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  • Issue #100 - Add more resilience to localDevEnv.ps1 and cloudDevEnv.ps1
  • Issue #131 - Special characters are not allowed in secrets

All workflows

  • During initialize, all AL-Go settings files are now checked for validity and reported correctly
  • During initialize, the version number of AL-Go for GitHub is printed in large letters (incl. preview or dev.)

New workflow: Create new Performance Test App

  • Create BCPT Test app and add to bcptTestFolders to run bcpt Tests in workflows (set doNotRunBcptTests in workflow settings for workflows where you do NOT want this)

Update AL-Go System Files Workflow

  • Include release notes of new version in the description of the PR (and in the workflow output)

CI/CD workflow

  • Apps are not signed when the workflow is running as a Pull Request validation
  • if a secret called applicationInsightsConnectionString exists, then the value of that will be used as ApplicationInsightsConnectionString for the app

Increment Version Number Workflow

  • Bugfix: increment all apps using f.ex. +0.1 would fail.


  • Add suport for EnvironmentName redirection by adding an Environment Secret under the environment or a repo secret called <environmentName>_EnvironmentName with the actual environment name.
  • No default environment name on Publish To Environment


  • New setting: runs-on to allow modifying runs-on for all jobs (requires Update AL-Go System files after changing the setting)
  • New setting: DoNotSignApps - setting this to true causes signing of the app to be skipped
  • New setting: DoNotPublishApps - setting this to true causes the workflow to skip publishing, upgrading and testing the app to improve performance.
  • New setting: ConditionalSettings to allow to use different settings for specific branches. Example:
    "ConditionalSettings": [
            "branches": [ 
            "settings": {
                "doNotPublishApps":  true,
                "doNotSignApps":  true
  • Default BcContainerHelperVersion is now based on AL-Go version. Preview AL-Go selects preview bcContainerHelper, normal selects latest.
  • New Setting: bcptTestFolders contains folders with BCPT tests, which will run in all build workflows
  • New Setting: set doNotRunBcptTest to true (in workflow specific settings file?) to avoid running BCPT tests
  • New Setting: set obsoleteTagMinAllowedMajorMinor to enable appsource cop to validate your app against future changes (AS0105). This setting will become auto-calculated in Test Current, Test Next Minor and Test Next Major later.


All workflows

  • Add requested permissions to avoid dependency on user/org defaults being too permissive

Update AL-Go System Files Workflow

  • Default host to (you can enter myaccount/AL-Go-PTE@main to change template)
  • Support for "just" changing branch (ex. @Preview) to shift to the preview version

CI/CD Workflow

  • Support for feature branches (naming feature/*) - CI/CD workflow will run, but not generate artifacts nor deploy to QA

Create Release Workflow

  • Support for release branches
  • Force Semver format on release tags
  • Add support for creating release branches on release (naming release/*)
  • Add support for incrementing main branch after release

Increment version number workflow

  • Add support for incremental (and absolute) version number change


  • Support environmentName redirection in CI/CD and Publish To Environments workflows
  • If the name in Environments or environments settings doesn't match the actual environment name,
  • You can add a secret called EnvironmentName under the environment (or <environmentname>_ENVIRONMENTNAME globally)



  • Issue #90 - Environments did not work. Secrets for environments specified in settings can now be <environmentname>_AUTHCONTEXT

CI/CD Workflow

  • Give warning instead of error If no artifacts are found in appDependencyProbingPaths



  • Issue #90 - Environments did not work. Environments (even if only defined in the settings file) did not work for private repositories if you didn't have a premium subscription.

Local scripts

  • LocalDevEnv.ps1 and *CloudDevEnv.ps1 will now spawn a new PowerShell window as admin instead of running inside VS Code. Normally people doesn't run VS Code as administrator, and they shouldn't have to. Furthermore, I have seen a some people having problems when running these scripts inside VS Code.



  • New Repo Setting: GenerateDependencyArtifact (default false). When true, CI/CD pipeline generates an artifact with the external dependencies used for building the apps in this repo.
  • New Repo Setting: UpdateDependencies (default false). When true, the default artifact for building the apps in this repo is not the latest available artifacts for this country, but instead the first compatible version (after calculating application dependencies). It is recommended to run Test Current, Test NextMinor and Test NextMajor in order to test your app against current and future builds.

CI/CD Workflow

  • New Artifact: BuildOutput.txt. All compiler warnings and errors are emitted to this file to make it easier to investigate compiler errors and build a better UI for build errors and test results going forward.
  • TestResults artifact name to include repo version number and workflow name (for Current, NextMinor and NextMajor)
  • Default dependency version in appDependencyProbingPaths setting used is now latest Release instead of LatestBuild