
1283 строки
44 KiB

"cells": [
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"<i>Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.</i>\n",
"<i>Licensed under the MIT License.</i>"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"# Wide and Deep Model for Movie Recommendation\n",
"A linear model with a wide set of crossed-column (co-occurrence) features can memorize the feature interactions, while deep neural networks (DNN) can generalize the feature patterns through low-dimensional dense embeddings learned for the sparse features. [**Wide-and-deep**]( learning jointly trains wide linear model and deep neural networks to combine the benefits of memorization and generalization for recommender systems.\n",
"This notebook shows how to build and test the wide-and-deep model using [TensorFlow high-level Estimator API (v1.12)]( With the [movie recommendation dataset](, we quickly demonstrate following topics:\n",
"1. How to prepare data\n",
"2. Build the model\n",
"3. Use log-hook to estimate performance while training\n",
"4. Test the model and export\n",
"> Note: The output cells in this notebook are from the result of run on Azure DSVM (Data Science Virtual Machine) with *Standard NC6* virtual machine."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 1,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Tensorflow Version: 1.12.0\n",
"['/device:CPU:0', '/device:XLA_CPU:0', '/device:XLA_GPU:0', '/device:GPU:0']\n",
"Num CPUs: 6\n"
"source": [
"import sys\n",
"import os\n",
"import shutil\n",
"import itertools\n",
"import papermill as pm\n",
"import pandas as pd\n",
"import numpy as np\n",
"import sklearn.preprocessing\n",
"import tensorflow as tf\n",
"from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib\n",
"import reco_utils.recommender.wide_deep.wide_deep_utils as wide_deep\n",
"from reco_utils.common import tf_utils\n",
"from reco_utils.dataset import movielens\n",
"from reco_utils.dataset.pandas_df_utils import user_item_pairs\n",
"from reco_utils.dataset.python_splitters import python_random_split\n",
"import reco_utils.evaluation.python_evaluation\n",
"print(\"Tensorflow Version:\", tf.VERSION)\n",
"devices = device_lib.list_local_devices()\n",
"print([ for x in devices])\n",
"num_cpus = os.cpu_count()\n",
"print(\"Num CPUs:\", num_cpus)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 2,
"metadata": {
"tags": [
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"\"\"\"Parameters. This cell is being used to pass parameters from other scripts via papermill\"\"\"\n",
"# Recommend top k items\n",
"TOP_K = 10\n",
"# Select Movielens data size: 100k, 1m, 10m, or 20m\n",
"# Metrics to use for evaluation. reco_utils.evaluation.python_evaluation function names\n",
"RANKING_METRICS = ['map_at_k', 'ndcg_at_k', 'precision_at_k', 'recall_at_k']\n",
"RATING_METRICS = ['rmse', 'mae', 'rsquared', 'exp_var']\n",
"EVALUATE_WHILE_TRAINING = True # If true, use session hook to evaluate model while training\n",
"# Data column names\n",
"USER_COL = 'UserId'\n",
"ITEM_COL = 'MovieId'\n",
"RATING_COL = 'Rating'\n",
"ITEM_FEAT_COL = 'Genres'\n",
"# Prepared train and test set pickle file paths. If None, load.\n",
"DATA_DIR = None\n",
"EXPORT_DIR_BASE = './outputs/model'\n",
"MODEL_TYPE = 'wide_deep'\n",
"EPOCHS = 50\n",
"BATCH_SIZE = 64\n",
"# Wide (linear) model hyperparameters\n",
"LINEAR_OPTIMIZER_LR = 0.0029 # Learning rate\n",
"LINEAR_L1_REG = 0.0 # L1 Regularization rate for FtrlOptimizer\n",
"LINEAR_MOMENTUM = 0.9 # Momentum for MomentumOptimizer or RMSPropOptimizer\n",
"# DNN model hyperparameters\n",
"DNN_OPTIMIZER = 'Adagrad'\n",
"DNN_L1_REG = 0.0 # L1 Regularization rate for FtrlOptimizer\n",
"DNN_MOMENTUM = 0.9 # Momentum for MomentumOptimizer or RMSPropOptimizer\n",
"DNN_HIDDEN_LAYER_1 = 0 # Set 0 to not use this layer\n",
"DNN_HIDDEN_LAYER_2 = 128 # Set 0 to not use this layer\n",
