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# How to test the Management API
## Getting Started
To verify that the **Management API** is running properly we will use [Postman](https://identity.getpostman.com/signup?continue=https%3A%2F%2Fgo.postman.co%2Fbuild) to join the bot to a Microsoft Teams meeting.
1. [Create](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/schedule-a-meeting-in-teams-943507a9-8583-4c58-b5d2-8ec8265e04e5) a new Microsoft Teams meeting and join it.
![Microsoft Teams Invite Link](../how-to-run-the-solution-locally/images/invite_link.png)
1. Once you have joined the meeting **copy** the invitation link from the meeting and we will use it to join the bot to that meeting.
1. Open **Postman** and create a new POST request pointing to the following address: `https://{{webAppUrl}}/api/call/initialize-call`.
> **NOTE:** Replace the placeholder `{{webAppUrl}}` with the URL of the [Web App](web_app_and_app_service_plan.md) created in previous steps.
1. You must now obtain the token that allows validation to use the **Management API** endpoints. Check the following [documentation](authorization_token.md), which explains how to obtain the token.
1. Once the token is obtained, in the authorization tab, select `Bearer Token` for `Type` and add the authorization token in the corresponding input.
![Auht Header](images/test_web_app_postman_add_service_auth_header.png)
1. In the header tab, add (if it does not exist) a new key `Content-Type` with the value `application/json`.
![Postman Header](../how-to-run-the-solution-locally/images/postman_header.png)
1. In the **Body** tab select **raw** and complete by copying the following:
"MeetingUrl": "{{microsoftTeamsInviteLink}}"
| Placeholder | Description |
| microsoftTeamsInviteLink | Microsoft Teams invite link. |
1. Click on the **Send** button and the request will be sent to the solution, you should receive a response with status `200 Ok` and after a few seconds the bot should join the Microsoft Teams meeting.
![Test with Postman](images/test_with_postman_web_app.png)
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