
915 B


This file needs to be updated with every significant pull request. It is used to write down release notes.

Version 0.5.7 (unreleased)

  • Update data contract to align with latest schema
  • Inject JavaScript snippet on the page automatically to track client side telemetry

Version 0.5.6

  • Expose request id to parent Rack application when using ApplicationInsights::Rack::TrackRequest middleware through env[''].
  • Implement operation context functionality for ApplicationInsights::Rack::TrackRequest.
  • Add functionality to accept a Request-Id header for telemetry correlation.
  • Add operation context to request tracking middleware.

Version 0.5.5

  • Add some basic logging when failed to send telemetry to the server
  • Add timestamp as an optional parameter to the TelemetryChannel::write() method

Version 0.5.4

Changelog started after this release.