2019-08-15 03:53:28 +03:00
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
default_stages: [commit, push]
2019-08-22 17:13:56 +03:00
# force all unspecified python hooks to run python3
python: python3
2019-11-04 11:50:06 +03:00
minimum_pre_commit_version: "1.20.0"
2019-08-15 03:53:28 +03:00
2019-09-04 16:56:03 +03:00
- repo: https://github.com/Lucas-C/pre-commit-hooks
rev: v1.1.7
2019-08-16 02:59:35 +03:00
2019-08-16 17:35:34 +03:00
- id: forbid-tabs
2020-07-07 20:48:28 +03:00
exclude: ^docs/Makefile$|^clients/gen/go.sh
2019-08-16 02:59:35 +03:00
- id: insert-license
2019-10-26 14:31:51 +03:00
name: Add license for all SQL files
2019-08-16 02:59:35 +03:00
files: \.sql$
2020-06-04 17:45:29 +03:00
exclude: ^\.github/.*$
2019-08-16 02:59:35 +03:00
- --comment-style
- "/*||*/"
- --license-filepath
- license-templates/LICENSE.txt
2019-08-27 21:06:41 +03:00
- --fuzzy-match-generates-todo
2019-08-16 03:02:53 +03:00
- id: insert-license
2019-10-26 14:31:51 +03:00
name: Add license for all other files
2020-06-04 17:45:29 +03:00
exclude: ^\.github/.*$
2019-08-16 03:02:53 +03:00
- --comment-style
- "|#|"
- --license-filepath
- license-templates/LICENSE.txt
2019-08-27 21:06:41 +03:00
- --fuzzy-match-generates-todo
2019-08-16 03:02:53 +03:00
files: >
2020-06-10 18:20:08 +03:00
2019-08-16 07:09:26 +03:00
- id: insert-license
2019-10-26 14:31:51 +03:00
name: Add license for all rst files
2020-06-04 17:45:29 +03:00
exclude: ^\.github/.*$
2019-08-16 07:09:26 +03:00
- --comment-style
- "||"
- --license-filepath
- license-templates/LICENSE.rst
2019-08-27 21:06:41 +03:00
- --fuzzy-match-generates-todo
2019-08-16 07:09:26 +03:00
files: \.rst$
2019-08-16 03:06:18 +03:00
- id: insert-license
2019-11-26 00:11:26 +03:00
name: Add license for all JS/CSS files
files: \.(js|css)$
2020-06-04 17:45:29 +03:00
exclude: ^\.github/.*$
2019-08-16 03:06:18 +03:00
- --comment-style
- "/**| *| */"
- --license-filepath
- license-templates/LICENSE.txt
2019-08-27 21:06:41 +03:00
- --fuzzy-match-generates-todo
- id: insert-license
2019-10-26 14:31:51 +03:00
name: Add license for all JINJA template files
2020-06-29 09:08:58 +03:00
files: "^airflow/www/templates/.*\\.html$|^docs/templates/.*\\.html$.*\\.jinja2"
2020-06-04 17:45:29 +03:00
exclude: ^\.github/.*$
2019-08-27 21:06:41 +03:00
- --comment-style
- "{#||#}"
- --license-filepath
- license-templates/LICENSE.txt
- --fuzzy-match-generates-todo
2019-08-20 07:07:39 +03:00
- id: insert-license
2019-10-26 14:31:51 +03:00
name: Add license for all shell files
2020-06-04 17:45:29 +03:00
exclude: ^\.github/.*$
2020-01-07 17:38:05 +03:00
files: ^breeze$|^breeze-complete$|\.sh$|\.bash$|\.bats$
2019-08-20 07:07:39 +03:00
- --comment-style
- "|#|"
- --license-filepath
- license-templates/LICENSE.txt
2019-08-27 21:06:41 +03:00
- --fuzzy-match-generates-todo
2019-09-17 14:16:32 +03:00
- id: insert-license
2019-10-26 14:31:51 +03:00
name: Add license for all python files
2020-06-04 17:45:29 +03:00
exclude: ^\.github/.*$
2019-09-17 14:16:32 +03:00
types: [python]
- --comment-style
- "|#|"
- --license-filepath
- license-templates/LICENSE.txt
- --fuzzy-match-generates-todo
2019-08-20 17:29:34 +03:00
- id: insert-license
2019-10-26 14:31:51 +03:00
name: Add license for all XML files
2020-06-04 17:45:29 +03:00
exclude: ^\.github/.*$
2019-08-20 17:29:34 +03:00
types: [xml]
- --comment-style
- "<!--||-->"
- --license-filepath
- license-templates/LICENSE.txt
