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title | intro | redirect_from | versions | ||||
Installing GitHub Enterprise Server on OpenStack KVM | To install {% data variables.product.prodname_ghe_server %} on OpenStack KVM, you must have OpenStack access and download the {% data variables.product.prodname_ghe_server %} QCOW2 image. |
빌드전 요구 사양
- {% data reusables.enterprise_installation.software-license %}
- You must have access to an installation of OpenStack Horizon, the web-based user interface to OpenStack services. For more information, see the Horizon documentation.
Hardware considerations
{% data reusables.enterprise_installation.hardware-considerations-all-platforms %}
Downloading the {% data variables.product.prodname_ghe_server %} image
{% data reusables.enterprise_installation.enterprise-download-procedural %} {% data reusables.enterprise_installation.download-license %} {% data reusables.enterprise_installation.download-appliance %} 4. Select {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} On-premises, then click OpenStack KVM (QCOW2). 5. Click Download for OpenStack KVM (QCOW2).
Creating the {% data variables.product.prodname_ghe_server %} instance
{% data reusables.enterprise_installation.create-ghe-instance %}
- In OpenStack Horizon, upload the
{% data variables.product.prodname_ghe_server %} image you downloaded. For instructions, see the "Upload an image" section of the OpenStack guide "Upload and manage images." {% data reusables.enterprise_installation.create-attached-storage-volume %} For instructions, see the OpenStack guide "Create and manage volumes." 3. Create a security group, and add a new security group rule for each port in the table below. For instructions, see the OpenStack guide "Configure access and security for instances."
{% data reusables.enterprise_installation.necessary_ports %} 4. Optionally, associate a floating IP to the instance. Depending on your OpenStack setup, you may need to allocate a floating IP to the project and associate it to the instance. Contact your system administrator to determine if this is the case for you. For more information, see "Allocate a floating IP address to an instance" in the OpenStack documentation. 5. Launch {% data variables.product.product_location %} using the image, data volume, and security group created in the previous steps. For instructions, see the OpenStack guide "Launch and manage instances."
Configuring the {% data variables.product.prodname_ghe_server %} instance
{% data reusables.enterprise_installation.copy-the-vm-public-dns-name %} {% data reusables.enterprise_installation.upload-a-license-file %} {% data reusables.enterprise_installation.save-settings-in-web-based-mgmt-console %} For more information, see "Configuring the {% data variables.product.prodname_ghe_server %} appliance." {% data reusables.enterprise_installation.instance-will-restart-automatically %} {% data reusables.enterprise_installation.visit-your-instance %}