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licensed cache

The cache command finds all dependencies and ensures that each dependency has an up-to-date cached record.

Dependency records will be saved if:

  1. The force option is set
  2. No cached record is found
  3. The cached record's version is different than the current dependency's version
    • If the cached record's license text contents matches the current dependency's license text then the license metadata from the cached record is retained for the new saved record.

After the cache command is run, any cached records that don't match up to a current application dependency will be deleted.


  • --config/-c: the path to the licensed configuration file
    • default value: ./.licensed.yml
  • --sources/-s: runtime filter on which dependency sources are run. Sources must also be enabled in the licensed configuration file.
    • default value: not set, all configured sources
  • --format/-f: the output format
    • default value: yaml
  • --force: if set, forces all dependency metadata files to be recached
    • default value: not set

Reported Data

The following data is reported for each dependency when the YAML or JSON report formats are used

  • name: the licensed recognized name for the dependency including the app and source name
    • e.g. the full name for the thor bundler dependency used by this tool is licensed.bundler.thor
  • cached: true when the dependency's cached metadata file was updated, false otherwise
  • version: the version of the enumerated dependency
  • license: the dependency's SPDX license identifier
  • filename: the full path on disk to the dependency's cached metadata file, if available
  • warnings: any warning messages encountered while enumerating and caching dependency metadata, if available