2019-08-27 21:06:41 +03:00
- --fuzzy-match-generates-todo
2019-08-22 17:13:56 +03:00
- id: insert-license
2019-10-26 14:31:51 +03:00
name: Add license for all yaml files
2020-06-04 17:45:29 +03:00
exclude: ^\.github/.*$
2019-08-22 17:13:56 +03:00
types: [yaml]
- --comment-style
- "|#|"
- --license-filepath
- license-templates/LICENSE.txt
2019-08-27 21:06:41 +03:00
- --fuzzy-match-generates-todo
2019-08-22 06:27:54 +03:00
- id: insert-license
2019-10-26 14:31:51 +03:00
name: Add license for all md files
2019-08-22 06:27:54 +03:00
files: \.md$
2020-06-04 17:45:29 +03:00
exclude: ^\.github/.*$|PROVIDERS_CHANGES.*\.md
2019-08-22 06:27:54 +03:00
- --comment-style
- "<!--|| -->"
- --license-filepath
- license-templates/LICENSE.txt
2019-08-27 21:06:41 +03:00
- --fuzzy-match-generates-todo
2019-08-22 06:27:54 +03:00
- repo: https://github.com/thlorenz/doctoc.git
rev: v1.4.0
- id: doctoc
name: Add TOC for md files
2020-05-15 20:00:15 +03:00
files: ^README\.md$|^CONTRIBUTING\.md$|^UPDATING.md$|^dev/README\.md$|^dev/BACKPORT_PACKAGES.md$
2019-08-22 06:27:54 +03:00
- "--maxlevel"
- "2"
2019-08-16 17:35:34 +03:00
- repo: meta
- id: check-hooks-apply
- repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks
2020-06-14 03:37:30 +03:00
rev: v3.1.0
2019-08-16 17:35:34 +03:00
- id: check-merge-conflict
2019-11-26 11:28:42 +03:00
- id: debug-statements
2020-06-25 18:35:37 +03:00
- id: check-builtin-literals
2019-08-16 17:35:34 +03:00
- id: detect-private-key
- id: end-of-file-fixer
- id: mixed-line-ending
2019-08-20 17:29:34 +03:00
- id: check-executables-have-shebangs
- id: check-xml
2019-12-28 21:34:35 +03:00
- id: trailing-whitespace
2020-02-04 11:44:35 +03:00
- id: fix-encoding-pragma
- --remove
2019-09-21 22:47:02 +03:00
- repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/pygrep-hooks
2020-04-21 17:20:35 +03:00
rev: v1.5.1
2019-09-21 22:47:02 +03:00
- id: rst-backticks
2019-09-22 10:55:39 +03:00
- id: python-no-log-warn
2020-06-14 03:37:30 +03:00
- repo: https://github.com/adrienverge/yamllint
rev: v1.23.0
2019-08-15 03:53:28 +03:00
2019-08-22 17:13:56 +03:00
- id: yamllint
name: Check yaml files with yamllint
entry: yamllint -c yamllint-config.yml
types: [yaml]
2020-06-18 01:37:54 +03:00
exclude: ^.*init_git_sync\.template\.yaml$|^.*airflow\.template\.yaml$|^chart/templates/.*\.yaml$
2020-06-14 03:37:30 +03:00
- repo: https://github.com/timothycrosley/isort
2020-07-12 21:15:33 +03:00
rev: 5.0.8
2020-06-14 03:37:30 +03:00
- id: isort
name: Run isort to sort imports
types: [python]
# To keep consistent with the global isort skip config defined in setup.cfg
exclude: ^build/.*$|^.tox/.*$|^venv/.*$
2020-06-21 11:34:41 +03:00
- repo: https://github.com/pycqa/pydocstyle
rev: 5.0.2
- id: pydocstyle
2020-06-21 11:51:57 +03:00
name: Run pydocstyle
2020-06-21 11:34:41 +03:00
2020-06-21 11:51:57 +03:00
- --convention=pep257
2020-06-21 17:44:27 +03:00
- --add-ignore=D100,D102,D104,D105,D106,D107,D200,D202,D204,D205,D207,D208,D210,D400,D401,D403
2020-06-21 11:34:41 +03:00
exclude: ^tests/.*\.py$|^scripts/.*\.py$|^dev|^backport_packages|^kubernetes_tests
2020-06-14 03:37:30 +03:00
- repo: local
2019-08-20 07:07:39 +03:00
- id: shellcheck
name: Check Shell scripts syntax correctness
language: docker_image
entry: koalaman/shellcheck:stable -x -a
2020-01-07 22:38:24 +03:00
files: ^breeze$|^breeze-complete$|\.sh$|^hooks/build$|^hooks/push$|\.bash$|\.bats$
