fixed boost download and opencv installation

This commit is contained in:
Wolfgang Manousek 2017-01-05 19:29:10 +01:00
Родитель 6b94f75bbf
Коммит 0923497dcc
4 изменённых файлов: 90 добавлений и 369 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -57,11 +57,6 @@ Param(
[parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $ServerLocation,
[parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $CloneDirectory)
$Execute = $true
$roboCopyCmd = "robocopy.exe"
$localDir = $InstallLocation
@ -141,6 +136,7 @@ Function main
$operation += OpSwig3010 -cache $localCache -targetFolder $localDir
$operation += OpProtoBuf310VS15 -cache $localCache -targetFolder $localDir
$operation += OpZlibVS15 -cache $localCache -targetFolder $localDir
$operation += OpOpenCV31 -cache $localCache -targetFolder $localDir
if ($ServerLocation) {
$operation += OpProtoBuf310VS15Internal -server $ServerLocation -cache $localCache -targetFolder $localDir
$operation += OpZLibVS15Internal -server $ServerLocation -cache $localCache -targetFolder $localDir
@ -153,12 +149,7 @@ Function main
#$operation += OpGitClone -targetFolder $repositoryRootDir -targetDir $reponame
#$operation += OpSysinternals -cache $localCache -targetFolder $localDir
#$operation += OpOpenCVInternal $ServerLocation -cache $localCache -targetFolder $localDir
#$operation += OpOpenCV31 -cache $localCache -targetFolder $localDir
#$operation += OpCygwin -cache $localCache -targetFolder $localDir
#$operation += AddOpDisableJITDebug
#$operation += OpTestData "c:\Data\CNTKTestData" "\\\public\CNTKTestData"
#$operation += OpSysinternals -cache $localCache -targetFolder $localDir
$operationList = @()

Просмотреть файл

@ -326,30 +326,66 @@ function ExtractAllFromZip(
$tempDir = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName();
remove-item $tempDir | Out-Null
$completeTempDestination = join-path -Path $tempDir -ChildPath $destinationFolder
new-item -type directory -path $completeTempDestination -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
$obj = new-object -com shell.application
$zipFile = $obj.NameSpace($zipFileName)
$destinationNS = $obj.NameSpace($completeTempDestination)
if ($Execute) {
$obj = new-object -com shell.application
$zipFile = $obj.NameSpace($zipFileName)
$destinationNS = $obj.NameSpace($completeTempDestination)
if ($zipSubTree -ne $null) {
$completeTempDestination = join-path $completeTempDestination $zipSubTree
RobocopySourceDestination $completeTempDestination $completeDestination $copyAdditive
rm -r tempDir -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
if ($zipSubTree) {
$completeTempDestination = join-path $completeTempDestination $zipSubTree
RobocopySourceDestination $completeTempDestination $completeDestination $copyAdditive
rm -r $tempDir -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
function Extract7zipSelfExtractingArchive(
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][hashtable] $table)
FunctionIntro $table
$func = $table["Function"]
$archiveName = $table["archiveName"]
$destination = $table["destination"]
$destinationFolder = $table["destinationFolder"]
$archiveSubTree = $table["archiveSubTree"]
$copyAdditive = GetTableDefaultBool -table $table -entryName "AddToDirectory" -defaultValue $false
Write-Verbose "Extract7zipSelfExtractingArchive: archiveName [$archiveName] destination [$destination] Folder [$destinationFolder]"
if (-not $Execute) {
$completeDestination = join-path -Path $destination -ChildPath $destinationFolder
if (-not (test-path $archiveName -PathType Leaf)) {
throw "Extract7zipSelfExtractingArchive: zipFileName [$zipFileName] not found!"
$tempDir = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName();
remove-item $tempDir | Out-Null
$completeTempDestination = $tempDir
new-item -type directory -path $completeTempDestination -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
$cmdParm = "-o`"$completeTempDestination`" -y"
$newTable = @{ Function = "InstallExe"; Command = $archiveName; Param = $cmdParm; runAs=$false }
InstallExe $newTable
if ($archiveSubTree) {
$completeTempDestination = join-path $completeTempDestination $archiveSubTree
RobocopySourceDestination $completeTempDestination $completeDestination $copyAdditive
rm -r $tempDir -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
function ExtractAllFromTarGz(

Просмотреть файл

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ function Download(
DownloadFileWebRequest -SourceFile $source -OutFile $destination -ExpectedSize $ExpectedSize
else {
DownloadFile -SourceFile $source -OutFile $destination
DownloadFileWebClient -SourceFile $source -OutFile $destination
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ function DownloadAndExtract(
$outFileName = Join-Path $tPath $fileName
DownloadFile -SourceFile $sAddress `
DownloadFileWebClient -SourceFile $sAddress `
-OutFile $outFileName `
-tempFileName $fileName
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ function DownloadFileWebRequest (
Remove-Item -path $TempFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
function DownloadFile(
function DownloadFileWebClient(
[string] $SourceFile,
[string] $OutFile,
[int] $timeout = 600,
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ function DownloadFile(
$startTime = Get-Date
Write-Host "Downloading [$SourceFile], please be patient...."
