EF Core is a modern object-database mapper for .NET. It supports LINQ queries, change tracking, updates, and schema migrations.
Обновлено 2024-09-18 23:38:04 +03:00
This is the codebase for Entity Framework 6 (previously maintained at https://entityframework.codeplex.com). Entity Framework Core is maintained at https://github.com/dotnet/efcore.
Обновлено 2024-09-16 17:04:37 +03:00
A GitHub Action to facilitate configuring MSBuild in the workflow PATH for building .NET Framework applications.
Обновлено 2024-06-12 16:09:14 +03:00
📦 nanoFramework Windows.Devices.Spi Class Library
Обновлено 2022-03-30 13:59:55 +03:00
SmartHotel360 - Registration (AKS with Windows Containers)
Обновлено 2020-02-05 02:24:20 +03:00