"DNN_HIDDEN_LAYER_3 = 256 # Set 0 to not use this layer\n",
"DNN_HIDDEN_LAYER_4 = 32 # With this setting, DNN hidden units will be = [512, 256, 128, 128]\n",
"DNN_USER_DIM = 4\n",
"DNN_ITEM_DIM = 4\n",
"DNN_DROPOUT = 0.4\n",
"DNN_BATCH_NORM = 1 # 1 to use batch normalization, 0 if not.\n",
"MODEL_DIR = 'model_checkpoints'"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"data_loaded = False\n",
"# If local paths of train and test sets have given, use them\n",
"if TRAIN_PICKLE_PATH is not None and TEST_PICKLE_PATH is not None:\n",
" if DATA_DIR is not None:\n",
" train_pickle_path = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, TRAIN_PICKLE_PATH)\n",
" test_pickle_path = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, TEST_PICKLE_PATH)\n",
" train = pd.read_pickle(path=train_pickle_path)\n",
" test = pd.read_pickle(path=test_pickle_path)\n",
" data = pd.concat([train, test])\n",
" data_loaded = True"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### 1. Prepare Data\n",
"#### 1.1 Movie Rating and Genres Data\n",
"First, download [MovieLens]( data. Movies in the data set are tagged as one or more genres where there are total 19 genres including '*unknown*'. We load *movie genres* to use them as item features."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 4,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/html": [
"<style scoped>\n",
" .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type {\n",
" vertical-align: middle;\n",
" }\n",
" .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
" vertical-align: top;\n",
" }\n",
" .dataframe thead th {\n",
" text-align: right;\n",
" }\n",
"<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
" <thead>\n",
" <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
" <th></th>\n",
" <th>UserId</th>\n",
" <th>MovieId</th>\n",
" <th>Rating</th>\n",
" <th>Genres_string</th>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" </thead>\n",
" <tbody>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>0</th>\n",
" <td>196</td>\n",
" <td>242</td>\n",
" <td>3.0</td>\n",
" <td>Comedy</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>1</th>\n",
" <td>63</td>\n",
" <td>242</td>\n",
" <td>3.0</td>\n",
" <td>Comedy</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>2</th>\n",
" <td>226</td>\n",
" <td>242</td>\n",
" <td>5.0</td>\n",
" <td>Comedy</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>3</th>\n",
" <td>154</td>\n",
" <td>242</td>\n",
" <td>3.0</td>\n",
" <td>Comedy</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>4</th>\n",
" <td>306</td>\n",
" <td>242</td>\n",
" <td>5.0</td>\n",
" <td>Comedy</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" </tbody>\n",
"text/plain": [
" UserId MovieId Rating Genres_string\n",
"0 196 242 3.0 Comedy\n",
"1 63 242 3.0 Comedy\n",
"2 226 242 5.0 Comedy\n",
"3 154 242 3.0 Comedy\n",
"4 306 242 5.0 Comedy"
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
"source": [
"if not data_loaded:\n",
" # The genres of each movie are returned as '|' separated string, e.g. \"Animation|Children's|Comedy\".\n",
" data = movielens.load_pandas_df(\n",
" header=[USER_COL, ITEM_COL, RATING_COL],\n",
" genres_col='Genres_string' # load genres as a temporal column 'Genres_string'\n",
" )\n",
" display(data.head())"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"#### 1.2 Encode Item Features (Genres)\n",
"To use genres from our model, we multi-hot-encode them with scikit-learn's [MultiLabelBinarizer](\n",
"For example, *Movie id=2355* has three genres, *Animation|Children's|Comedy*, which are being converted into an integer array of the indicator value for each genre like `[0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, ...]`. In the later step, we convert this into a float array and feed into the model."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 5,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Genres: ['Action' 'Adventure' 'Animation' \"Children's\" 'Comedy' 'Crime'\n",
