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Executes a cluster management command on the remote vtctld server.
vtctldclient [flags]
vtctldclient [command]
Available Commands:
AddCellInfo Registers a local topology service in a new cell by creating the CellInfo.
AddCellsAlias Defines a group of cells that can be referenced by a single name (the alias).
ApplyRoutingRules Applies the VSchema routing rules.
ApplySchema Applies the schema change to the specified keyspace on every primary, running in parallel on all shards. The changes are then propagated to replicas via replication.
ApplyShardRoutingRules Applies VSchema shard routing rules.
ApplyVSchema Applies the VTGate routing schema to the provided keyspace. Shows the result after application.
Backup Uses the BackupStorage service on the given tablet to create and store a new backup.
BackupShard Finds the most up-to-date REPLICA, RDONLY, or SPARE tablet in the given shard and uses the BackupStorage service on that tablet to create and store a new backup.
ChangeTabletType Changes the db type for the specified tablet, if possible.
CreateKeyspace Creates the specified keyspace in the topology.
CreateShard Creates the specified shard in the topology.
DeleteCellInfo Deletes the CellInfo for the provided cell.
DeleteCellsAlias Deletes the CellsAlias for the provided alias.
DeleteKeyspace Deletes the specified keyspace from the topology.
DeleteShards Deletes the specified shards from the topology.
DeleteSrvVSchema Deletes the SrvVSchema object in the given cell.
DeleteTablets Deletes tablet(s) from the topology.
EmergencyReparentShard Reparents the shard to the new primary. Assumes the old primary is dead and not responding.
ExecuteFetchAsApp Executes the given query as the App user on the remote tablet.
ExecuteFetchAsDBA Executes the given query as the DBA user on the remote tablet.
ExecuteHook Runs the specified hook on the given tablet.
FindAllShardsInKeyspace Returns a map of shard names to shard references for a given keyspace.
GetBackups Lists backups for the given shard.
GetCellInfo Gets the CellInfo object for the given cell.
GetCellInfoNames Lists the names of all cells in the cluster.
GetCellsAliases Gets all CellsAlias objects in the cluster.
GetFullStatus Outputs a JSON structure that contains full status of MySQL including the replication information, semi-sync information, GTID information among others.
GetKeyspace Returns information about the given keyspace from the topology.
GetKeyspaces Returns information about every keyspace in the topology.
GetPermissions Displays the permissions for a tablet.
GetRoutingRules Displays the VSchema routing rules.
GetSchema Displays the full schema for a tablet, optionally restricted to the specified tables/views.
GetShard Returns information about a shard in the topology.
GetShardRoutingRules Displays VSchema shard routing rules.
GetSrvKeyspaceNames Outputs a JSON mapping of cell=>keyspace names served in that cell. Omit to query all cells.
GetSrvKeyspaces Returns the SrvKeyspaces for the given keyspace in one or more cells.
GetSrvVSchema Returns the SrvVSchema for the given cell.
GetSrvVSchemas Returns the SrvVSchema for all cells, optionally filtered by the given cells.
GetTablet Outputs a JSON structure that contains information about the tablet.
GetTabletVersion Print the version of a tablet from its debug vars.
GetTablets Looks up tablets according to filter criteria.
GetTopologyPath Gets the file located at the specified path in the topology server.
GetVSchema Prints a JSON representation of a keyspace's topo record.
GetWorkflows Gets all vreplication workflows (Reshard, MoveTables, etc) in the given keyspace.
LegacyVtctlCommand Invoke a legacy vtctlclient command. Flag parsing is best effort.
PingTablet Checks that the specified tablet is awake and responding to RPCs. This command can be blocked by other in-flight operations.
PlannedReparentShard Reparents the shard to a new primary, or away from an old primary. Both the old and new primaries must be up and running.
RebuildKeyspaceGraph Rebuilds the serving data for the keyspace(s). This command may trigger an update to all connected clients.
RebuildVSchemaGraph Rebuilds the cell-specific SrvVSchema from the global VSchema objects in the provided cells (or all cells if none provided).
RefreshState Reloads the tablet record on the specified tablet.
RefreshStateByShard Reloads the tablet record all tablets in the shard, optionally limited to the specified cells.
ReloadSchema Reloads the schema on a remote tablet.
ReloadSchemaKeyspace Reloads the schema on all tablets in a keyspace. This is done on a best-effort basis.
ReloadSchemaShard Reloads the schema on all tablets in a shard. This is done on a best-effort basis.
RemoveBackup Removes the given backup from the BackupStorage used by vtctld.
RemoveKeyspaceCell Removes the specified cell from the Cells list for all shards in the specified keyspace (by calling RemoveShardCell on every shard). It also removes the SrvKeyspace for that keyspace in that cell.