Write-Host "Downloading [$SourceFile], please be patient, no progress message is shown ..."
if (-not $Execute) {
Write-Host "$message ** Running in DEMOMODE - no download performed"

Просмотреть файл

@ -40,27 +40,6 @@ function OpAnacondaEnv34(
function OpBoost160(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder)
$prodName = "Boost 1.60.0"
$prodFile = "boost_1_60_0-msvc-12.0-64.exe"
$prodSubDir = "boost_1_60_0"
$targetPath = join-path $targetFolder $prodSubDir
$downloadSource = ""
@( @{Name = $prodName; ShortName = "BOOST160"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = $targetPath },
@{Function = "VerifyEnvironmentAndData"; EnvVar = "BOOST_INCLUDE_PATH"; Content = $targetPath },
@{Function = "VerifyEnvironmentAndData"; EnvVar = "BOOST_LIB_PATH"; Content = "$targetPath\lib64-msvc-12.0" } );
Download = @( @{Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "SetEnvironmentVariable"; EnvVar = "BOOST_INCLUDE_PATH"; Content = "$targetPath" },
@{Function = "SetEnvironmentVariable"; EnvVar = "BOOST_LIB_PATH"; Content = "$targetPath\lib64-msvc-12.0" },
@{Function = "InstallExe"; Command = "$cache\$prodFile"; Param = "/dir=$targetPath /SP- /SILENT /NORESTART"; runAs=$false } );
} )
function OpBoost160VS15(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder)
@ -73,13 +52,14 @@ function OpBoost160VS15(
$envVarLib = "BOOST_LIB_PATH"
$envContentLib = "$targetPath\lib64-msvc-14.0"
$downloadSize = 0
@( @{Name = $prodName; ShortName = "BOOST160VS15"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = $targetPath },
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = "$targetPath" },
@{Function = "VerifyEnvironmentAndData"; EnvVar = $envVar; Content = $targetPath },
@{Function = "VerifyEnvironmentAndData"; EnvVar = $envVarLib; Content = $envContentLib } );
Download = @( @{Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "SetEnvironmentVariable"; EnvVar = $envVar; Content = $targetPath },
Download = @( @{Function = "Download"; Method = "WebClient"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile"; ExpectedSize = $downloadSize } );
Actionssssss = @( @{Function = "SetEnvironmentVariable"; EnvVar = $envVar; Content = $targetPath },
@{Function = "SetEnvironmentVariable"; EnvVar = $envVarLib; Content = $envContentLib },
@{Function = "InstallExe"; Command = "$cache\$prodFile"; Param = "/dir=$targetPath /SP- /SILENT /NORESTART"; runAs=$false } );
} )
@ -92,37 +72,16 @@ function OpCMake362(
$targetPath = join-path $env:ProgramFiles "cmake\bin"
$cmakeName = "cmake-3.6.2-win64-x64.msi"
$downloadSource = ""
$downloadSize = 15771063
@( @{ShortName = "CMake362"; Name = $prodName; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyWinProductExists"; Match = "^CMake$"; Version = "3.6.2" } );
Download = @( @{Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$cmakeName" } );
Download = @( @{Function = "Download"; Method = "WebRequest"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$cmakeName"; ExpectedSize = $downloadSize } );
Action = @( @{Function = "InstallMsi"; MsiName = "$cmakeName" ; MsiDir = "$cache" } ,
@{Function = "AddToPath"; Dir = "$targetPath" } );
} )
function OpCNTKMKL2
([parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder)
$prodName = "CNTK Custom MKL Version 2"
$prodFile = ""
$prodSubDir = "CNTKCustomMKL"
$targetPath = join-path $targetFolder $prodSubDir
$targetPathCurrenVersion = join-path $targetPath "2"
$envVar = "CNTK_MKL_PATH";
$envValue = $targetPath
$downloadSource = "$prodFile";
@( @{ShortName = "CNTKMKL2"; Name = $prodName; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPathCurrenVersion"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = $targetPathCurrenVersion },
@{Function = "VerifyEnvironmentAndData"; EnvVar = $envVar; Content = $envValue } );
Download = @( @{ Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "ExtractAllFromZip"; zipFileName = "$cache\$prodFile"; destination = $localDir; destinationFolder = $prodSubDir },
@{Function = "SetEnvironmentVariable"; EnvVar= $envVar; Content = $envValue } );
} )
function OpCNTKMKL3
([parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder)
@ -135,100 +94,28 @@ function OpCNTKMKL3
$envVar = "CNTK_MKL_PATH";
$envValue = $targetPath
$downloadSource = "$prodFile";
