2017-10-26 21:15:56 +03:00
Bumps the version number of GitHub for Visual Studio
By default , just bumps the last component of the version number by one . An
alternate version number can be specified on the command line .
The new version number is committed to the local repository and pushed to
GitHub .
Param (
# It would be nice to use our Validate-Version function here, but we
# can't because this Param definition has to come before any other code in the
# file.
2017-10-28 19:57:41 +03:00
[ ValidateScript ( { ( $_ . Major -ge 0 ) -and ( $_ . Minor -ge 0 ) -and ( $_ . Build -ge 0 ) } ) ]
2017-10-26 21:15:56 +03:00
[ System.Version ]
$NewVersion = $null
[ switch ]
$BumpMajor = $false
[ switch ]
$BumpMinor = $false
[ switch ]
$BumpPatch = $false
[ string ]
[ switch ]
2017-10-28 19:57:41 +03:00
$Push = $false
2017-10-26 21:15:56 +03:00
[ switch ]
$Force = $false
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
$scriptsDirectory = Split-Path $MyInvocation . MyCommand . Path
$modulesPath = ( Join-Path $scriptsDirectory Modules )
$env:PATH = " $scriptsDirectory ; $modulesPath ; $env:PATH "
$env:PSModulePath = $env:PSModulePath + " ; $modulesPath "
Import-Module " $modulesPath \wix "
Import-Module " $modulesPath \vsix "
$rootDirectory = Split-Path ( $scriptsDirectory )
$sourceDirectory = Join-Path $rootDirectory src \ GitHub . VisualStudio
. $scriptsDirectory \ common . ps1
function Die([string]$message , [ object[] ] $output ) {
if ( $output ) {
Write-Output $output
$message + = " . See output above. "
Write-Error $message
exit 1
function Validate-Version([System.Version]$version ) {
2017-10-28 19:57:41 +03:00
( $version . Major -ge 0 ) -and ( $version . Minor -ge 0 ) -and ( $version . Build -ge 0 )
2017-10-26 21:15:56 +03:00
function Bump-Version {
Param (
[ ValidateScript ( { Validate-Version $_ } ) ]
[ System.Version ]
[ System.Version ]
if ( $proposedVersion ) {
if ( $currentVersion -ge $proposedVersion ) {
Die " Proposed version $proposedVersion is not higher than the current version $currentVersion "
return $proposedVersion
if ( $BumpMajor ) {
2017-10-28 19:57:41 +03:00
New-Object -TypeName System . Version -ArgumentList ( $currentVersion . Major + 1 ) , $currentVersion . Minor , $currentVersion . Build , 0
2017-10-26 21:15:56 +03:00
} elseif ( $BumpMinor ) {
2017-10-28 19:57:41 +03:00
New-Object -TypeName System . Version -ArgumentList $currentVersion . Major , ( $currentVersion . Minor + 1 ) , $currentVersion . Build , 0
2017-10-26 21:15:56 +03:00
} elseif ( $BumpPatch ) {
2017-10-28 19:57:41 +03:00
New-Object -TypeName System . Version -ArgumentList $currentVersion . Major , $currentVersion . Minor , ( $currentVersion . Build + 1 ) , 0
2017-10-26 21:15:56 +03:00
function Read-CurrentVersion {
$element = Get-ApplicationVersionElement ( Get-CsprojXml )
[ System.Version ] $element . InnerText
function Get-CsprojPath {
Join-Path $sourceDirectory GitHub . VisualStudio . csproj
function Get-CsprojXml {
$xmlLines = Get-Content ( Get-CsprojPath )
