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Guangdong Zhuoxiao Law Firm
Lawyer’s Letter
Number: (2019)GDZX0522-2
July 6th, 2019
To: GitHub, Inc.
From: Guangdong Zhuoxiao Law Firm
Address: Huanggang Business Center, Room 704 & 705, Building 1. Jintian Rd,
Futian District, Shenzhen, P.R.China
Tel: [private] / [private]
Email: [private]
Object: We request that you remove as soon as possible all the infringing repositories initially published by user “[private]”and later forked by other users; provide information on specific browsing and downloading times of the Original Infringing Repository and the Forked Repository and provide contact information of user “[private]”.
GitHub, Inc.:
I, [private], attorneyfromGuangdong Zhuoxiao Law Firm,asengagedbyShenzhen Huaerzhanfang Network Technologies Co.,Ltd.,amherebysending you this letter regarding your infringement of source codestechnology secret ofthe Software Youkeduo of Huaerzhanfang Network Technologies Co.,Ltd. (“Source Codesof Youkeduo”)
I understand that: Youkeduo is software self-developed by the Consignor. This soft has obtained Certificate of Computer Software Copyright Registration on August 29th, 2018. Rigistration Number: 2018SR959470, by National Copyright Administration of the People's Republic of China.
Recently the Consignor found Source Codes of Youkeduo leaked on repository links as follows:
Repository URL initially published by user “[private]” (“Original Infringing Repository”)and removed in the past few days:
And repository forked URL:
The Consignor tried to contact user “[private]”, but could not find the relevant contact information.
The Consignor believes that, Source Codes of Youkeduo is a technology secret which is unknown to the public and can bring to itself economic benefit. Therefore, in order to protect the source codes above-mentioned as a technology secret, the Consignor has taken security measures such as signing confidentiality agreement with its employees and authorized parties. The public release of the Original Infringing Repository by user “[private]” and later fork behaviors by many other users (such fork behaviors is still increasing even after the Original Infringing Repository has been removed) have infringed seriously the technology secret of the Consignor, and brought to the Consignor huge economic losses.
I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above on the infringing web pages is not authorized by the copyright owner, or its agent, or the law. I have taken fair use into consideration.
I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate and that I am authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
Therefore, I, Consignee authorized, request as follows:
Please remove all the infringing repositories that has been published in your platform approximately six months as soon as you receive this letter, provide information on specific browsing and downloading times of the Original Infringing Repository and the Forked Repository and provide contact information of user “[private]”, including, but not limited to relevant registered email. In case of not receiving any communication yours within 14 days after your reading this letter, I, Consignee authorized, will investigate the relevant civil liability and criminal liability of related responsible person .
Special attention please:
Source Codes of Youkeduo has been protected as technology secret and NO relevant online version has been published. In the last email we sent you document in PDF format of some parts of Source Codes of Youkeduo. And according to your request, we will send you again relevant document in Word format, but please take measures to ensure that relevant confidential information is well protected and to avoid other leaks.
Source Codes of Youkeduo is used for Wechat applets for end-users, in encrypted format, and can not be obtained through public channels.
Source codes of the Infringing Repository published by Github are the same as Source Codes of Youkeduo. Therefore, any third party can obtain relevant source codes through this channel, and leak all the Source Codes of Youkeduo.
Although Original Infringing Repository published by user “[private]” has been removed, others forked repositories still exist and therefore, registered users of Github and still obtain all the Source Codes of Youkeduo through these forked repositories. And still, there is no effective control over damages caused by leaking Source Codes of Youkeduo.
Your soonest reply and cooperation shall be highly appreciated.
Guangdong Zhuoxiao Law Firm
Lawyer: [private]