RemoveShardCell Remove the specified cell from the specified shard's Cells list.
ReparentTablet Reparent a tablet to the current primary in the shard.
RestoreFromBackup Stops mysqld on the specified tablet and restores the data from either the latest backup or closest before `backup-timestamp`.
RunHealthCheck Runs a healthcheck on the remote tablet.
SetKeyspaceDurabilityPolicy Sets the durability-policy used by the specified keyspace.
SetShardIsPrimaryServing Add or remove a shard from serving. This is meant as an emergency function. It does not rebuild any serving graphs; i.e. it does not run `RebuildKeyspaceGraph`.
SetShardTabletControl Sets the TabletControl record for a shard and tablet type. Only use this for an emergency fix or after a finished MoveTables.
SetWritable Sets the specified tablet as writable or read-only.
ShardReplicationFix Walks through a ShardReplication object and fixes the first error encountered.
SleepTablet Blocks the action queue on the specified tablet for the specified amount of time. This is typically used for testing.
SourceShardAdd Adds the SourceShard record with the provided index for emergencies only. It does not call RefreshState for the shard primary.
SourceShardDelete Deletes the SourceShard record with the provided index. This should only be used for emergency cleanup. It does not call RefreshState for the shard primary.
StartReplication Starts replication on the specified tablet.
StopReplication Stops replication on the specified tablet.
TabletExternallyReparented Updates the topology record for the tablet's shard to acknowledge that an external tool made this tablet the primary.
UpdateCellInfo Updates the content of a CellInfo with the provided parameters, creating the CellInfo if it does not exist.
UpdateCellsAlias Updates the content of a CellsAlias with the provided parameters, creating the CellsAlias if it does not exist.
Validate Validates that all nodes reachable from the global replication graph, as well as all tablets in discoverable cells, are consistent.
ValidateKeyspace Validates that all nodes reachable from the specified keyspace are consistent.
ValidateSchemaKeyspace Validates that the schema on the primary tablet for shard 0 matches the schema on all other tablets in the keyspace.
ValidateShard Validates that all nodes reachable from the specified shard are consistent.
ValidateVersionKeyspace Validates that the version on the primary tablet of shard 0 matches all of the other tablets in the keyspace.
ValidateVersionShard Validates that the version on the primary matches all of the replicas.
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
--action_timeout duration timeout for the total command (default 1h0m0s)
--alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files
--grpc_auth_static_client_creds string When using grpc_static_auth in the server, this file provides the credentials to use to authenticate with server.
--grpc_compression string Which protocol to use for compressing gRPC. Default: nothing. Supported: snappy
--grpc_enable_tracing Enable gRPC tracing.
--grpc_initial_conn_window_size int gRPC initial connection window size
--grpc_initial_window_size int gRPC initial window size
--grpc_keepalive_time duration After a duration of this time, if the client doesn't see any activity, it pings the server to see if the transport is still alive. (default 10s)
--grpc_keepalive_timeout duration After having pinged for keepalive check, the client waits for a duration of Timeout and if no activity is seen even after that the connection is closed. (default 10s)
--grpc_max_message_size int Maximum allowed RPC message size. Larger messages will be rejected by gRPC with the error 'exceeding the max size'. (default 16777216)
--grpc_prometheus Enable gRPC monitoring with Prometheus.
-h, --help help for vtctldclient
--keep_logs duration keep logs for this long (using ctime) (zero to keep forever)
--keep_logs_by_mtime duration keep logs for this long (using mtime) (zero to keep forever)
--log_backtrace_at traceLocation when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace (default :0)
--log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory
--log_rotate_max_size uint size in bytes at which logs are rotated (glog.MaxSize) (default 1887436800)
--logtostderr log to standard error instead of files
--mysql_server_version string MySQL server version to advertise.
--purge_logs_interval duration how often try to remove old logs (default 1h0m0s)
--security_policy string the name of a registered security policy to use for controlling access to URLs - empty means allow all for anyone (built-in policies: deny-all, read-only)
--server string server to use for connection (required)
--stderrthreshold severity logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 1)
-v, --v Level log level for V logs
--version version for vtctldclient
--vmodule moduleSpec comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
--vtctl_client_protocol string Protocol to use to talk to the vtctl server. (default "grpc")
--vtctld_grpc_ca string the server ca to use to validate servers when connecting
--vtctld_grpc_cert string the cert to use to connect
--vtctld_grpc_crl string the server crl to use to validate server certificates when connecting
--vtctld_grpc_key string the key to use to connect
--vtctld_grpc_server_name string the server name to use to validate server certificate
Use "vtctldclient [command] --help" for more information about a command.