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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
"""Basic tree utilities and methods.
Class :class:`CausalTree` is the base estimator for the Orthogonal Random Forest, whereas
class :class:`Node` represents the core unit of the :class:`CausalTree` class.
import numpy as np
import warnings
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.utils import check_random_state
import scipy.special
class Node:
"""Building block of :class:`CausalTree` class.
sample_inds : array-like, shape (n, )
Indices defining the sample that the split criterion will be computed on.
estimate_inds : array-like, shape (n, )
Indices defining the sample used for calculating balance criteria.
def __init__(self, sample_inds, estimate_inds):
self.feature = -1
self.threshold = np.inf
self.split_sample_inds = sample_inds
self.est_sample_inds = estimate_inds
self.left = None
self.right = None
def find_tree_node(self, value):
Recursively find and return the node of the causal tree that corresponds
to the input feature vector.
value : array-like, shape (d_x,)
Feature vector whose node we want to find.
if self.feature == -1:
return self
elif value[self.feature] < self.threshold:
return self.left.find_tree_node(value)
return self.right.find_tree_node(value)
class CausalTree:
"""Base class for growing an OrthoForest.
nuisance_estimator : method
Method that estimates the nuisances at each node.
Takes in (Y, T, X, W) and returns nuisance estimates.
parameter_estimator : method
Method that estimates the parameter of interest at each node.
Takes in (Y, T, nuisance_estimates) and returns the parameter estimate.
moment_and_mean_gradient_estimator : method
Method that estimates the moments and mean moment gradient at each node.
Takes in (Y, T, X, W, nuisance_estimates, parameter_estimate) and returns
the moments and the mean moment gradient.
min_leaf_size : integer, optional (default=10)
The minimum number of samples in a leaf.
max_depth : integer, optional (default=10)
The maximum number of splits to be performed when expanding the tree.
n_proposals : int, optional (default=1000)
Number of split proposals to be considered. A smaller number will improve
execution time, but might reduce accuracy of prediction.
balancedness_tol : float, optional (default=.3)
Tolerance for balance between child nodes in a split. A smaller value
will result in an unbalanced tree prone to overfitting. Has to lie
between 0 and .5 as it is used to control both directions of imbalancedness.
With the default value we guarantee that each child of a split contains
at least 20% and at most 80% of the data of the parent node.
random_state : int, :class:`~numpy.random.mtrand.RandomState` instance or None, optional (default=None)
If int, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator;
If :class:`~numpy.random.mtrand.RandomState` instance, random_state is the random number generator;
If None, the random number generator is the :class:`~numpy.random.mtrand.RandomState` instance used
by :mod:`np.random<numpy.random>`.
def __init__(self,
# Estimators
self.nuisance_estimator = nuisance_estimator
self.parameter_estimator = parameter_estimator
self.moment_and_mean_gradient_estimator = moment_and_mean_gradient_estimator
# Causal tree parameters
self.min_leaf_size = min_leaf_size
self.max_depth = max_depth
self.balancedness_tol = balancedness_tol
self.n_proposals = n_proposals
self.random_state = check_random_state(random_state)
# Tree structure
self.tree = None
def create_splits(self, Y, T, X, W):
Recursively build a causal tree.
Y : array-like, shape (n, d_y)
Outcome for the treatment policy.
T : array-like, shape (n, d_t)
Treatment policy.
X : array-like, shape (n, d_x)
Feature vector that captures heterogeneity.
W : array-like, shape (n, d_w) or None (default=None)
High-dimensional controls.
# No need for a random split since the data is already
# a random subsample from the original input
n = Y.shape[0] // 2
self.tree = Node(np.arange(n), np.arange(n, Y.shape[0]))
# node list stores the nodes that are yet to be splitted
node_list = [(self.tree, 0)]
while len(node_list) > 0:
node, depth = node_list.pop()
# If by splitting we have too small leaves or if we reached the maximum number of splits we stop
if node.split_sample_inds.shape[0] // 2 >= self.min_leaf_size and depth < self.max_depth:
# Create local sample set
node_X = X[node.split_sample_inds]
node_W = W[node.split_sample_inds] if W is not None else None
node_T = T[node.split_sample_inds]
node_Y = Y[node.split_sample_inds]
node_X_estimate = X[node.est_sample_inds]
node_size_split = node_X.shape[0]
node_size_est = node_X_estimate.shape[0]
# Compute nuisance estimates for the current node
nuisance_estimates = self.nuisance_estimator(node_Y, node_T, node_X, node_W)
if nuisance_estimates is None:
# Nuisance estimate cannot be calculated
# Estimate parameter for current node
node_estimate = self.parameter_estimator(node_Y, node_T, node_X, nuisance_estimates)
if node_estimate is None:
# Node estimate cannot be calculated
# Calculate moments and gradient of moments for current data
moments, mean_grad = self.moment_and_mean_gradient_estimator(
node_Y, node_T, node_X, node_W,
# Calculate inverse gradient
inverse_grad = np.linalg.inv(mean_grad)
except np.linalg.LinAlgError as exc:
if 'Singular matrix' in str(exc):