2020-06-01 22:46:15 +03:00
- id: lint-openapi
name: Lint OpenAPI using speccy
language: docker_image
2020-07-25 21:47:40 +03:00
entry: wework/speccy lint -r default -r ./scripts/ci/speccy_rules/connexion.yml
2020-06-02 19:45:37 +03:00
files: ^airflow/api_connexion/openapi/
2020-06-01 22:46:15 +03:00
- id: lint-openapi
name: Lint OpenAPI using openapi-spec-validator
2020-06-02 19:45:37 +03:00
entry: openapi-spec-validator --schema 3.0.0
2020-06-01 22:46:15 +03:00
language: python
additional_dependencies: ['openapi-spec-validator']
2020-06-02 19:45:37 +03:00
files: ^airflow/api_connexion/openapi/
2019-08-15 03:53:28 +03:00
- id: lint-dockerfile
name: Lint dockerfile
language: system
2020-07-16 19:05:35 +03:00
entry: "./scripts/ci/pre_commit/pre_commit_lint_dockerfile.sh"
2019-08-15 03:53:28 +03:00
files: ^Dockerfile.*$
2019-09-18 14:43:30 +03:00
pass_filenames: true
2019-11-30 12:05:14 +03:00
- id: setup-order
name: Checks for an order of dependencies in setup.py
language: python
files: ^setup.py$
pass_filenames: false
2020-07-16 19:05:35 +03:00
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/pre_commit_check_order_setup.py
2019-11-04 12:37:31 +03:00
- id: update-breeze-file
name: Update output of breeze command in BREEZE.rst
2020-07-16 19:05:35 +03:00
entry: "./scripts/ci/pre_commit/pre_commit_breeze_cmd_line.sh"
2019-11-04 12:37:31 +03:00
language: system
files: ^BREEZE.rst$|^breeze$|^breeze-complete$
pass_filenames: false
2020-03-07 20:12:28 +03:00
- id: update-local-yml-file
name: Update mounts in the local yml file
2020-07-16 19:05:35 +03:00
entry: "./scripts/ci/pre_commit/pre_commit_local_yml_mounts.sh"
2020-03-07 20:12:28 +03:00
language: system
2020-06-04 23:12:56 +03:00
files: ^scripts/ci/libraries/_local_mounts.sh$|s^scripts/ci/docker_compose/local.yml"
2020-03-07 20:12:28 +03:00
pass_filenames: false
2020-02-24 12:29:38 +03:00
- id: update-setup-cfg-file
name: Update setup.cfg file with all licenses
2020-07-16 19:05:35 +03:00
entry: "./scripts/ci/pre_commit/pre_commit_setup_cfg_file.sh"
2020-02-24 12:29:38 +03:00
language: system
files: ^setup.cfg$
pass_filenames: false
2020-03-07 22:55:27 +03:00
- id: build-providers-dependencies
name: Build cross-dependencies for providers packages
2020-07-16 19:05:35 +03:00
entry: "./scripts/ci/pre_commit/pre_commit_build_providers_dependencies.sh"
2020-03-07 22:55:27 +03:00
language: system
files: ^airflow/providers/.*\.py$|^tests/providers/.*\.py$
pass_filenames: false
2020-03-22 15:34:48 +03:00
- id: update-extras
name: Update extras in documentation
2020-07-16 19:05:35 +03:00
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/pre_commit_insert_extras.py
language: python
2020-03-22 15:34:48 +03:00
files: ^setup.py$|^INSTALL$|^CONTRIBUTING.rst$
pass_filenames: false
2019-11-26 11:28:42 +03:00
- id: pydevd
language: pygrep
name: Check for pydevd debug statements accidentally left
entry: "pydevd.*settrace\\("
pass_filenames: true
files: \.py$
2020-06-09 00:27:02 +03:00
- id: dont-use-safe-filter
language: pygrep
name: Don't use safe in templates
description: the Safe filter is error-prone, use Markup() in code instead
entry: "\\|\\s*safe"
files: \.html$
pass_filenames: true
Don't use the term "whitelist" - language matters (#9174)
It's fairly common to say whitelisting and blacklisting to describe
desirable and undesirable things in cyber security. However just because
it is common doesn't mean it's right.
