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Changes in D3 4.0

N.B.: This document is a work-in-progress. It does not yet cover all API changes.


D3 3.x was a monolithic library: the core functionality resided in a single repository and was published in a single file. It was possible to create a custom build using a nonstandard tool, but not easy and few did. (There were also plugins, but these could only add features and had their own monolithic repository.)

D3 4.0 is modular. Instead of one library, D3 is now many small libraries that are designed to work together. You can pick and choose which parts to use as you see fit. Each library is maintained in a separate repository, allowing decentralized ownership and independent release cycles. Want to own a new repository in the D3 organization? Let me know!

The default bundle of D3 4.0 conveniently aggregates about thirty of these microlibraries.

<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v4.0.0-alpha.49.min.js"></script>

As before, you can load optional plugins on top of the default bundle, such as ColorBrewer scales:

<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v4.0.0-alpha.49.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3-scale-chromatic.v0.3.min.js"></script>

But now in 4.0, you dont have to use the default bundle! Custom bundles are useful for applications that use a subset of D3s features; for example, a React charting library might use D3s scales and shapes, but use React instead of selections to manipulate the DOM. Or if youre just using d3-selection, its only 5KB instead of 64KB for the default bundle. You can load D3 microlibraries using vanilla script tags or RequireJS (great for HTTP/2!):

<script src="https://d3js.org/d3-selection.v0.8.min.js"></script>

You can cat D3 microlibraries into a custom bundle, or use tools such as Webpack or Rollup to create optimized bundles. The D3 microlibraries are written as ES6 modules, and Rollup lets you pick at the symbol level to produce the smallest bundles!

Small files are nice, but modularity is also about making D3 fun again. Microlibraries are easier to understand, develop and test. They make it easier for new people to get involved and contribute. They reduce the distinction between a “core module” and a “plugin”, and increase the pace of development in D3 features.

If you dont care about modularity, you can mostly ignore this change and keep using the default bundle. However, theres an unavoidable consequence of adopting ES6 modules: every symbol in D3 4.0 now shares a flat namespace rather than the nested one of D3 3.x. For example, d3.scale.linear is now d3.scaleLinear, and d3.layout.treemap is now d3.treemap. The adoption of ES6 modules also means that D3 is now written exclusively in strict mode and has better readability. And there have been many other significant improvements to D3s features! (Nearly all of the code from D3 3.x has been rewritten.) These changes are covered in the sections below.

The default D3 UMD bundle is now anonymous, rather being named “d3”. No d3 global is exported if AMD or CommonJS is detected. In a vanilla environment, the D3 microlibraries share the d3 global, meaning the code you write for the default D3 bundle works identically if you load the modules separately. (See Lets Make a (D3) Plugin for more.) The generated UMD bundles are no longer stored in the Git repository; Bower has been repointed to d3-bower, and you can find the generated files on npmcdn or attached to the latest release. The non-minified default bundle is no longer mangled, making it more readable and preserving inline comments.

To the consternation of some users, D3 3.x employed Unicode variable names such as τ and π for a concise representation of mathematical operations. A downside of this approach was that a SyntaxError would occur if you loaded the non-minified D3 using ISO-8859-1 instead of UTF-8. D3 3.x also used Unicode string literals, such as the SI-prefix µ for 1e-6. D3 4.0 uses only ASCII variable names and ASCII string literals (see rollup-plugin-ascii), avoiding these encoding problems.

Arrays (d3-array)

The new d3.scan method performs a linear scan of an array, returning the index of the least element according to the specified comparator. This is similar to d3.min and d3.max, except you can use it to find the position of an extreme element, rather than just calculate an extreme value.

var data = [
  {name: "Alice", value: 2},
  {name: "Bob", value: 3},
  {name: "Carol", value: 1},
  {name: "Dwayne", value: 5}

var i = d3.scan(data, function(a, b) { return a.value - b.value; }); // 2
data[i]; // {name: "Carol", value: 1}

The new d3.ticks and d3.tickStep methods are useful for generating human-readable numeric ticks. These methods are a low-level alternative to continuous.ticks from d3-scale. The new implementation is also more accurate, returning the optimal number of ticks as measured by relative error.

var ticks = d3.ticks(0, 10, 5); // [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

The d3.range method no longer makes an elaborate attempt to avoid floating-point error when step is not an integer. The returned values are strictly defined as start + i * step, where i is an integer. (Learn more about floating point math.) d3.range returns the empty array for infinite ranges, rather than throwing an error.

The method signature for optional accessors has been changed to be more consistent with array methods such as array.forEach: the accessor is passed the current element (d), the index (i), and the array (data), with this as undefined. This affects d3.min, d3.max, d3.extent, d3.sum, d3.mean, d3.median, d3.quantile, d3.variance and d3.deviation. The d3.quantile method previously did not take an accessor. Some methods with optional arguments now treat those arguments as missing if they are null or undefined, rather than strictly checking arguments.length.


