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Add An App

There are several ways you can add an app to your repository:

  • You can use the Create a new app workflow in AL-Go for GitHub to create a new app and start coding.
  • You can use the Add existing app or test app workflow to upload an .app file (or multiple) and have AL-Go for GitHub extract the source.
  • You can upload the source files directly into GitHub
  • You can clone the repository and add your source files from VS Code (possibly using the AL:Go in VS Code)

All in all - it is just a matter of adding the source files of your app to the repository.

In this workshop, we will use the Create a new app workflow.

In your repository, click Actions. Locate the Show more workflows... and click that to reveal the hidden workflows. Select the Create a new app workflow and click Run workflow. Enter the following values in the form:

Name Value
Use workflow from Branch: main
Project name .
Name app1
Publisher <your publisher name>
ID Range ( 55000..55100
Include Sample Code ☑️
Direct Commit 🔲
Use GhTokenWorkflow 🔲

Wait a few minutes until the workflow completes and click Pull requests to see that there is a Pull request open for review.


Open the Pull request and click Files changed to see what the Pull request will add to your repository.


The changes made by the workflow includes adding the new app path to the al.code-workspace, and adding an app folder with app.json, (sample code) and .vscode/launch.json. The Create a new app workflow doesn't do anything else than just adding these changes, no magic behind the scenes.


If you have renamed the al.code-workspace file to <anothername>.code-workspace to be able to better distinguish the workspaces, it will still be updated.

Select Conversation and merge the pull request by clicking Merge the pull request, Confirm merge and then delete the temporary branch created for the pull request, by clicking Delete branch. Select Actions and see that a merge commit workflow was kicked off:


When the merge commit is done, click the workflow line and scroll down to see the artifacts created by this build:


My artifacts are created with version - that might not be the same in your repository.

Let's talk about versioning and naming...

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