However, there's an issue with the terminology. It only makes sense if
you equate white with 'good, permitted, safe' and black with 'bad,
dangerous, forbidden'. There are some obvious problems with this.
You may not see why this matters. If you're not adversely affected by
racial stereotyping yourself, then please count yourself lucky. For some
of your friends and colleagues (and potential future colleagues), this
really is a change worth making.
From now on, we will use 'allow list' and 'deny list' in place of
'whitelist' and 'blacklist' wherever possible. Which, in fact, is
clearer and less ambiguous. So as well as being more inclusive of all,
this is a net benefit to our understandability.
(Words mostly borrowed from
Co-authored-by: Jarek Potiuk <jarek@potiuk.com>
2020-06-08 12:01:46 +03:00
- id: language-matters
language: pygrep
name: Check for language that we do not accept as community
description: Please use "deny_list" or "allow_list" instead.
entry: "(?i)(black|white)[_-]?list"
pass_filenames: true
exclude: >
2020-06-16 23:55:42 +03:00
2020-07-11 21:15:02 +03:00
2020-07-19 22:51:59 +03:00
2020-07-11 21:15:02 +03:00
2019-12-01 14:26:10 +03:00
- id: consistent-pylint
language: pygrep
name: Check for inconsitent pylint disable/enable without space
entry: "pylint:disable|pylint:enable"
pass_filenames: true
files: \.py$
2019-11-27 01:19:45 +03:00
- id: base-operator
language: pygrep
2019-12-29 23:17:56 +03:00
name: Make sure BaseOperator[Link] is imported from airflow.models.baseoperator in core
2019-12-01 13:14:52 +03:00
entry: "from airflow\\.models import.* BaseOperator"
2019-11-27 01:19:45 +03:00
files: \.py$
pass_filenames: true
exclude: >
2020-05-26 03:43:16 +03:00
2019-11-27 01:19:45 +03:00
- id: base-operator
language: pygrep
2019-12-29 23:17:56 +03:00
name: Make sure BaseOperator[Link] is imported from airflow.models outside of core
2019-12-01 13:14:52 +03:00
entry: "from airflow\\.models\\.baseoperator import.* BaseOperator"
2019-11-27 01:19:45 +03:00
pass_filenames: true
files: >
2020-06-29 09:08:58 +03:00
2020-02-02 12:14:14 +03:00
- id: provide-create-sessions
language: pygrep
2020-05-15 20:00:15 +03:00
name: To avoid import cycles make sure provide_session and create_session are imported from
2020-02-02 12:14:14 +03:00
entry: "from airflow\\.utils\\.db import.* (provide_session|create_session)"
files: \.py$
pass_filenames: true
2020-02-02 22:48:03 +03:00
- id: incorrect-use-of-LoggingMixin
language: pygrep
name: Make sure LoggingMixin is not used alone
entry: "LoggingMixin\\(\\)"
files: \.py$
pass_filenames: true
2020-02-03 00:55:49 +03:00
- id: daysago-import-check
language: pygrep
name: Make sure days_ago is imported from airflow.utils.dates
entry: "(airflow\\.){0,1}utils\\.dates\\.days_ago"
files: \.py$
pass_filenames: true
2020-07-25 02:16:25 +03:00
- id: restrict-start_date-in-default_args-in-example_dags
language: pygrep
name: "'start_date' should not be defined in default_args in example_dags"
entry: "default_args\\s*=\\s*{\\s*(\"|')start_date(\"|')"
files: \.*example_dags.*.py$
pass_filenames: true
2020-04-22 15:38:56 +03:00
- id: check-integrations
name: Check if integration list is aligned