$downloadSize = 10331909
@( @{ShortName = "CNTKMKL3"; Name = $prodName; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPathCurrenVersion"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = $targetPathCurrenVersion },
@{Function = "VerifyEnvironmentAndData"; EnvVar = $envVar; Content = $envValue } );
Download = @( @{ Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "ExtractAllFromZip"; zipFileName = "$cache\$prodFile"; destination = $localDir; destinationFolder = $prodSubDir },
Download = @( @{ Function = "Download"; Method = "WebRequest"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile"; ExpectedSize = $downloadSize } );
Action = @( @{Function = "ExtractAllFromZip"; zipFileName = "$cache\$prodFile"; destination = $targetFolder; destinationFolder = $prodSubDir },
@{Function = "SetEnvironmentVariable"; EnvVar= $envVar; Content = $envValue } );
} )
function OpCygwin
([parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder)
$prodName = "CygWin64"
$prodFile = "cygwinSetup_64.exe"
$prodSubDir = "cygwin64"
$targetPath = join-path $targetFolder $prodSubDir
$regkey = "Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Cygwin"
$downloadSource = ""
$installParam = "--quiet-mode --no-admin --site --root $targetPath --local-package-dir $cache --packages python,python-yaml,python-numpy,diffutils"
$bFileName = "cygwinpip.bash"
$bashFileName = join-path $targetFolder $bFileName
$bashParmFile = Join-Path "\cygdrive\c" (split-path $bashFileName -NoQualifier)
$bashParmFile = $bashParmFile.replace("\","/")
$bashParam = "-l -c $bashParmFile"
@( @{ShortName = "CYGWIN64"; Name = $prodName; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = "$targetPath" },
@{Function = "VerifyRegistryKey"; Key = $regKey } );
Download = @( @{ Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "InstallExe"; Command = "$cache\$prodFile"; Param = $installParam; runAs=$false; WorkDir = $targetFolder},
@{Function = "AddToPath"; Dir = "$targetPath\bin"; AtStart = $false },
@{Function = "CreateCygwinBashScript"; FileName = $bashFileName },
@{Function = "InstallExe"; Command = "$targetPath\bin\bash.exe"; Param = $bashParam; runAs=$false; WorkDir = $targetPath } );
} )
function AddOpDisableJITDebug
@( @{Name="Visual Studio Disable Just-In-Time Debugging"; ShortName = "JITVS2013"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for JIT Debugging registry keys"; ActionInfo = "Removing registry keys to disable JIT debugging, advisable for Jenkins machines";
Verification = @( @{Function = "DeletedRegistryKeyName"; Key = "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug"; RegName = "Debugger"; },
@{Function = "DeletedRegistryKeyName"; Key = "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework"; RegName = "DbgManagedDebugger" },
@{Function = "DeletedRegistryKeyName"; Key = "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug"; RegName = "Debugger" },
@{Function = "DeletedRegistryKeyName"; Key = "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\.NETFramework"; RegName = "DbgManagedDebugger" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "RemoveRegistryKeyName"; Key = "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug"; Elevated = $true; RegName = "Debugger" },
@{Function = "RemoveRegistryKeyName"; Key = "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework"; Elevated = $true; RegName = "DbgManagedDebugger" },
@{Function = "RemoveRegistryKeyName"; Key = "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug"; Elevated = $true; RegName = "Debugger" },
@{Function = "RemoveRegistryKeyName"; Key = "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\.NETFramework"; Elevated = $true; RegName = "DbgManagedDebugger" } )
} )
function OpGit2101(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache)
$prodName = "Git"
$targetPath = join-path $env:ProgramFiles "Git\bin"
$prodFile = "Git-2.10.1-64-bit.exe"
$downloadSource = "$prodFile"
@( @{ShortName = "GIT"; Name = $prodName; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyRegistryKeyName"; Key = "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GitForWindows"; RegName = "CurrentVersion"; } );
Download = @( @{ Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "InstallExe"; Command = "$cache\$prodFile"; Param = "/SP- /SILENT /NORESTART"},