" 'Documentary' 'Drama' 'Fantasy' 'Film-Noir' 'Horror' 'Musical' 'Mystery'\n",
" 'Romance' 'Sci-Fi' 'Thriller' 'War' 'Western' 'unknown']\n"
"data": {
"text/html": [
"<style scoped>\n",
" .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type {\n",
" vertical-align: middle;\n",
" }\n",
" .dataframe tbody tr th {\n",
" vertical-align: top;\n",
" }\n",
" .dataframe thead th {\n",
" text-align: right;\n",
" }\n",
"<table border=\"1\" class=\"dataframe\">\n",
" <thead>\n",
" <tr style=\"text-align: right;\">\n",
" <th></th>\n",
" <th>MovieId</th>\n",
" <th>Genres_string</th>\n",
" <th>Genres</th>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" </thead>\n",
" <tbody>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>0</th>\n",
" <td>242</td>\n",
" <td>Comedy</td>\n",
" <td>[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>117</th>\n",
" <td>302</td>\n",
" <td>Crime|Film-Noir|Mystery|Thriller</td>\n",
" <td>[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, ...</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>414</th>\n",
" <td>377</td>\n",
" <td>Children's|Comedy</td>\n",
" <td>[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>427</th>\n",
" <td>51</td>\n",
" <td>Drama|Romance|War|Western</td>\n",
" <td>[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, ...</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" <tr>\n",
" <th>508</th>\n",
" <td>346</td>\n",
" <td>Crime|Drama</td>\n",
" <td>[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...</td>\n",
" </tr>\n",
" </tbody>\n",
"text/plain": [
" MovieId Genres_string \\\n",
"0 242 Comedy \n",
"117 302 Crime|Film-Noir|Mystery|Thriller \n",
"414 377 Children's|Comedy \n",
"427 51 Drama|Romance|War|Western \n",
"508 346 Crime|Drama \n",
" Genres \n",
"0 [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ... \n",
"117 [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, ... \n",
"414 [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ... \n",
"427 [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, ... \n",
"508 [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ... "
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
"source": [
"if not data_loaded:\n",
" # Encode 'genres' into int array (multi-hot representation) to use as item features\n",
" genres_encoder = sklearn.preprocessing.MultiLabelBinarizer()\n",
" data[ITEM_FEAT_COL] = genres_encoder.fit_transform(\n",
" data['Genres_string'].apply(lambda s: s.split(\"|\"))\n",
" ).tolist()\n",
" print(\"Genres:\", genres_encoder.classes_)\n",
" display(data.drop_duplicates(ITEM_COL)[[ITEM_COL, 'Genres_string', ITEM_FEAT_COL]].head())"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"#### 1.3 Train and Test Split"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 6,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Train = 75000, test = 25000\n"
"source": [
"if not data_loaded:\n",
" train, test = python_random_split(\n",
" data.drop('Genres_string', axis=1), # We don't need Genres original string column\n",
" ratio=0.75,\n",
" seed=42 \n",
" )\n",
" data_loaded = True\n",
"print(\"Train = {}, test = {}\".format(len(train), len(test)))"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 7,
"metadata": {
"scrolled": false
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Num items = 1682, num users = 943\n"
"source": [
"# Unique items\n",
"if ITEM_FEAT_COL is None:\n",
" items = data.drop_duplicates(ITEM_COL)[[ITEM_COL]].reset_index(drop=True)\n",
" item_feat_shape = None\n",
" items = data.drop_duplicates(ITEM_COL)[[ITEM_COL, ITEM_FEAT_COL]].reset_index(drop=True)\n",
" item_feat_shape = len(items[ITEM_FEAT_COL][0])\n",
"# Unique users\n",
"users = data.drop_duplicates(USER_COL)[[USER_COL]].reset_index(drop=True)\n",
