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title | intro | redirect_from | versions | ||||
Installing GitHub Enterprise Server on Hyper-V | To install {% data variables.product.prodname_ghe_server %} on Hyper-V, you must deploy onto a machine running Windows Server 2008 through Windows Server 2016. |
빌드전 요구 사양
- {% data reusables.enterprise_installation.software-license %}
- You must have Windows Server 2008 through Windows Server 2016, which support Hyper-V.
- Most actions needed to create your virtual machine (VM) may also be performed using the Hyper-V Manager. However, we recommend using the Windows PowerShell command-line shell for initial setup. Examples using PowerShell are included below. For more information, see the Microsoft guide "Getting Started with Windows PowerShell."
Hardware considerations
{% data reusables.enterprise_installation.hardware-considerations-all-platforms %}
Downloading the {% data variables.product.prodname_ghe_server %} image
{% data reusables.enterprise_installation.enterprise-download-procedural %} {% data reusables.enterprise_installation.download-license %} {% data reusables.enterprise_installation.download-appliance %} 4. Select {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} On-premises, then click Hyper-V (VHD). 5. Click Download for Hyper-V (VHD).
Creating the {% data variables.product.prodname_ghe_server %} instance
{% data reusables.enterprise_installation.create-ghe-instance %}
- In PowerShell, create a new Generation 1 virtual machine, configure the size based on your user license count, and attach the {% data variables.product.prodname_ghe_server %} image you downloaded. For more information, see "New-VM" in the Microsoft documentation.
PS C:\> New-VM -Generation 1 -Name <em>VM_NAME</em> -MemoryStartupBytes <em>MEMORY_SIZE</em> -BootDevice VHD -VHDPath <em>PATH_TO_VHD</em>
{% data reusables.enterprise_installation.create-attached-storage-volume %} Replace PATH_TO_DATA_DISK
with the path to the location where you create the disk. For more information, see "New-VHD" in the Microsoft documentation.
PS C:\> New-VHD -Path <em>PATH_TO_DATA_DISK</em> -SizeBytes <em>DISK_SIZE</em>
- Attach the data disk to your instance. For more information, see "Add-VMHardDiskDrive" in the Microsoft documentation.
PS C:\> Add-VMHardDiskDrive -VMName <em>VM_NAME</em> -Path <em>PATH_TO_DATA_DISK</em>
- Start the VM. For more information, see "Start-VM" in the Microsoft documentation.
PS C:\> Start-VM -Name <em>VM_NAME</em>
- Get the IP address of your VM. For more information, see "Get-VMNetworkAdapter" in the Microsoft documentation.
PS C:\> (Get-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName <em>VM_NAME</em>).IpAddresses
- Copy the VM's IP address and paste it into a web browser.
Configuring the {% data variables.product.prodname_ghe_server %} instance
{% data reusables.enterprise_installation.copy-the-vm-public-dns-name %} {% data reusables.enterprise_installation.upload-a-license-file %} {% data reusables.enterprise_installation.save-settings-in-web-based-mgmt-console %} For more information, see "Configuring the {% data variables.product.prodname_ghe_server %} appliance." {% data reusables.enterprise_installation.instance-will-restart-automatically %} {% data reusables.enterprise_installation.visit-your-instance %}