@{Function = "AddToPath"; Dir = $targetPath; AtStart = $true; } )
} )
function OpGitClone(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetDir,
[string] $repoTag = "master")
$targetPath = join-path $targetFolder $targetDir
$downloadSource = "";
$appDir = join-path $env:ProgramFiles "Git\bin"
@( @{Name = "Clone CNTK from Github"; ShortName = "CNTKCLONE"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for CNTK-Clone target directory $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Cloneing CNTK from Github repository";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = $targetPath } );
Action = @( @{Function = "MakeDirectory"; Path = $targetFolder },
@{Function = "ExecuteApplication"; AppName = "git.exe"; Param = "clone --branch $repoTag --recursive"; AppDir = $appDir; UseEnvPath = $true; WorkDir = $targetFolder } )
} )
function OpMSMPI70([parameter(
Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache)
$remoteFilename = "MSMpiSetup.exe"
$localFilename = "MSMpiSetup70.exe"
$downloadSource = "$remoteFilename";
$downloadSize = 2285568
@( @{Name = "MSMPI Installation"; ShortName = "CNTK"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for installed MSMPI 70"; ActionInfo = "Installing MSMPI 70";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyWinProductVersion"; Match = "^Microsoft MPI \(\d+\."; Version = "7.0.12437.6"; MatchExact = $false } );
Download = @( @{Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$localFilename" } );
Download = @( @{Function = "Download"; Method = "WebRequest"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$localFilename"; ExpectedSize = $downloadSize } );
Action = @( @{Function = "InstallExe"; Command = "$cache\$localFilename" ; Param = "/unattend" } )
} )
@ -239,11 +126,12 @@ function OpMSMPI70SDK(
$remoteFilename = "msmpisdk.msi"
$localFilename = "msmpisdk70.msi"
$downloadSource = "$remoteFilename";
$downloadSize = 5277808
@( @{Name = "MSMPI SDK70 Installation"; ShortName = "CNTK"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for installed MSMPI 70 SDK"; ActionInfo = "Install MSMPI 70 SDK";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyWinProductVersion"; Match = "^Microsoft MPI SDK \(\d+\."; Version = "7.0.12437.6"; MatchExact = $false } );
#Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyWinProductExists"; Match = "^Microsoft MPI SDK \(\d+\."; Compare = "^Microsoft MPI SDK \(7\.0\.12437\.6\)"; MatchExact = $false } );
Download = @( @{Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$localFilename" } );
Download = @( @{Function = "Download"; Method = "WebRequest"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$localFilename"; ExpectedSize = $downloadSize } );
Action = @( @{Function = "InstallMsi"; MsiName = "$localFilename" ; MsiDir = "$cache" } )
} )
@ -259,78 +147,17 @@ function OpNvidiaCub141(
$envVar = "CUB_PATH";
$envValue = $targetPath
$downloadSource = "";
$downloadSize = 51376046
@( @{ShortName = "CUB141"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = "$targetPath" },
@{Function = "VerifyEnvironmentAndData"; EnvVar = $envVar; Content = $envValue } );
Download = @( @{Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile" } );
Download = @( @{Function = "Download"; Method = "WebRequest"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile"; ExpectedSize = $downloadSize } );
Action = @( @{Function = "ExtractAllFromZip"; zipFileName = "$cache\$prodFile"; destination = "$targetFolder"; destinationFolder = $prodSubDir; zipSubTree= $prodSubDir },
@{Function = "SetEnvironmentVariable"; EnvVar= $envVar; Content = $envValue } );
} )
function OpNVidiaCuda75(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache)
$cudaDownload = ""
$programPath = join-path $env:ProgramFiles "NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v7.5"
@( @{Name="NVidia CUDA 7.5"; ShortName = "CUDA75"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for installed NVidia Cuda 75"; ActionInfo = "Installing CUDA 7.5";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = $programPath },
@{Function = "VerifyEnvironmentAndData"; EnvVar = "CUDA_PATH_V7_5"; Content = $programPath } );