The new d3.histogram API replaces d3.layout.histogram. Rather than exposing bin.x and bin.dx on each returned bin, the histogram exposes bin.x0 and bin.x1, guaranteeing that bin.x0 is exactly equal to bin.x1 on the preceeding bin. The “frequency” and “probability” modes are no longer supported; each bin is simply an array of elements from the input data, so bin.length is equal to D3 3.xs bin.y in frequency mode. To compute a probability distribution, divide the number of elements in each bin by the total number of elements.

The histogram.range method has been renamed histogram.domain for consistency with scales. The histogram.bins method has been renamed histogram.thresholds, and no longer accepts an upper value: n thresholds will produce n + 1 bins. If you specify a desired number of bins rather than thresholds, d3.histogram now uses d3.ticks to compute nice bin thresholds. In addition to the default Sturges formula, D3 now implements the Freedman-Diaconis rule and Scotts normal reference rule.

Axes (d3-axis)

To render axes properly in D3 3.x, you needed to style them:


.axis path,
.axis line {
  fill: none;
  stroke: #000;
  shape-rendering: crispEdges;

.axis text {
  font: 10px sans-serif;




If you didnt, you saw this:

D3 4.0 provides default styles and shorter syntax. In place of d3.svg.axis and axis.orient, D3 4.0 now provides four constructors for each orientation: d3.axisTop, d3.axisRight, d3.axisBottom, d3.axisLeft. These constructors accept a scale, so you can reduce all of the above to:




And get this:

As before, you can customize the axis appearance either by applying stylesheets or by modifying the axis elements. The default appearance has been changed slightly to offset the axis by a half-pixel; this fixes a crisp-edges rendering issue on Safari where the axis would be drawn two-pixels thick.

Theres now an axis.tickArguments method, as an alternative to axis.ticks that also allows the axis tick arguments to be inspected. The axis.tickSize method has been changed to only allow a single argument when setting the tick size; use axis.tickSizeInner or axis.tickSizeOuter to set the inner and outer tick size separately.

Brushes (d3-brush)


  • d3.svg.brush, brush.x, brush.y ↦ d3.brush, d3.brushX, d3.brushY
  • brush.event ↦ brush.move
  • brushstart event ↦ start event
  • brushend event ↦ end event
  • add brush.handleSize
  • add brush.filter
  • improve the default appearance of the brush
  • simplify the internal structure of the brush slightly (still customizable?)
  • change the structure of brush events, no longer reports “mode”
  • improve brush interaction - ignore right-click, SHIFT to lock x/y, META for new brush
  • brushes no longer use scales; they operate in screen coordinates
  • brushes no longer store state internally; it is stored on applied elements
  • remove brush.clamp; always clamps to the brushable region
  • consume handled events

Chords (d3-chord)


This module is not yet implemented in D3 4.0, but Im working on it.

  • d3.svg.chord ↦ d3.ribbon
  • d3.layout.chord ↦ d3.chord

Collections (d3-collection)

The d3.set constructor now accepts an existing set for making a copy. If you pass an array to d3.set, you can also pass a value accessor. This accessor takes the standard arguments: the current element (d), the index (i), and the array (data), with this undefined. For example:

var yields = [
  {yield: 22.13333, variety: "Manchuria",        year: 1932, site: "Grand Rapids"},
  {yield: 26.76667, variety: "Peatland",         year: 1932, site: "Grand Rapids"},
  {yield: 28.10000, variety: "No. 462",          year: 1931, site: "Duluth"},
  {yield: 38.50000, variety: "Svansota",         year: 1932, site: "Waseca"},
  {yield: 40.46667, variety: "Svansota",         year: 1931, site: "Crookston"},
  {yield: 29.86667, variety: "Peatland",         year: 1931, site: "Morris"},
  {yield: 36.03333, variety: "Peatland",         year: 1932, site: "Waseca"},
  {yield: 34.46667, variety: "Wisconsin No. 38", year: 1931, site: "Grand Rapids"}

var sites = d3.set(yields, function(d) { return d.site; }); // Grand Rapids, Duluth, Waseca, Crookston, Morris

The d3.map constructor also follows the standard array accessor argument pattern.

The map.forEach and set.forEach methods have been renamed to map.each and set.each respectively. The order of arguments for map.each has also been changed to value, key and map, while the order of arguments for set.each is now value, value and set. This is closer to ES6 map.forEach and set.forEach. Also like ES6 Map and Set, map.set and set.add now return the current collection (rather than the added value) to facilitate method chaining. New map.clear and set.clear methods can be used to empty collections.

The nest.map method now always returns a d3.map instance. For a plain object, use nest.object instead. When used in conjunction with nest.rollup, nest.entries now returns {key, value} objects for the leaf entries, instead of {key, values}. This makes nest.rollup easier to use in conjunction with hierarchies, as in this Nest Treemap example.

Colors (d3-color)

All colors now have opacity exposed as color.opacity, which is a number in [0, 1]. You can pass an optional opacity argument to the color space constructors d3.rgb, d3.hsl, d3.lab, d3.hcl or d3.cubehelix.