2020-07-16 19:05:35 +03:00
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/pre_commit_check_integrations.sh
2020-04-22 15:38:56 +03:00
language: system
pass_filenames: false
files: ^common/_common_values.sh$|^breeze-complete$
2019-11-04 17:59:48 +03:00
- id: build
name: Check if image build is needed
2020-07-16 19:05:35 +03:00
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/pre_commit_ci_build.sh 3.6 false
2019-11-04 17:59:48 +03:00
language: system
always_run: true
pass_filenames: false
- id: check-apache-license
name: Check if licenses are OK for Apache
2020-07-16 19:05:35 +03:00
entry: "./scripts/ci/pre_commit/pre_commit_check_license.sh"
2019-11-04 17:59:48 +03:00
language: system
files: ^.*LICENSE.*$|^.*LICENCE.*$
pass_filenames: false
2020-01-09 00:48:22 +03:00
- id: airflow-config-yaml
name: Checks for consistency between config.yml and default_config.cfg
language: python
2020-07-16 19:05:35 +03:00
entry: ./scripts/ci/pre_commit/pre_commit_yaml_to_cfg.py
2020-03-14 10:10:59 +03:00
files: "config.yml$|default_airflow.cfg$|default.cfg$"
2020-01-09 00:48:22 +03:00
pass_filenames: false
2020-07-16 19:05:35 +03:00
require_serial: true
2020-01-09 00:48:22 +03:00
additional_dependencies: ['pyyaml']
2019-08-15 03:53:28 +03:00
- id: mypy
name: Run mypy
language: system
2020-07-16 19:05:35 +03:00
entry: "./scripts/ci/pre_commit/pre_commit_mypy.sh"
2019-08-15 03:53:28 +03:00
files: \.py$
2020-06-04 17:45:29 +03:00
exclude: ^dev|^backport_packages
2020-02-19 23:20:59 +03:00
require_serial: true
2019-08-15 03:53:28 +03:00
- id: pylint
name: Run pylint for main sources
language: system
2020-07-16 19:05:35 +03:00
entry: "./scripts/ci/pre_commit/pre_commit_pylint_main.sh"
2019-08-15 03:53:28 +03:00
files: \.py$
2020-06-04 17:45:29 +03:00
exclude: ^tests/.*\.py$|^scripts/.*\.py$|^dev|^backport_packages|^kubernetes_tests
2019-09-18 14:43:30 +03:00
pass_filenames: true
2019-12-03 18:02:20 +03:00
require_serial: true # Pylint tests should be run in one chunk to detect all cycles
- id: pylint-tests
2019-08-15 03:53:28 +03:00
name: Run pylint for tests
language: system
2020-07-16 19:05:35 +03:00
entry: "./scripts/ci/pre_commit/pre_commit_pylint_tests.sh"
2019-08-15 03:53:28 +03:00
files: ^tests/.*\.py$
2019-09-18 14:43:30 +03:00
pass_filenames: true
2020-01-25 17:06:27 +03:00
require_serial: true
2019-08-15 03:53:28 +03:00
- id: flake8
name: Run flake8
language: system
2020-07-16 19:05:35 +03:00
entry: "./scripts/ci/pre_commit/pre_commit_flake8.sh"
2019-08-15 03:53:28 +03:00
files: \.py$
2019-09-18 14:43:30 +03:00
pass_filenames: true
2020-01-07 17:38:05 +03:00
- id: bat-tests
2020-01-19 15:15:43 +03:00
name: Run BATS bash tests for changed bash files
2020-01-07 17:38:05 +03:00
language: system
2020-07-16 19:05:35 +03:00
entry: "./scripts/ci/pre_commit/pre_commit_bat_tests.sh"
2020-01-19 15:15:43 +03:00
files: ^breeze$|^breeze-complete$|\.sh$|\.bash$
pass_filenames: false
2020-04-09 23:50:17 +03:00
- id: stylelint
name: stylelint
entry: "stylelint"
language: node
files: ^airflow/www/.*\.(css|scss|sass)$
# Keep dependency versions in sync w/ airflow/www/package.json
additional_dependencies: ['stylelint@13.3.1', 'stylelint-config-standard@20.0.0']