Download = @( @{Function = "DownloadForPLatform"; Platform = "^Microsoft Windows (7|8|Server 2008 R2|Server 2012 R2)"; Source = "$cudaDownload/cuda_7.5.18_windows.exe"; Destination = "$cache\cuda_7.5.18_windows.exe" },
@{Function = "DownloadForPLatform"; Platform = "^Microsoft Windows 10"; Source = "$cudaDownload/cuda_7.5.18_win10.exe"; Destination = "$cache\cuda_7.5.18_win10.exe" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "InstallExeForPlatform"; Platform = "^Microsoft Windows (7|8|Server 2008 R2|Server 2012 R2)"; Command = "$cache\cuda_7.5.18_windows.exe"; Param = "-s CUDAToolkit_7.5 CUDAVisualStudioIntegration_7.5 GDK"; Message = ".... This will take some time. Please be patient ...." } ,
@{Function = "InstallExeForPlatform"; Platform = "^Microsoft Windows 10"; Command = "$cache\cuda_7.5.18_win10.exe"; Param = "-s CUDAToolkit_7.5 CUDAVisualStudioIntegration_7.5 GDK"; Message = ".... This will take some time. Please be patient ...." } );
function OpNVidiaCuda80(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache)
$cudaDownload = ""
$cudaFile = "cuda_8.0.44_windows.exe"
$cudaFileWin10 = "cuda_8.0.44_win10.exe"
$programPath = join-path $env:ProgramFiles "NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v8.0"
$cudaInstallParam = "-s"
@( @{Name="NVidia CUDA 8.0"; ShortName = "CUDA80"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for installed NVidia Cuda 80"; ActionInfo = "Installing CUDA 8.0";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = $programPath },
@{Function = "VerifyEnvironmentAndData"; EnvVar = "CUDA_PATH_V8_0"; Content = $programPath } );
Download = @( @{Function = "DownloadForPLatform"; Platform = "^Microsoft Windows (7|8|Server 2008 R2|Server 2012 R2)"; Source = "$cudaDownload/$cudaFile"; Destination = "$cache\$cudaFile" },
@{Function = "DownloadForPLatform"; Platform = "^Microsoft Windows 10"; Source = "$cudaDownload/$cudaFileWin10"; Destination = "$cache\$cudaFileWin10" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "InstallExeForPlatform"; Platform = "^Microsoft Windows (7|8|Server 2008 R2|Server 2012 R2)"; Command = "$cache\$cudaFile"; Param = $cudaInstallParam } ,
@{Function = "InstallExeForPlatform"; Platform = "^Microsoft Windows 10"; Command = "$cache\$cudaFileWin10"; Param = $cudaInstallParam } );
function OpNVidiaCudnn5175(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder)
$prodName = "NVidia CUDNN 5.1 for CUDA 7.5"
$cudnnWin7 = ""
$cudnnWin10 = ""
$prodSubDir = "cudnn-7.5-v5.1"
$targetPath = join-path $targetFolder $prodSubDir
$envVar = "CUDNN_PATH"
$envValue = join-path $targetPath "cuda"
$downloadSource = ""
@( @{ShortName = "CUDNN5175"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = $targetPath },
@{Function = "VerifyEnvironmentAndData"; EnvVar = $envVar; Content = $envValue } );
Download = @( @{Function = "DownloadForPLatform"; Platform = "^Microsoft Windows 7"; Source = "$downloadSource/$cudnnWin7"; Destination = "$cache\$cudnnWin7" },
@{Function = "DownloadForPLatform"; Platform = "^Microsoft Windows (8|10|Server 2008 R2|Server 2012 R2)"; Source = "$downloadSource/$cudnnWin10"; Destination = "$cache\$cudnnWin10" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "ExtractAllFromZipForPlatform"; Platform = "^Microsoft Windows 7"; zipFileName = "$cache\$cudnnWin10"; destination = $targetFolder; destinationFolder = $prodSubDir },
@{Function = "ExtractAllFromZipForPlatform"; Platform = "^Microsoft Windows (8|10|Server 2008 R2|Server 2012 R2)"; zipFileName = "$cache\$cudnnWin10"; destination = $targetFolder; destinationFolder = $prodSubDir },
@{Function = "SetEnvironmentVariable"; EnvVar = $envVar; Content = $envValue } );
function OpNVidiaCudnn5180(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder)
@ -344,13 +171,15 @@ function OpNVidiaCudnn5180(
$envVar = "CUDNN_PATH"
$envValue = join-path $targetPath "cuda"
$downloadSource = ""
$downloadSizeWin7 = 0
$downloadSizeWin10 = 54440432
@( @{ShortName = "CUDNN5180"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = $targetPath },
@{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = $envValue },
@{Function = "VerifyEnvironmentAndData"; EnvVar = $envVar; Content = $envValue } );
Download = @( @{Function = "DownloadForPlatform"; Platform = "^Microsoft Windows 7"; Source = "$downloadSource/$cudnnWin7"; Destination = "$cache\$cudnnWin7" },
