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Mario Izquierdo редактировал(а) эту страницу 2018-05-29 16:43:22 -07:00

Twirp is a protocol for routing and serialization of services defined in a .proto file, allowing easy implementation of RPC services with auto-generated clients in different languages.

Twirp-Ruby allows to define Twirp services and clients in Ruby.

Usage Example

Define the service and client using the DSL. This can be auto-generated from a .proto file.

module Example
  class HelloWorldService < Twirp::Service
    package "example"
    service "HelloWorld"
    rpc :Hello, HelloRequest, HelloResponse, :ruby_method => :hello

  class HelloWorldClient < Twirp::Client
    client_for HelloWorldService

Implement each RPC method with a Service Handler. For example:

class HelloWorldHandler
  def hello(req, env)
    if req.name.empty?
      return Twirp::Error.invalid_argument("name is mandatory")
    {message: "Hello #{req.name}"}

Service Handlers are just plain objects that respond to RPC methods with already serialized requests. Because of this they are very easy to unit test. Integration with Rack middleware can be done through service hooks, keeping the handler free of dependencies.

Use the client to talk to your service:

client = Example::HelloWorldClient.new("http://localhost:3000/twirp")
resp = client.hello(name: "World")
if resp.error
  puts resp.error # <Twirp::Error code:... msg:"..." meta:{...}>
  puts resp.data  # <Example::HelloResponse: message:"Hello World">

Or debug using JSON from curl:

curl --request POST \
  --url http://localhost:3000/twirp/example.HelloWorld/Hello \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{"name": "World"}'

You can auto-generate clients in other languages like Go, JavaScript, Python, Rust, etc. See the Twirp canonical implementation for more info.