You can now parse rgba(…) and hsla(…) CSS color specifiers or the string “transparent” using d3.color. The “transparent” color is defined as an RGB color with zero opacity and undefined red, green and blue channels; this differs slightly from CSS which defines it as transparent black, but is useful for simplifying color interpolation logic where either the starting or ending color has undefined channels. The color.toString method now likewise returns an rgb(…) or rgba(…) string with integer channel values, not the hexadecimal RGB format, consistent with CSS computed values. This improves performance by short-circuiting transitions when the elements starting style matches its ending style.

The new d3.color method is the primary method for parsing colors: it returns a d3.color instance in the appropriate color space, or null if the CSS color specifier is invalid. For example:

var red = d3.color("hsl(0, 80%, 50%)"); // {h: 0, l: 0.5, s: 0.8, opacity: 1}

The parsing implementation is now more robust. For example, you can no longer mix integers and percentages in rgb(…), and it correctly handles whitespace, decimal points, number signs, and other edge cases. The color space constructors d3.rgb, d3.hsl, d3.lab, d3.hcl and d3.cubehelix now always return a copy of the input color, converted to the corresponding color space. While color.rgb remains, rgb.hsl has been removed; use d3.hsl to convert a color to the RGB color space.

The RGB color space no longer greedily quantizes and clamps channel values when creatign colors, improving accuracy in color space conversion. Quantization and clamping instead occurs in color.toString when formatting a color for display. You can use the new color.displayable to test whether a color is out-of-gamut.

The rgb.brighter method no longer special-cases black. This is a multiplicative operator, defining a new color r, g, b where r = r × pow(0.7, k), g = g × pow(0.7, k) and b = b × pow(0.7, k); thus, a brighter black is still black.

Theres a new d3.cubehelix color space, generalizing Dave Greens color scheme. You can continue to define your own custom color spaces, too; see d3-hsv for an example.

Dispatches (d3-dispatch)


  • dispatch.type.call(…) ↦ dispatch.call(type, …)
  • dispatch.type.apply(…) ↦ dispatch.apply(type, …)
  • dispatch.on now accepts multiple typenames (like the new selection.on)
  • add dispatch.copy, useful for copy-on-rwrite semantics
  • fewer closures; better performance
  • better error detection (invalid callbacks, illegal types)

Dragging (d3-drag)


  • d3.behavior.drag ↦ d3.drag
  • add drag.filter
  • add drag.subject - for Canvas-based dragging
  • add drag.container - for Canvas-based dragging, or avoiding feedback loop
  • ignore emulated mouse events on iOS
  • dragstart event ↦ start event
  • dragend event ↦ end event
  • add d3.dragEnable, d3.dragDisable - dealing with browser quirks
  • new event.active property makes it easier to tell if any active gesture
  • new event.on lets you register temporary listeners for the current gesture

Delimiter-Separated Values (d3-dsv)


  • dsv.parse now exposes column names as data.columns; available to row conversion functions
  • dsv.format now takes an optional array of column names, useful for filtering and ordering columns
  • dsv.format coerces input values to strings, fixing a crash in a pathological case like this:
d3.tsvFormat([{foo: {toString: function() { return "\"foo\""; }}}]);
  • d3.csv.parse ↦ d3.csvParse
  • d3.csv.parseRows ↦ d3.csvParseRows
  • d3.csv.format ↦ d3.csvFormat
  • d3.csv.formatRows ↦ d3.csvFormatRows
  • d3.tsv.parse ↦ d3.tsvParse
  • d3.tsv.parseRows ↦ d3.tsvParseRows
  • d3.tsv.format ↦ d3.tsvFormat
  • d3.tsv.formatRows ↦ d3.tsvFormatRows
  • d3.dsv(delimiter) ↦ d3.dsvFormat(delimiter)
  • removed deprecated support for dsv.format(rows); use dsv.formatRows instead.
  • improved performance

Easings (d3-ease)


symbols instead of strings:

  • d3.ease("linear-in") ↦ d3.easeLinearIn
  • d3.ease("poly-in") ↦ d3.easePolyIn
  • d3.ease("quad-in") ↦ d3.easeQuadIn
  • d3.ease("cubic-in") ↦ d3.easeCubicIn
  • d3.ease("sin-in") ↦ d3.easeSinIn
  • d3.ease("exp-in") ↦ d3.easeExpIn
  • d3.ease("circle-in") ↦ d3.easeCircleIn
  • d3.ease("elastic-in") ↦ d3.easeElasticIn
  • d3.ease("back-in") ↦ d3.easeBackIn
  • d3.ease("bounce-in") ↦ d3.easeBounceIn

applies to the various modes (-in, -out, -in-out), too, e.g.:

  • d3.ease("cubic-in") -> d3.easeCubicIn
  • d3.ease("cubic-out") -> d3.easeCubicOut
  • d3.ease("cubic-in-out") -> d3.easeCubicInOut

sensible defaults if no mode, instead of always -in:

  • d3.easeQuad ↦ d3.easeQuadInOut
  • d3.easeCubic ↦ d3.easeCubicInOut
  • d3.easePoly ↦ d3.easePolyInOut
  • d3.easeSin ↦ d3.easeSinInOut
  • d3.easeExp ↦ d3.easeExpInOut
  • d3.easeCircle ↦ d3.easeCircleInOut
  • d3.easeBounce ↦ d3.easeBounceOut
  • d3.easeBack ↦ d3.easeBackInOut
  • d3.easeElastic ↦ d3.easeElasticOut

fix confusion around elastic, bounce and back easing:

  • “elastic-out” ↦ d3.easeElasticIn
  • “elastic-in” ↦ d3.easeElasticOut
  • “elastic-out-in” ↦ d3.easeElasticInOut
  • “bounce-out” ↦ d3.easeBounceIn
  • “bounce-in” ↦ d3.easeBounceOut
  • “bounce-out-in” ↦ d3.easeBounceInOut
  • remove “-out-in” easing mode
  • fix default overshoot parameter for backInOut
  • fix period parameter interpretation for elasticInOut

named optional parameters:

  • d3.ease("poly", k) ↦ d3.easePoly.exponent(k)
  • d3.ease("elastic", a, p) ↦ d3.easeElastic.amplitude(a).period(p)
  • d3.ease("back", s) ↦ d3.easeBack.overshoot(s)

other improvements:

Forces (d3-force)


  • velocity verlet instead of position verlet
  • deterministic initialization and forces; D3 does not play dice!
  • d3.layout.force ↦ d3.forceSimulation
  • force.friction ↦ force.drag

the simulation is extensible rather than hard-coding several forces:

  • force.gravity ↦ d3.forceX, d3.forceY
  • force.charge ↦ d3.forceManyBody
  • force.link ↦ d3.forceLink
  • new d3.forceCenter
  • new d3.forceCollision - more stable than prior examples, too
  • new forceManyBody.distanceMin

the new forces are more flexible, and better:

  • force strengths can typically be configured per-node or per-link
  • separate positioning forces for x and y
  • better default link strength and bias heuristics to improve stability

easier controls for heating and cooling the layout:

  • simulation.alpha
  • simulation.alphaMin - control when the internal timer stops
  • simulation.alphaDecay - control how quickly the simulation cools
  • simulation.alphaTarget - smooth reheating during interaction!

better controls for starting and stopping the internal timer, independent of heat:

  • simulation.restart
  • simulation.stop
  • simulation.tick

the dependency on the drag behavior is removed. instead:

  • simulation.fix
  • simulation.unfix
  • simulation.unfixAll
  • simulation.find

Number Formats (d3-format)


  • treat negative zero (-0) and very small numbers that round to zero as unsigned zero
  • the c directive is now for character data (i.e., literals), not for character codes
  • the b and d directives now round to the nearest integer rather than returning the empty string
  • new ( sign option uses parentheses for negative values
  • new = align option places any sign and symbol to the left of any padding
  • improve accuracy by relying on number.toExponential to extract the mantissa and exponent
  • locales are now published as JSON data; can load from npmcdn.com if desired

changed the behavior for default precision. now 6 for all directives except none, which defaults to 12. none is a new directive type that is like g except it trims insignificant trailing zeros. d3.round and d3.requote are now removed.

new methods for computing the suggested decimal precision for formatting values (used by d3-scale for tick formatting)

  • d3.precisionFixed
  • d3.precisionPrefix
  • d3.precisionRound

new d3.formatSpecifier method for parsing, validating and debugging format specifiers. also good for deriving related format specifiers, such as when you want to set the precision automatically.

quite a few more changes… TODO describe them

Geographies (d3-geo)


This module is not yet implemented in D3 4.0, but Im working on it.

  • d3.geo.graticule ↦ d3.geoGraticule
  • graticule.majorExtent ↦ graticule.extentMajor
  • graticule.minorExtent ↦ graticule.extentMinor
  • graticule.majorStep ↦ graticule.stepMajor
  • graticule.minorStep ↦ graticule.stepMinor
  • d3.geo.circle ↦ d3.geoCircle
  • circle.origin ↦ circle.center
  • circle.angle ↦ circle.radius
  • d3.geo.area ↦ d3.geoArea
  • d3.geo.bounds ↦ d3.geoBounds
  • d3.geo.centroid ↦ d3.geoCentroid
  • d3.geo.distance ↦ d3.geoDistance
  • d3.geo.interpolate ↦ d3.geoInterpolate
  • d3.geo.length ↦ d3.geoLength
  • d3.geo.rotation ↦ d3.geoRotation
  • d3.geo.stream ↦ d3.geoStream
  • d3.geo.path ↦ d3.geoPath
  • d3.geo.projection ↦ d3.geoProjection
  • d3.geo.projectionMutator ↦ d3.geoProjectionMutator?