@{Function = "DownloadForPlatform"; Platform = "^Microsoft Windows (8|10|Server 2008 R2|Server 2012 R2)"; Source = "$downloadSource/$cudnnWin10"; Destination = "$cache\$cudnnWin10" } );
Download = @( @{Function = "DownloadForPlatform"; Method = "WebRequest"; Platform = "^Microsoft Windows 7"; Source = "$downloadSource/$cudnnWin7"; Destination = "$cache\$cudnnWin7"; ExpectedSize = $downloadSizeWin7 },
@{Function = "DownloadForPlatform"; Method = "WebRequest"; Platform = "^Microsoft Windows (8|10|Server 2008 R2|Server 2012 R2)"; Source = "$downloadSource/$cudnnWin10"; Destination = "$cache\$cudnnWin10"; ExpectedSize = $downloadSizeWin10 } );
Action = @( @{Function = "ExtractAllFromZipForPlatform"; Platform = "^Microsoft Windows 7"; zipFileName = "$cache\$cudnnWin10"; destination = $targetFolder; destinationFolder = $prodSubDir },
@{Function = "ExtractAllFromZipForPlatform"; Platform = "^Microsoft Windows (8|10|Server 2008 R2|Server 2012 R2)"; zipFileName = "$cache\$cudnnWin10"; destination = $targetFolder; destinationFolder = $prodSubDir },
@{Function = "SetEnvironmentVariable"; EnvVar = $envVar; Content = $envValue } );
@ -363,36 +192,19 @@ function OpOpenCV31(
$prodName = "OpenCV-3.1"
$prodFile = "opencv-3.1.0.exe"
$prodSubDir = "OpenCV310"
$targetPath = join-path $targetFolder $prodSubDir
$envVar = "OPENCV_PATH_V31";
$envValue = "$targetPath\build"
$downloadSource = ""
@( @{ShortName = "OPENCV310"; Name = $prodName; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Please perform a manual installation of $prodName from $cache";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyFile"; Path = "$cache\$prodFile" } );
Download = @( @{ Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile" } );
} )
function OpOpenCVInternal(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $server,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder)
$prodName = "OpenCV-3.1"
$prodFile = ""
$prodSubDir = "Opencv3.1.0"
$targetPath = join-path $targetFolder $prodSubDir
$envVar = "OPENCV_PATH_V31";
$envValue = "$targetPath\build"
$downloadSource = "$server\$prodFile"
$downloadSource = ""
$downloadSize = 115129966
$archiveSubTree = "opencv"
@( @{ShortName = "OPENCV310"; Name = $prodName; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = "$targetPath" },
@{Function = "VerifyEnvironmentAndData"; EnvVar = $envVar; Content = $envValue } );
Download = @( @{ Function = "LocalCopyFile"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "ExtractAllFromZip"; zipFileName = "$cache\$prodFile"; destination = "$targetFolder"; destinationFolder = $prodSubDir; zipSubTree= $prodSubDir },
Download = @( @{ Function = "Download"; Method = "WebRequest"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile"; ExpectedSize = $downloadSize } );
Action = @( @{Function = "Extract7zipSelfExtractingArchive"; archiveName = "$cache\$prodFile"; destination = "$targetFolder"; destinationFolder = $prodSubDir; archiveSubTree= $archiveSubTree },
@{Function = "SetEnvironmentVariable"; EnvVar= $envVar; Content = $envValue } );
} )
@ -417,10 +229,11 @@ function OpProtoBuf310VS15(
$envValue = $targetPath
$downloadSource = ""
$downloadSize = 5648581
@( @{ShortName = "PROTO310VS15"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = $targetPath } );
Download = @( @{ Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile" } );
Download = @( @{ Function = "Download"; Method = "WebRequest"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile"; ExpectedSize = $downloadSize} );
Action = @( @{Function = "ExtractAllFromZip"; zipFileName = "$cache\$prodFile"; destination = $protoSourceDir; zipSubTree =$prodName; destinationFolder =$prodName },
@{Function = "MakeDirectory"; Path = $scriptDirectory },
@{Function = "CreateBuildProtobufBatch"; FileName = "$scriptDirectory\$batchFile"; SourceDir = (join-path $protoSourceDir $prodName); TargetDir = $targetPath } );
@ -467,82 +280,17 @@ function OpSwig3010(
$envVar = "SWIG_PATH"
$envValue = $targetPath
$downloadSource = ""
$downloadSize = 56429
@( @{ShortName = "SWIG3010"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = $targetPath },
@{Function = "VerifyEnvironmentAndData"; EnvVar = $envVar; Content = $envValue } );