"print(\"Num items = {}, num users = {}\".format(len(items), len(users)))"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### 2. Build Model\n",
"Wide-and-deep model consists of a linear model and DNN. We use the following hyperparameters and feature sets for the model:\n",
"<br> | <div align=\"center\">Wide (linear) model</div> | <div align=\"center\">Deep neural networks</div>\n",
"Feature set | <ul><li>User-item co-occurrence features<br>to capture how their co-occurrence<br>correlates with the target rating</li></ul> | <ul><li>Deep, lower-dimensional embedding vectors<br>for every user and item</li><li>Item feature vector</li></ul>\n",
"Hyperparameters | <ul><li>FTRL optimizer</li><li>Learning rate = 0.0029</li><li>L1 regularization = 0.0</li></ul> | <ul><li>Adagrad optimizer</li><li>Learning rate = 0.1</li><li>Hidden units = [128, 256, 32]</li><li>Dropout rate = 0.4</li><li>Use batch normalization (Batch size = 64)</li><li>User embedding vector size = 4</li><li>Item embedding vector size = 4</li></ul>\n",
"* [FTRL optimizer](\n",
"* [Adagrad optimizer](\n",
"The hyperparameters are found on *MovieLens 100k* **train set** (split by using the same `seed` we used in this notebook). We used **Azure Machine Learning service**([AzureML]( for the Hyperparameter tuning. Please find details from [aml_hyperparameter_tuning](../04_model_select_and_optimize/hypertune_aml_wide_and_deep_quickstart.ipynb)."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 8,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"DNN hidden units = [128, 256, 32]\n",
"Embedding 943 users to 4-dim vector\n",
"Embedding 1682 items to 4-dim vector\n",
"{'l1_regularization_strength': 0.0} {}\n"
"source": [
"train_steps = EPOCHS * len(train) // BATCH_SIZE\n",
"# Clean-up previous model dir if already exists. Otherwise, it will try to train on top of the existing one.\n",
"shutil.rmtree(MODEL_DIR, ignore_errors=True)\n",
"if DNN_HIDDEN_LAYER_1 > 0:\n",
"if DNN_HIDDEN_LAYER_2 > 0:\n",
"if DNN_HIDDEN_LAYER_3 > 0:\n",
"if DNN_HIDDEN_LAYER_4 > 0:\n",
"if MODEL_TYPE is 'deep' or MODEL_TYPE is 'wide_deep':\n",
" print(\"DNN hidden units =\", DNN_HIDDEN_UNITS)\n",
" print(\"Embedding {} users to {}-dim vector\".format(len(users), DNN_USER_DIM))\n",
" print(\"Embedding {} items to {}-dim vector\\n\".format(len(items), DNN_ITEM_DIM))\n",
"save_checkpoints_steps = max(1, train_steps // 5)\n",
" \n",
"# Model type is tf.estimator.DNNLinearCombinedRegressor, known as 'wide-and-deep'\n",
"wide_columns, deep_columns = wide_deep.build_feature_columns(\n",
" users=users[USER_COL].values,\n",
" items=items[ITEM_COL].values,\n",
" user_col=USER_COL,\n",
" item_col=ITEM_COL,\n",
" item_feat_col=ITEM_FEAT_COL,\n",
" user_dim=DNN_USER_DIM,\n",
" item_dim=DNN_ITEM_DIM,\n",
" item_feat_shape=item_feat_shape,\n",
" model_type=MODEL_TYPE,\n",
"# Optimizer specific parameters\n",
"linear_params = {}\n",
"if LINEAR_OPTIMIZER == 'Ftrl':\n",
" linear_params['l1_regularization_strength'] = LINEAR_L1_REG\n",
"elif LINEAR_OPTIMIZER == 'Momentum' or LINEAR_OPTIMIZER == 'RMSProp':\n",
" linear_params['momentum'] = LINEAR_MOMENTUM\n",
"dnn_params = {}\n",
"if DNN_OPTIMIZER == 'Ftrl':\n",
" dnn_params['l1_regularization_strength'] = DNN_L1_REG\n",
"elif DNN_OPTIMIZER == 'Momentum' or DNN_OPTIMIZER == 'RMSProp':\n",
" dnn_params['momentum'] = DNN_MOMENTUM\n",
"print(linear_params, dnn_params)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 9,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"INFO:tensorflow:Using config: {'_model_dir': 'model_checkpoints', '_tf_random_seed': None, '_save_summary_steps': 100, '_save_checkpoints_steps': 11718, '_save_checkpoints_secs': None, '_session_config': allow_soft_placement: true\n",
"graph_options {\n",
" rewrite_options {\n",
" meta_optimizer_iterations: ONE\n",
" }\n",
