4 Forge QuickStart Guide
Travis Jensen редактировал(а) эту страницу 2022-04-15 16:04:08 -07:00

This page gives you quick, hands-on experience using Forge and ForgeEditor. It is recommended to use this as a sandbox to test features as you learn more about the various contributors: application owner, ForgeTree author, ForgeAction author.

ForgeQuickStart.linq - Initializing and Executing Forge


ForgeQuickStart.linq - Initializing and Executing Forge

This Linqpad script is a bare-bones application that integrates Microsoft.Forge.TreeWalker. If you are onboarding your application to use Forge, this is the minimal code needed to get you started. The script contains helpful comments that give you a basic understanding of Forge, and points to various wiki pages for more in-depth details.

It is intended to give users a quick, hands-on experience with Forge from the various contributors perspective:

  • Application owner
  • ForgeTree author
  • ForgeAction author

Running the ForgeQuickStart Linqpad script

  • Download Linqpad if you haven't already. It allows you to write and run C# code quickly.
  • Copy/paste the script contents from here into a local linq file: ForgeQuickStart.linq
  • Open the linq file you just created to open it in Linqpad. Hit the green "Execute" button to run the program.


ForgeEditor Web version is available at https://forge-editor.microsoft.com or https://aka.ms/forge-editor.

ForgeEditor application version is only available to internal Microsoft employees at this time. If you are a Microsoft employee, you can access details how to download and use ForgeEditor at https://aka.ms/forge-internal