  • d3.geo.albers ↦ d3.geoAlbers
  • d3.geo.albersUsa ↦ d3.geoAlbersUsa
  • d3.geo.azimuthalEqualArea ↦ d3.geoAzimuthalEqualArea
  • d3.geo.azimuthalEquidistant ↦ d3.geoAzimuthalEquidistant
  • d3.geo.conicConformal ↦ d3.geoConicConformal
  • d3.geo.conicEqualArea ↦ d3.geoConicEqualArea
  • d3.geo.conicEquidistant ↦ d3.geoConicEquidistant
  • d3.geo.equirectangular ↦ d3.geoEquirectangular
  • d3.geo.gnomonic ↦ d3.geoGnomonic
  • d3.geo.mercator ↦ d3.geoMercator
  • d3.geo.orthographic ↦ d3.geoOrthographic
  • d3.geo.stereographic ↦ d3.geoStereographic
  • d3.geo.transverseMercator ↦ d3.geoTransverseMercator

Raw projections:

  • d3.geo.azimuthalEqualArea.raw ↦ d3.geoRawAzimuthalEqualArea
  • d3.geo.azimuthalEquidistant.raw ↦ d3.geoRawAzimuthalEquidistant
  • d3.geo.conicConformal.raw ↦ d3.geoRawConicConformal
  • d3.geo.conicEqualArea.raw ↦ d3.geoRawConicEqualArea
  • d3.geo.conicEquidistant.raw ↦ d3.geoRawConicEquidistant
  • d3.geo.equirectangular.raw ↦ d3.geoRawEquirectangular
  • d3.geo.gnomonic.raw ↦ d3.geoRawGnomonic
  • d3.geo.mercator.raw ↦ d3.geoRawMercator
  • d3.geo.orthographic.raw ↦ d3.geoRawOrthographic
  • d3.geo.stereographic.raw ↦ d3.geoRawStereographic
  • d3.geo.transverseMercator.raw ↦ d3.geoRawTransverseMercator

A new d3.geoPipeline API is in development for D3 5.0.

Hierarchies (d3-hierarchy)


  • d3.layout.cluster ↦ d3.cluster
  • d3.layout.hierarchy ↦ d3.hierarchy
  • d3.layout.pack ↦ d3.pack
  • d3.layout.partition ↦ d3.partition
  • d3.layout.tree ↦ d3.tree
  • d3.layout.treemap ↦ d3.treemap
  • new d3.stratify API for converting tabular data to hierarchies!
  • new d3.hierarchy API for working with hierarchical data!
  • new treemap.tile - the treemap tiling algorithms are now extensible
  • reimplemented squarified treemaps, fixing bugs with padding and rounding
  • reimplemented circle-packing layout, fixing major bugs and improving results
  • new d3.treemapBinary for binary treemaps
  • new d3.packSiblings for circle-packing (non-hierarchical circles)
  • new d3.packEnclose uses Welzls algorithm to compute the exact enclosing circle
  • treemap.sticky ↦ d3.treemapResquarify
  • new treemap padding parameters, distinguishing parent and sibling padding
  • new nested treemap example
  • new treemap + d3.nest example
  • new partition padding parameter
  • space-filling layouts now output x0, x1, y0, y1 instead of x0, dx, y0, dy; better accuracy
  • d3.layout.bundle ↦ node.path
  • see d3.curveBundle in d3-shape for hierarchical edge bundling

Interpolators (d3-interpolate)


d3.interpolates behavior is now faster and more precisely defined. d3.interpolators ↦ REMOVED; d3.interpolate is no longer extensible.

  • If b is null, undefined or type "boolean", use the constant b.
  • If b is type "number", use d3.interpolateNumber.
  • If b is a d3.color instance or type "string" and can be parsed by d3.color, use d3.interpolateRgb.
  • If b is a string, use d3.interpolateString.
  • If b is an array, use d3.interpolateArray.
  • Use d3.interpolateObject.

new transform interpolation methods for CSS, as well as SVG. d3-transition automatically picks the right one…

  • d3.transform ↦ REMOVED
  • d3.interpolateTransform ↦ d3.interpolateTransformSvg
  • new d3.interpolateTransformCss

b-spline interpolation

  • add d3.quantize
  • add d3.interpolateBasis
  • add d3.interpolateBasisClosed
  • add d3.interpolateRgbBasis
  • add d3.interpolateRgbBasisClosed

color space interpolation

  • color interpolation now observes opacity (see d3-color)!
  • better, more consistent behavior when either a or bs color channel is undefined
  • add “long” versions of interpolators for color spaces with hue angles
  • Cubehelix (with optional gamma parameter) is now supported by default
  • color interpolators now return rgb(…) or rgba(…) strings (matching color.toString)
  • use named parameters, e.g., d3.interpolateCubehelixGamma ↦ d3.interpolateCubehelix.gamma
  • new d3.interpolateRgb.gamma for gamma-corrected RGB interpolation

better object and array interpolation…

  • when b has fewer properties or elements than a
  • when a or b is undefined or not an object or array

Paths (d3-path)


This is a new repository that provides an implementation of the CanvasPathMethods API, allowing you to write code once that can render to either Canvas or SVG. Its used by d3-shape and d3-chord.

Polygons (d3-polygon)


Theres no longer a d3.geom.polygon constructor; instead you just pass an array of vertices to the polygon methods.

