
47 KiB


In this release:

Composer desktop application

We are excited to be releasing version 1.0 Composer desktop application! With the desktop version of Composer, users no longer need to clone the repository and build from source. There versions available for all platforms. To see all releases, visit the releases tab or go to for the latest version.

4.9 SDK

This release includes version 4.9 of the BotFramework BotBuilder SDK. Check out the release notes here.

Composer Plugins

A preview version of Composer plugins is shipping with this release. With plugins, developers can extend Composer functionality in many ways such as authentication, custom storage, custom publishing as well as extending the Composer api in arbitrary ways.

To see examples of plugins, look in the ./Composer/plugins directory.

Managed runtime

By default, new bots created with Composer will only include the declarative assets (dialogs, lu, and lg files). The runtime needed to run the bot is managed by Composer. If users want to customize the runtime, they can do so by "ejecting" from the settings page.

Azure deploy

An example of a plugin that the Composer team has worked on is the Azure Publish plugin. With this, users can now provision and deploy their bots to Azure Bot Service directly through Composer!

Accessibility updates

Many accessibility improvements were made in this release. We are always striving to ensure our products meet the highest standards of accessibility compliance.

Full Changelog