Download = @( @{ Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile" } );
Download = @( @{ Function = "Download"; Method = "WebRequest"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile"; ExpectedSize = $downloadSize } );
Action = @( @{Function = "ExtractAllFromZip"; zipFileName = "$cache\$prodFile"; destination = $targetFolder; zipSubTree =$prodSubDir; destinationFolder =$prodSubDir },
@{Function = "SetEnvironmentVariable"; EnvVar = $envVar; Content = $envValue } );
} )
function OpSysinternals(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder)
$prodName = "Sysinternal Suite"
$prodFile = ""
$prodDependsFile = ""
$prodSubDir = "SysInternal"
$targetPath = join-path $targetFolder $prodSubDir
$downloadSource = ""
$downloadDependsSource = ""
@( @{ShortName = "SYSINTERNAL"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName, dependency walker";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = $targetPath },
@{Function = "VerifyFile"; Path = "$targetPath\depends.exe" },
@{Function = "VerifyPathIncludes"; Path = $targetPath } );
Download = @( @{ Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile" },
@{ Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadDependsSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodDependsFile" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "ExtractAllFromZip"; zipFileName = "$cache\$prodFile"; destination = $targetFolder; destinationFolder =$prodSubDir },
@{Function = "ExtractAllFromZip"; zipFileName = "$cache\$prodDependsFile"; destination = $targetFolder; destinationFolder =$prodSubDir; AddToDirectory=$true },
@{Function = "AddToPath"; Dir = $targetPath; AtStart = $false; }
@{Function = "SetRegistryKey"; Elevated = $true; Key = "registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Sysinternals" },
@{Function = "SetRegistryKeyNameData"; Elevated = $true; Key = "registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Sysinternals\Autologon"; RegName = "EulaAccepted"; data = 1; dataType = "DWord" },
@{Function = "SetRegistryKeyNameData"; Elevated = $true; Key = "registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Sysinternals\Handle"; RegName = "EulaAccepted"; data = 1; dataType = "DWord" },
@{Function = "SetRegistryKeyNameData"; Elevated = $true; Key = "registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Sysinternals\ProcDump"; RegName = "EulaAccepted"; data = 1; dataType = "DWord" } )
} )
function OpTestData(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $remoteData)
$prodName = "Testdata Environment"
@( @{ShortName = "TESTDATA"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName"; ActionInfo = "Setting up environment variable for $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyEnvironment"; EnvVar = "CNTK_EXTERNAL_TESTDATA_REMOTE_DIRECTORY" },
@{Function = "VerifyEnvironment"; EnvVar = "CNTK_EXTERNAL_TESTDATA_SOURCE_DIRECTORY" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "SetEnvironmentVariable"; EnvVar = "CNTK_EXTERNAL_TESTDATA_REMOTE_DIRECTORY"; Content = $remoteData },
@{Function = "SetEnvironmentVariable"; EnvVar = "CNTK_EXTERNAL_TESTDATA_SOURCE_DIRECTORY"; Content = $targetFolder } );
} )
function OpAddVS12Runtime([parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache)
$prodName = "VS2012 Runtime"
@( @{ShortName = "VS2012"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyWinProductExists"; Match = "^Microsoft Visual C\+\+ 2012 x64 Additional Runtime" },
@{Function = "VerifyWinProductExists"; Match = "^Microsoft Visual C\+\+ 2012 x64 Minimum Runtime" } );
Download = @( @{ Function = "Download"; Source = ""; Destination = "$cache\VSRuntime\11\vcredist_x64.exe" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "InstallExe"; Command = "$cache\VSRuntime\11\vcredist_x64.exe"; Param = "/install /passive /norestart" } )
} )
function OpAddVS13Runtime([parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache)
$prodName = "VS2013 Runtime"
@( @{ShortName = "VS2013"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyWinProductExists"; Match = "^Microsoft Visual C\+\+ 2013 x64 Additional Runtime" },
@{Function = "VerifyWinProductExists"; Match = "^Microsoft Visual C\+\+ 2013 x64 Minimum Runtime" } );
