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SCIM You can control and manage your GitHub organization members access using SCIM API.
fpt ghec
* *

About the SCIM API

SCIM Provisioning for Organizations

The SCIM API is used by SCIM-enabled Identity Providers (IdPs) to automate provisioning of {% data variables.product.product_name %} organization membership. The {% ifversion fpt or ghec %}{% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %}{% else %}{% data variables.product.product_name %}{% endif %} API is based on version 2.0 of the SCIM standard. The {% data variables.product.product_name %} SCIM endpoint that an IdP should use is: {% data variables.product.api_url_code %}/scim/v2/organizations/{org}/.

{% note %}


{% endnote %}

Authenticating calls to the SCIM API

You must authenticate as an owner of a {% data variables.product.product_name %} organization to use its SCIM API. The API expects an OAuth 2.0 Bearer token to be included in the Authorization header. You may also use a personal access token, but you must first authorize it for use with your SAML SSO organization.

Mapping of SAML and SCIM data

{% data reusables.scim.nameid-and-username-must-match %}

Supported SCIM User attributes

Name Type Description
userName string The username for the user.
name.givenName string The first name of the user.
name.familyName string The last name of the user.
emails array List of user emails.
externalId string This identifier is generated by the SAML provider, and is used as a unique ID by the SAML provider to match against a GitHub user. You can find the externalID for a user either at the SAML provider, or using the List SCIM provisioned identities endpoint and filtering on other known attributes, such as a user's GitHub username or email address.
id string Identifier generated by the GitHub SCIM endpoint.
active boolean Used to indicate whether the identity is active (true) or should be deprovisioned (false).

{% note %}

Note: Endpoint URLs for the SCIM API are case sensitive. For example, the first letter in the Users endpoint must be capitalized:

GET /scim/v2/organizations/{org}/Users/{scim_user_id}

{% endnote %}