# The gradient matrix is not invertible.
# No good split can be found
raise exc
# Calculate point-wise pseudo-outcomes rho
rho = np.matmul(moments, inverse_grad)
# a split is determined by a feature and a sample pair
# the number of possible splits is at most (number of features) * (number of node samples)
n_proposals = min(self.n_proposals, node_X.size)
# we draw random such pairs by drawing a random number in {0, n_feats * n_node_samples}
random_pair = self.random_state.choice(node_X.size, size=n_proposals, replace=False)
# parse row and column of random pair
thr_inds, dim_proposals = np.unravel_index(random_pair, node_X.shape)
# the sample of the pair is the integer division of the random number with n_feats
thr_proposals = node_X[thr_inds, dim_proposals]
# calculate the binary indicator of whether sample i is on the left or the right
# side of proposed split j. So this is an n_samples x n_proposals matrix
side = node_X[:, dim_proposals] < thr_proposals
# calculate the number of samples on the left child for each proposed split
size_left = np.sum(side, axis=0)
# calculate the analogous binary indicator for the samples in the estimation set
side_est = node_X_estimate[:, dim_proposals] < thr_proposals
# calculate the number of estimation samples on the left child of each proposed split
size_est_left = np.sum(side_est, axis=0)
# find the upper and lower bound on the size of the left split for the split
# to be valid so as for the split to be balanced and leave at least min_leaf_size
# on each side.
lower_bound = max((.5 - self.balancedness_tol) * node_size_split, self.min_leaf_size)
upper_bound = min((.5 + self.balancedness_tol) * node_size_split, node_size_split - self.min_leaf_size)
valid_split = (lower_bound <= size_left)
valid_split &= (size_left <= upper_bound)
# similarly for the estimation sample set
lower_bound_est = max((.5 - self.balancedness_tol) * node_size_est, self.min_leaf_size)
upper_bound_est = min((.5 + self.balancedness_tol) * node_size_est, node_size_est - self.min_leaf_size)
valid_split &= (lower_bound_est <= size_est_left)
valid_split &= (size_est_left <= upper_bound_est)
# if there is no valid split then don't create any children
if ~np.any(valid_split):
# filter only the valid splits
valid_dim_proposals = dim_proposals[valid_split]
valid_thr_proposals = thr_proposals[valid_split]
valid_side = side[:, valid_split]
valid_size_left = size_left[valid_split]
valid_side_est = side_est[:, valid_split]
# calculate the average influence vector of the samples in the left child
left_diff = np.matmul(rho.T, valid_side)
# calculate the average influence vector of the samples in the right child
right_diff = np.matmul(rho.T, 1 - valid_side)
# take the square of each of the entries of the influence vectors and normalize
# by size of each child
left_score = left_diff**2 / valid_size_left.reshape(1, -1)
right_score = right_diff**2 / (node_size_split - valid_size_left).reshape(1, -1)
# calculate the vector score of each candidate split as the average of left and right
# influence vectors
spl_score = (right_score + left_score) / 2
# eta specifies how much weight to put on individual heterogeneity vs common heterogeneity
# across parameters. we give some benefit to individual heterogeneity factors for cases
# where there might be large discontinuities in some parameter as the conditioning set varies
eta = np.random.uniform(0.25, 1)
# calculate the scalar score of each split by aggregating across the vector of scores
split_scores = np.max(spl_score, axis=0) * eta + np.mean(spl_score, axis=0) * (1 - eta)
# Find split that minimizes criterion
best_split_ind = np.argmax(split_scores)
node.feature = valid_dim_proposals[best_split_ind]
node.threshold = valid_thr_proposals[best_split_ind]
# Create child nodes with corresponding subsamples
left_split_sample_inds = node.split_sample_inds[valid_side[:, best_split_ind]]
left_est_sample_inds = node.est_sample_inds[valid_side_est[:, best_split_ind]]
node.left = Node(left_split_sample_inds, left_est_sample_inds)
right_split_sample_inds = node.split_sample_inds[~valid_side[:, best_split_ind]]
right_est_sample_inds = node.est_sample_inds[~valid_side_est[:, best_split_ind]]
node.right = Node(right_split_sample_inds, right_est_sample_inds)
# add the created children to the list of not yet split nodes
node_list.append((node.left, depth + 1))
node_list.append((node.right, depth + 1))
def print_tree_rec(self, node):
if not node:
print("Node: ({}, {})".format(node.feature, node.threshold))
print("Left Child")
print("Right Child")
def print_tree(self):
def find_split(self, value):
return self.tree.find_tree_node(value.astype(np.float64))