Download = @( @{ Function = "Download"; Source = ""; Destination = "$localCache\VSRuntime\12\vcredist_x64.exe" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "InstallExe"; Command = "$localCache\VSRuntime\12\vcredist_x64.exe"; Param = "/install /passive /norestart" } )
} )
function OpCheckVS15Update3
@( @{Name = "Verify Installation of VS2015, Update 3"; ShortName = "PREVS15U3"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for Visual Studio 2015, Update 3";
@ -563,63 +311,6 @@ function OpCheckCuda8
} )
function OpZlib(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder)
$prodName = "ZLib128"
$prodFile = ""
$prodSubDir = "zlib-1.2.8"
$targetPath = join-path $targetFolder $prodSubDir
$downloadSource = ""
@( @{ShortName = "ZLIN128"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = $targetPath } );
Download = @( @{ Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "ExtractAllFromZip"; zipFileName = "$cache\$prodFile"; destination = $targetFolder; zipSubTree =$prodSubDir; destinationFolder =$prodSubDir } );
} )
function OpLibzip(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder)
$prodName = "Libzip-1.1.3"
$prodFile = "libzip-1.1.3.tar.gz"
$prodSubDir = "libzip-1.1.3"
$targetPath = join-path $targetFolder $prodSubDir
$downloadSource = ""
@( @{ShortName = "LIBZIP113"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = $targetPath } );
Download = @( @{ Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "ExtractAllFromZip"; zipFileName = "$cache\$prodFile"; destination = $targetFolder; zipSubTree =$prodSubDir; destinationFolder =$prodSubDir } );
} )
function OpZLibInternal(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $server,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder)
$prodName = "ZLib Precompiled"
$prodFile = ""
$prodSubDir = "zlib"
$targetPath = join-path $targetFolder $prodSubDir
$envVar = "ZLIB_PATH"
$envValue = $targetPath
$downloadSource = "$server\$prodFile"
@( @{ShortName = "LIBZIP113"; VerifyInfo = "Checking for $prodName in $targetPath"; ActionInfo = "Installing $prodName";
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = $targetPath },
@{Function = "VerifyEnvironmentAndData"; EnvVar = $envVar; Content = $envValue } );
Download = @( @{ Function = "Download"; Source = $downloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$prodFile" } );
Action = @( @{Function = "ExtractAllFromZip"; zipFileName = "$cache\$prodFile"; destination = $targetFolder; destinationFolder =$prodSubDir },
@{Function = "SetEnvironmentVariable"; EnvVar = $envVar; Content = $envValue } );
} )
function OpZlibVS15(
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $cache,
[parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $targetFolder)
@ -632,9 +323,12 @@ function OpZlibVS15(
$zlibProdName = "zlib-1.2.8"
$zlibFilename = ""
$zlibDownloadSource = ""
$downloadSizeZlib = 0
$libzipProdName = "libzip-1.1.3"
$libzipFilename = "libzip-1.1.3.tar.gz"
$libzipDownloadSource = ""
$downloadeSizeLibzip = 0
$prodSubDir = "zlib-vs15"
$batchFile = "buildZlibVS15.cmd"
@ -649,8 +343,8 @@ function OpZlibVS15(
Verification = @( @{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = "$sourceCodeDir\$zlibProdName" },
@{Function = "VerifyDirectory"; Path = "$sourceCodeDir\$libzipProdName" },
@{Function = "VerifyFile"; Path = "$scriptDirectory\$batchFile" } );
Download = @( @{ Function = "Download"; Source = $zlibDownloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$zlibFilename" },
@{ Function = "Download"; Source = $libzipDownloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$libzipFilename" } );
Download = @( @{ Function = "Download"; Source = $zlibDownloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$zlibFilename"; ExpectedSize = $downloadSizeZlib },
@{ Function = "Download"; Source = $libzipDownloadSource; Destination = "$cache\$libzipFilename"; ExpectedSize = $downloadeSizeLibzip } );
Action = @( @{Function = "ExtractAllFromZip"; zipFileName = "$cache\$zlibFilename"; destination = $sourceCodeDir; zipSubTree =$zlibProdName; destinationFolder =$zlibProdName },
@{Function = "ExtractAllFromTarGz"; SourceFile = "$cache\$libzipFilename"; TargzFileName = "$libzipFilename"; destination = $sourceCodeDir },
@{Function = "MakeDirectory"; Path = $scriptDirectory },