  • d3.geom.polygon.area ↦ d3.polygonArea
  • d3.geom.polygon.centroid ↦ d3.polygonCentroid
  • d3.geom.polygon.clip ↦ REMOVED
  • added d3.polygonContains
  • added d3.polygonLength

Theres no longer a fancy d3.geom.hull operator. Theres just a method which takes a polygon (an array of vertices):

  • d3.geom.hull ↦ d3.polygonHull

Queues (d3-queue)


  • now part of the default bundle
  • rewritten within fewer closures to improve performance
  • supports instanceof d3.queue
  • more well-defined behavior with certain edge cases

Quadtrees (d3-quadtree)


  • d3.geom.quadtree ↦ d3.quadtree
  • new non-recursive implementation!
  • coincident points are now stored more efficiently
  • internal nodes are now represented more efficiently
  • use node.length to distinguish between leaf and internal nodes
  • theres no longer a quadtree operator and a quadtree; theres just a mutable quadtree
  • new quadtree.remove - remove points from the quadtree!
  • new quadtree.extent, quadtree.cover - increase the extent of the quadtree after creation!
  • new quadtree.addAll, quadtree.removeAll - bulk methods for adding and remove points
  • new quadtree.copy
  • quadtree.find now takes a search radius
  • new quadtree.visitAll for post-order traversal

Random Numbers (d3-random)


  • d3.random.normal ↦ d3.randomNormal
  • d3.random.logNormal ↦ d3.randomLogNormal
  • d3.random.bates ↦ d3.randomBates
  • d3.random.irwinHall ↦ d3.randomIrwinHall
  • new d3.randomExponential
  • new d3.randomUniform
  • optimize d3.randomNormal and d3.randomLogNormal

Requests (d3-request)


  • d3.xhr ↦ d3.request
  • new request.user and request.password for basic authentication
  • new request.timeout for changing the timeout duration
  • on error, pass the error to the listener
  • on progress, pass the progress event to the listener
  • if d3.xml loads unparseable XML, report an error rather than a null document

Scales (d3-scale)


Introducing d3-scale

  • d3.scale.linear ↦ d3.scaleLinear
  • d3.scale.sqrt ↦ d3.scaleSqrt
  • d3.scale.pow ↦ d3.scalePow
  • d3.scale.log ↦ d3.scaleLog
  • d3.scale.quantize ↦ d3.scaleQuantize
  • d3.scale.threshold ↦ d3.scaleThreshold
  • d3.scale.quantile ↦ d3.scaleQuantile
  • d3.scale.identity ↦ d3.scaleIdentity
  • d3.scale.ordinal ↦ d3.scaleOrdinal
  • d3.time.scale ↦ d3.scaleTime
  • d3.time.scale.utc ↦ d3.scaleUtc
  • quantitative scales generate ticks in the same order as the domain
  • non-linear quantitative scales are more accurate
  • better log.ticks filtering for large domains
  • time.ticks and time.nice now only accept time intervals
  • new d3.scaleSequential
    • new Viridis, Inferno, Magma, Plasma interpolators
    • new Warm, Cool, Rainbow interpolators
    • new default Cubehelix interpolator
  • d3.scaleOrdinal constructor now takes an optional range
  • new ordinal.unknown
  • new d3.scaleBand, band.bandwidth, band.align
  • new d3.scalePoint
  • category scales now defined as arrays of colors:
    • d3.scale.category10 ↦ d3.schemeCategory10
    • d3.scale.category20 ↦ d3.schemeCategory20
    • d3.scale.category20b ↦ d3.schemeCategory20b
    • d3.scale.category20c ↦ d3.schemeCategory20c

Mention d3-scale-chromatic?

Selections (d3-selection)


  • no longer extends Array using prototype injection
  • immutable; selection.data returns a new selection
  • only one class of selection; entering nodes are placeholders
  • selection.enter and selection.exit are empty by default (not error)
  • selection.filter preserves index
  • selection.append preserves relative order on entering nodes
  • enter.append no longer merges into update; use selection.merge
  • selection.call no longer sets this context
  • change how selection.data handles duplicate keys
  • new d3.matcher, d3.selector, d3.creator
  • multi-value map methods moved to d3-selection-multi plugin
  • new selection.raise, selection.lower
  • new selection.dispatch
  • new selection.nodes
  • new d3.local for local variables
  • d3.ns.qualify ↦ d3.namespace
  • d3.ns.prefix ↦ d3.namespaces

Shapes (d3-shape)


Introducing d3-shape

  • d3.svg.line ↦ d3.line
  • d3.svg.line.radial ↦ d3.radialLine
  • d3.svg.area ↦ d3.area
  • d3.svg.area.radial ↦ d3.radialArea
  • d3.svg.arc ↦ d3.arc
  • more robust arc padding?

shapes can now render to canvas!

  • line.context
  • area.context
  • arc.context
  • see also d3-path
  • fast; uses streaming geometry transforms similar to d3-geo

new curve API!