# If we don't explicitly join the lines with CRLF, comments in the XML will
# end up with LF line-endings, which will make Git spew a warning when we
# try to commit the version bump.
$xmlText = $xmlLines -join [ System.Environment ] :: NewLine
[ xml ] $xmlText
function Get-ApplicationVersionElement([xml]$csproj ) {
$xmlns = New-Object Xml . XmlNamespaceManager ( $csproj . NameTable )
$xmlns . AddNamespace ( " vs " , $csproj . Project . xmlns )
$nodeList = $csproj . SelectNodes ( " /vs:Project/vs:PropertyGroup/vs:ApplicationVersion " , $xmlns )
if ( $nodeList . Count -ne 1 ) {
throw ( " Expected only one ApplicationVersion element, but found {0} " -f $nodeList . Count )
$nodeList . Item ( 0 )
function Write-VersionCsproj {
Param (
[ ValidateScript ( { Validate-Version $_ } ) ]
[ System.Version ]
$document = Get-CsprojXml disk
$element = Get-ApplicationVersionElement $document
$element . InnerText = $version . ToString ( )
$document . Save ( ( Get-CsprojPath ) )
function Write-VersionVsixManifest {
Param (
[ ValidateScript ( { Validate-Version $_ } ) ]
[ System.Version ]
$document = Get-VsixManifestXml
$numberOfReplacements = 0
$document . PackageManifest . Metadata . Identity . Version = $version . ToString ( )
$document . Save ( ( Get-VsixManifestPath ) )
function Write-VersionInstaller {
Param (
[ ValidateScript ( { Validate-Version $_ } ) ]
[ System.Version ]
$content = @"
< ? xml version = " 1.0 " encoding = " utf-8 " ? >
< Include >
< ? define VersionNumber = " $version " ? >
< / Include >
" @
$file = Get-WiXVersionFile
$content | Set-Content $file
function Write-VersionAssemblyInfo {
Param (
[ ValidateScript ( { Validate-Version $_ } ) ]
[ System.Version ]
$assemblyInfo = Join-Path $rootDirectory " src\common\SolutionInfo.cs "
Write-Output $assemblyInfo
$numberOfReplacements = 0
$newContent = Get-Content $assemblyInfo | % {
$newString = $_
$regex = " (const string Version = ) `" \d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+ `" ; "
if ( $_ -match $regex ) {
$numberOfReplacements + +
$newString = $_ -replace $regex , " `$ 1 `" $version `" ; "
2017-10-28 19:57:41 +03:00
if ( $numberOfReplacements -ne 1 ) {
Die " Expected to replace the version number in 1 place in SolutionInfo.cs (AssemblyVersion, AssemblyFileVersion, const string Version) but actually replaced it in $numberOfReplacements "
2017-10-26 21:15:56 +03:00
$newContent | Set-Content $assemblyInfo
function Write-Version {
Param (
[ ValidateScript ( { Validate-Version $_ } ) ]
[ System.Version ]
Write-VersionCsproj $version
Write-VersionVsixManifest $version
Write-VersionInstaller $version
Write-VersionAssemblyInfo $version
function Commit-VersionBump {
Param (
[ ValidateScript ( { Validate-Version $_ } ) ]
[ System.Version ]
Write-Output " Committing version bump... "
Push-Location $rootDirectory
$output = Start-Process $git " commit --all --message "" Bump version to $version "" " -wait -NoNewWindow -ErrorAction Continue -PassThru
if ( $output . ExitCode -ne 0 ) {
Die " Error committing version bump "
if ( ! $Force ) {
Require-CleanWorkTree " bump version "
if ( ! $ ? -or ( $LastExitCode -ne 0 ) ) {
exit 1
2017-10-28 19:57:41 +03:00
if ( ! $BumpMajor -and ! $BumpMinor -and ! $BumpPatch -and ( $NewVersion -eq $null -or ! ( Validate-Version ( $NewVersion ) ) ) ) {
Die " You need to indicate which part of the version to update via -BumpMajor/-BumpMinor/-BumpPatch flags or a custom version via -NewVersion "
2017-10-26 21:15:56 +03:00
$currentVersion = Read-CurrentVersion
$NewVersion = Bump-Version $currentVersion $NewVersion
Write-Version $NewVersion
Commit-VersionBump $NewVersion
2017-10-28 19:57:41 +03:00
if ( $Push ) {
2017-10-26 21:15:56 +03:00
Push-Changes $Branch