.la/ghe-archive - Common build tasks and configuration files for the node-firefox project
Обновлено 2015-09-28 13:53:18 +03:00
INACTIVE - http://mzl.la/ghe-archive - This Github repo is used to track assets and tasks related to the mobile opportunity research project.
Обновлено 2015-01-10 20:40:37 +03:00
Beautiful concurrency for JavaScript
Обновлено 2013-11-28 11:37:13 +04:00