  • line.interpolate ↦ line.curve
  • area.interpolate ↦ area.curve
  • "basis" ↦ d3.curveBasis
  • "basis-closed" ↦ d3.curveBasisClosed
  • "basis-open" ↦ d3.curveBasisOpen
  • "bundle" ↦ d3.curveBundle, bundle.beta
  • default bundle β to 0.85
  • "cardinal" ↦ d3.curveCardinal
  • "cardinal-closed" ↦ d3.curveCardinalClosed
  • "cardinal-open" ↦ d3.curveCardinalOpen
  • fixed interpretation of cardinal spline tension
  • fixed first and last segment of basis curve
  • fixed first and last segment of cardinal curve
  • new d3.curveCatmullRom!
  • new d3.curveCatmullRomClosed!
  • new d3.curveCatmullRomOpen!
  • catmullRom.alpha implements Yuksel et al.s parameterization
  • defaults to centripetal Catmull–Rom
  • "linear" ↦ d3.curveLinear
  • "linear-closed" ↦ d3.curveLinearClosed
  • fixed monotone curve implementation
  • "monotone" ↦ d3.curveMonotoneX
  • new d3.curveMonotoneY
  • new d3.curveNatural
  • "step" ↦ d3.curveStep
  • "step-after" ↦ d3.curveStepAfter
  • "step-before" ↦ d3.curveStepBefore
  • no more funky interpolate.reverse; curves can define different behavior for topline vs. baseline

new symbol API

  • d3.svg.symbol ↦ d3.symbol
  • d3.svg.symbolTypes ↦ d3.symbolTypes
  • new d3.symbolStar
  • new d3.symbolWye
  • "triangle-up" ↦ d3.symbolTriangle
  • removed "triangle-down"

new stack API!

  • d3.layout.stack ↦ d3.stack
  • no more x-accessor
  • no more weird stack.out

removed diagonal shapes

  • d3.svg.diagonal ↦ REMOVED
  • d3.svg.diagonal.radial ↦ REMOVED

Time Formats (d3-time-format)


  • d3.time.format ↦ d3.timeFormat
  • d3.time.format.utc ↦ d3.utcFormat
  • d3.time.format.iso ↦ d3.isoFormat
  • format ↦ d3.timeFormat
  • format.parse ↦ d3.timeParse
  • format.utc ↦ d3.utcFormat
  • format.utc.parse ↦ d3.utcParse
  • d3.time.format.multi ↦ REMOVED (see d3-scale)
  • type coercion of inputs
  • expanded support for %Z time zone offset parsing
  • correctly parse period names that are longer than two characters (e.g., “a.m.”)
  • faster
  • cleaner UTC parsing without setting the Date global

Time Intervals (d3-time)


  • better handling of weird daylight savings issues
  • changed semantics of interval.range(start, stop, step)
  • new interval.filter
  • new interval.every
  • new d3.timeInterval constructor for custom time intervals
  • new d3.timeMillisecond, d3.utcMillisecond
  • performance improvements
  • fast implementation of d3.timeYear.every, d3.utcYear.every
  • fast implementation of d3.timeMillisecond.every, d3.utcMillisecond.every

Generalized interval counting

  • new interval.count
  • d3.time.dayOfYear ↦ d3.timeDay.count
  • d3.time.sundayOfYear ↦ d3.timeSunday.count
  • d3.time.mondayOfYear ↦ d3.timeMonday.count
  • d3.time.tuesdayOfYear ↦ d3.timeTuesday.count
  • d3.time.wednesdayOfYear ↦ d3.timeWednesday.count
  • d3.time.thursdayOfYear ↦ d3.timeThursday.count
  • d3.time.fridayOfYear ↦ d3.timeFriday.count
  • d3.time.saturdayOfYear ↦ d3.timeSaturday.count
  • d3.time.weekOfYear ↦ d3.timeWeek.count
  • d3.time.dayOfYear.utc ↦ d3.utcDay.count
  • d3.time.sundayOfYear.utc ↦ d3.utcSunday.count
  • d3.time.mondayOfYear.utc ↦ d3.utcMonday.count
  • d3.time.tuesdayOfYear.utc ↦ d3.utcTuesday.count
  • d3.time.wednesdayOfYear.utc ↦ d3.utcWednesday.count
  • d3.time.thursdayOfYear.utc ↦ d3.utcThursday.count
  • d3.time.fridayOfYear.utc ↦ d3.utcFriday.count
  • d3.time.saturdayOfYear.utc ↦ d3.utcSaturday.count
  • d3.time.weekOfYear.utc ↦ d3.utcWeek.count

Renamed intervals…

  • d3.time.interval ↦ d3.timeInterval
  • d3.time.day ↦ d3.timeDay
  • d3.time.hour ↦ d3.timeHour
  • d3.time.minute ↦ d3.timeMinute
  • d3.time.month ↦ d3.timeMonth
  • d3.time.second ↦ d3.timeSecond
  • d3.time.sunday ↦ d3.timeSunday
  • d3.time.monday ↦ d3.timeMonday
  • d3.time.tuesday ↦ d3.timeTuesday
  • d3.time.wednesday ↦ d3.timeWednesday
  • d3.time.thursday ↦ d3.timeThursday
  • d3.time.friday ↦ d3.timeFriday
  • d3.time.saturday ↦ d3.timeSaturday
  • d3.time.week ↦ d3.timeWeek
  • d3.time.year ↦ d3.timeYear
  • d3.time.day.utc ↦ d3.utcDay
  • d3.time.hour.utc ↦ d3.utcHour
  • d3.time.minute.utc ↦ d3.utcMinute
  • d3.time.month.utc ↦ d3.utcMonth
  • d3.time.second.utc ↦ d3.utcSecond
  • d3.time.sunday.utc ↦ d3.utcSunday
  • d3.time.monday.utc ↦ d3.utcMonday
  • d3.time.tuesday.utc ↦ d3.utcTuesday
  • d3.time.wednesday.utc ↦ d3.utcWednesday
  • d3.time.thursday.utc ↦ d3.utcThursday
  • d3.time.friday.utc ↦ d3.utcFriday
  • d3.time.saturday.utc ↦ d3.utcSaturday
  • d3.time.week.utc ↦ d3.utcWeek
  • d3.time.year.utc ↦ d3.utcYear

