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Setting up and using GitHub Self hosted runners

Adding a new self-hosted runner

Steps to follow to add a new self-hosted runner for GitHub. You will need access to the Equinix account for Vitess's CI testing and Admin access to Vitess.

  1. Spawn a new c3.small instance and name it on the Equinix dashboard
  2. use ssh to connect to the server
  3. Install docker on the server by running the following commands
    1. curl -fsSL -o
    2. sudo sh
  4. Create a new user with a home directory for the action runner
    1. useradd -m github-runner
  5. Add the user to the docker group so that it can use docker as well
    1. sudo usermod -aG docker github-runner
  6. Switch to the newly created user
    1. su github-runner
  7. Goto the home directory of the user and follow the steps in Adding self hosted runners to repository
    1. mkdir github-runner-<num> && cd github-runner-<num>
    2. curl -o actions-runner-linux-x64-2.280.3.tar.gz -L
    3. tar xzf ./actions-runner-linux-x64-2.280.3.tar.gz
    4. ./ --url --token <token> --name github-runner-<num>
    5. With a screen execute ./
  8. Set up a cron job to remove docker volumes and images every week
    1. crontab -e
    2. Within the file add a line 8 5 * * 6 docker system prune -f --volumes --all

Using a self-hosted runner to debug a flaky test

You will need access to the self-hosted runner machine to be able to connect to it via SSH.

  1. From the output of the run on GitHub Actions, find the Machine name
  2. Find that machine on the Equinix dashboard and connect to it via ssh
  3. From the output of the Print Volume Used step find the volume used
  4. From the output of the Build Docker Image step find the docker image built for this workflow
  5. On the machine run docker run -d -v <volume-name>:/vt/vtdataroot <image-name> /bin/bash -c "sleep 600000000000"
  6. On the terminal copy the docker id of the newly created container
  7. Now execute docker exec -it <docker-id> /bin/bash
  8. Use the /vt/vtdataroot directory to find the output of the run along with the debug files