", '_keep_checkpoint_max': 5, '_keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours': 10000, '_log_step_count_steps': 2929, '_train_distribute': None, '_device_fn': None, '_protocol': None, '_eval_distribute': None, '_experimental_distribute': None, '_service': None, '_cluster_spec': < object at 0x7f7880268160>, '_task_type': 'worker', '_task_id': 0, '_global_id_in_cluster': 0, '_master': '', '_evaluation_master': '', '_is_chief': True, '_num_ps_replicas': 0, '_num_worker_replicas': 1}\n",
"Feature specs:\n",
"_CrossedColumn(keys=(_VocabularyListCategoricalColumn(key='UserId', vocabulary_list=(196, 63, 226, 1 ...\n",
"_EmbeddingColumn(categorical_column=_VocabularyListCategoricalColumn(key='UserId', vocabulary_list=( ...\n",
"_EmbeddingColumn(categorical_column=_VocabularyListCategoricalColumn(key='MovieId', vocabulary_list= ...\n",
"_NumericColumn(key='Genres', shape=(19,), default_value=None, dtype=tf.float32, normalizer_fn=None) ...\n"
"source": [
"model = wide_deep.build_model(\n",
" model_dir=MODEL_DIR,\n",
" wide_columns=wide_columns,\n",
" deep_columns=deep_columns,\n",
" linear_optimizer=tf_utils.build_optimizer(LINEAR_OPTIMIZER, LINEAR_OPTIMIZER_LR, **linear_params),\n",
" dnn_optimizer=tf_utils.build_optimizer(DNN_OPTIMIZER, DNN_OPTIMIZER_LR, **dnn_params),\n",
" dnn_hidden_units=DNN_HIDDEN_UNITS,\n",
" dnn_dropout=DNN_DROPOUT,\n",
" dnn_batch_norm=(DNN_BATCH_NORM==1),\n",
" log_every_n_iter=max(1, train_steps//20), # log 20 times\n",
" save_checkpoints_steps=save_checkpoints_steps\n",
"# Wide columns are the features for wide model, and deep columns are for DNN\n",
"print(\"\\nFeature specs:\")\n",
"for c in wide_columns + deep_columns:\n",
" print(str(c)[:100], \"...\")"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### 3. Train and Evaluate Model\n",
"Now we are all set to train the model. Here, we show how to utilize session hooks to track model performance while training. Our custom hook `tf_utils.evaluation_log_hook` estimates the model performance on the given data based on the specified evaluation functions. Note we pass test set to evaluate the model on rating metrics while we use <span id=\"ranking-pool\">ranking-pool (all the user-item pairs)</span> for ranking metrics.\n",
"> Note: The TensorFlow Estimator's default loss calculates Mean Squared Error. Square root of the loss is the same as [RMSE]("
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 10,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"cols = {\n",
" 'col_user': USER_COL,\n",
" 'col_item': ITEM_COL,\n",
" 'col_rating': RATING_COL,\n",
" 'col_prediction': 'prediction'\n",
"# Prepare ranking evaluation set, i.e. get the cross join of all user-item pairs\n",
"ranking_pool = user_item_pairs(\n",
" user_df=users,\n",
" item_df=items,\n",
" user_col=USER_COL,\n",
" item_col=ITEM_COL,\n",
" user_item_filter_df=train, # Remove seen items\n",
" shuffle=True\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 11,
"metadata": {
"scrolled": false
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Training steps = 58593, Batch size = 64 (num epochs = 50)\n"
"source": [
"\"\"\" Training hooks to track training performance (evaluate on 'train' data) \n",
"hooks = []\n",
"evaluation_logger = None\n",
" class EvaluationLogger(tf_utils.Logger):\n",
" def __init__(self):\n",
" self.eval_log = {}\n",
" def log(self, metric, value):\n",
" if metric not in self.eval_log:\n",
" self.eval_log[metric] = []\n",
" self.eval_log[metric].append(value)\n",
" print(\"eval_{} = {}\".format(metric, value))\n",
" def get_log(self):\n",
" return self.eval_log\n",
" evaluation_logger = EvaluationLogger()\n",
" if len(RANKING_METRICS) > 0:\n",
" hooks.append(\n",
" tf_utils.evaluation_log_hook(\n",
" model,\n",
" logger=evaluation_logger,\n",
" true_df=test,\n",
" y_col=RATING_COL,\n",
" eval_df=ranking_pool,\n",