Renamed range aliases…

  • d3.time.days ↦ d3.timeDays
  • d3.time.hours ↦ d3.timeHours
  • d3.time.minutes ↦ d3.timeMinutes
  • d3.time.months ↦ d3.timeMonths
  • d3.time.seconds ↦ d3.timeSeconds
  • d3.time.sundays ↦ d3.timeSundays
  • d3.time.mondays ↦ d3.timeMondays
  • d3.time.tuesdays ↦ d3.timeTuesdays
  • d3.time.wednesdays ↦ d3.timeWednesdays
  • d3.time.thursdays ↦ d3.timeThursdays
  • d3.time.fridays ↦ d3.timeFridays
  • d3.time.saturdays ↦ d3.timeSaturdays
  • d3.time.weeks ↦ d3.timeWeeks
  • d3.time.years ↦ d3.timeYears
  • d3.time.days.utc ↦ d3.utcDays
  • d3.time.hours.utc ↦ d3.utcHours
  • d3.time.minutes.utc ↦ d3.utcMinutes
  • d3.time.months.utc ↦ d3.utcMonths
  • d3.time.seconds.utc ↦ d3.utcSeconds
  • d3.time.sundays.utc ↦ d3.utcSundays
  • d3.time.mondays.utc ↦ d3.utcMondays
  • d3.time.tuesdays.utc ↦ d3.utcTuesdays
  • d3.time.wednesdays.utc ↦ d3.utcWednesdays
  • d3.time.thursdays.utc ↦ d3.utcThursdays
  • d3.time.fridays.utc ↦ d3.utcFridays
  • d3.time.saturdays.utc ↦ d3.utcSaturdays
  • d3.time.weeks.utc ↦ d3.utcWeeks
  • d3.time.years.utc ↦ d3.utcYears

Timers (d3-timer)


  • callback returning true ↦ timer.stop; timers are now stopped synchronously
  • new timer.restart
  • time now freezes in the background, preventing hangs when returning to the foreground!
  • new d3.now; timers now use high-precision timers (performance.now) where available
  • d3.timer.flush ↦ d3.timerFlush
  • new d3.timeout
  • new d3.interval

Transitions (d3-transition)


  • transitions are immutable, too; transition.merge
  • transition.each ↦ transition.on
  • transition.each is now the same as selection.each
  • new d3.active for chaining transitions / modifying in-progress transitions
  • new selection.transition(transition); searches ancestors
  • new d3.interrupt
  • change transition.transition semantics in regards to transition.delay
  • strict state machine to enforce when transitions can be modified; more robust
  • enforces t = 1 on end
  • functions passed to transition methods take the same standard arguments as selections
  • optimize transitions to re-use tweens and interpolators to improve performance!
  • transition.attrTween gets standard arguments (not current attribute value)
  • transition.styleTween gets standard arguments (not current style value)
  • call transition.{tween,attrTween,styleTween} in getter mode
  • uses optimized interpolator rather than d3.interpolate
  • fix transition.remove if multiple transition names are in use
  • new transition.selection
  • changed transition.ease to always take an easing function, not a name
  • see also d3-timer, d3-ease, d3-interpolate
  • in particular note that transitions are now frozen in the background! and theres d3.timeout, d3.interval

Voronoi Diagrams (d3-voronoi)


  • d3.geom.voronoi ↦ d3.voronoi
  • voronoi.clipExtent ↦ voronoi.extent
  • voronoi now returns the full Voronoi diagram
  • new voronoi.polygons returns clipped polygons
  • voronoi.polygons and diagram.polygons require an extent
  • the diagram can be used to compute Voronoi & Delaunay simultaneously
  • the diagram also exposes topology, which is useful for TopoJSON applications
  • well-defined behavior for coincident vertices: subsequent cells are null
  • input data exposed as polygon.data, not polygon.point

Zooming (d3-zoom)


  • d3.behavior.zoom ↦ d3.zoom
  • ignore wheel events if at limits of scale extent
  • ignores right-click by default
  • new zoom.translateExtent!
  • consume handled events
  • new zoom.transform replaces zoom.event; zoom behavior is stateless
  • new zoom.translateBy
  • new zoom.scaleBy
  • new zoom.scaleTo
  • new zoom.filter
  • removed zoom.center; use programmatic zooming instead
  • zoom.size ↦ zoom.extent; better default extent using the DOM
  • zoomstart event ↦ start event
  • zoomend event ↦ end event

new d3.zoomTransform API

  • event.scale, event.translate ↦ event.transform
  • zoom.x ↦ transform.rescaleX
  • zoom.y ↦ transform.rescaleY