" every_n_iter=save_checkpoints_steps,\n",
" model_dir=MODEL_DIR,\n",
" eval_fns=[getattr(reco_utils.evaluation.python_evaluation, m) for m in RANKING_METRICS],\n",
" **{**cols, 'k': TOP_K}\n",
" )\n",
" )\n",
" if len(RATING_METRICS) > 0:\n",
" hooks.append(\n",
" tf_utils.evaluation_log_hook(\n",
" model,\n",
" logger=evaluation_logger,\n",
" true_df=test,\n",
" y_col=RATING_COL,\n",
" eval_df=test.drop(RATING_COL, axis=1),\n",
" every_n_iter=save_checkpoints_steps,\n",
" model_dir=MODEL_DIR,\n",
" eval_fns=[getattr(reco_utils.evaluation.python_evaluation, m) for m in RATING_METRICS],\n",
" **cols\n",
" )\n",
" )\n",
"print(\"Training steps = {}, Batch size = {} (num epochs = {})\".format(train_steps, BATCH_SIZE, EPOCHS))\n",
"train_fn = tf_utils.pandas_input_fn(\n",
" df=train,\n",
" y_col=RATING_COL,\n",
" batch_size=BATCH_SIZE,\n",
" num_epochs=None, # None == run forever. We use steps=TRAIN_STEPS instead.\n",
" shuffle=True,\n",
" num_threads=num_cpus-1\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 12,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"WARNING:tensorflow:From /home/jumin/miniconda3/envs/reco_gpu/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/estimator/inputs/queues/ QueueRunner.__init__ (from is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.\n",
"Instructions for updating:\n",
"To construct input pipelines, use the `` module.\n",
"WARNING:tensorflow:From /home/jumin/miniconda3/envs/reco_gpu/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/estimator/inputs/queues/ add_queue_runner (from is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.\n",
"Instructions for updating:\n",
"To construct input pipelines, use the `` module.\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:Calling model_fn.\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:Done calling model_fn.\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:Create CheckpointSaverHook.\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:Graph was finalized.\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:Running local_init_op.\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:Done running local_init_op.\n",
"WARNING:tensorflow:From /home/jumin/miniconda3/envs/reco_gpu/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/ start_queue_runners (from is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.\n",
"Instructions for updating:\n",
"To construct input pipelines, use the `` module.\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:Saving checkpoints for 0 into model_checkpoints/model.ckpt.\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:loss = 932.2452, step = 0\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 150.817\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:loss = 42.562725, step = 2929 (19.421 sec)\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 153.639\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:loss = 61.396675, step = 5858 (19.064 sec)\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 155.273\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:loss = 49.38915, step = 8787 (18.864 sec)\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 155.743\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:loss = 67.17851, step = 11716 (18.807 sec)\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:Saving checkpoints for 11718 into model_checkpoints/model.ckpt.\n",
"eval_map_at_k = 0.007616734294189487\n",
"eval_ndcg_at_k = 0.06743113778797069\n",
"eval_precision_at_k = 0.07324840764331211\n",
"eval_recall_at_k = 0.02374049652834253\n",
"eval_rmse = 0.9421604900657937\n",
"eval_mae = 0.7441799917883426\n",
"eval_rsquared = 0.30093904698626484\n",
"eval_exp_var = 0.30167929819298833\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 50.8499\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:loss = 51.37668, step = 14645 (57.601 sec)\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 154.955\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:loss = 46.42402, step = 17574 (18.902 sec)\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 154.111\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:loss = 45.922108, step = 20503 (19.006 sec)\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 155.611\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:loss = 44.25303, step = 23432 (18.823 sec)\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:Saving checkpoints for 23436 into model_checkpoints/model.ckpt.\n",
"eval_map_at_k = 0.005282381352239611\n",
"eval_ndcg_at_k = 0.05232036421287402\n",
"eval_precision_at_k = 0.059447983014861996\n",
"eval_recall_at_k = 0.019680933276829217\n",
"eval_rmse = 0.939755619704993\n",
"eval_mae = 0.7380850439405441\n",
"eval_rsquared = 0.3045032070417637\n",
"eval_exp_var = 0.3045892461871469\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 51.5327\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:loss = 46.728806, step = 26361 (56.838 sec)\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 154.394\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:loss = 68.13846, step = 29290 (18.971 sec)\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 154.743\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:loss = 48.842392, step = 32219 (18.928 sec)\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 154.304\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:loss = 55.659912, step = 35148 (18.982 sec)\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:Saving checkpoints for 35154 into model_checkpoints/model.ckpt.\n",
"eval_map_at_k = 0.00397994926269106\n",
"eval_ndcg_at_k = 0.04061161661873355\n",
"eval_precision_at_k = 0.04787685774946921\n",
"eval_recall_at_k = 0.016326311177037908\n",
"eval_rmse = 0.9397414775204982\n",
"eval_mae = 0.7356724128818511\n",
"eval_rsquared = 0.30452413965391645\n",
"eval_exp_var = 0.30486639672614235\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 51.703\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:loss = 64.73981, step = 38077 (56.650 sec)\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 154.366\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:loss = 50.060017, step = 41006 (18.974 sec)\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 156.552\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:loss = 49.136665, step = 43935 (18.712 sec)\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 155.29\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:loss = 33.41443, step = 46864 (18.859 sec)\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:Saving checkpoints for 46872 into model_checkpoints/model.ckpt.\n",
"eval_map_at_k = 0.0034277165107839884\n",
"eval_ndcg_at_k = 0.033525255041823354\n",
"eval_precision_at_k = 0.0381104033970276\n",
"eval_recall_at_k = 0.013090803781510604\n",
"eval_rmse = 0.9396357563690039\n",
"eval_mae = 0.7332056822863221\n",
"eval_rsquared = 0.30468061326857676\n",
"eval_exp_var = 0.3052303508899866\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 51.3759\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:loss = 48.65799, step = 49793 (57.011 sec)\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 154.842\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:loss = 44.42491, step = 52722 (18.916 sec)\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 154.678\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:loss = 57.47725, step = 55651 (18.936 sec)\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 154.598\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:loss = 34.94922, step = 58580 (18.946 sec)\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:Saving checkpoints for 58590 into model_checkpoints/model.ckpt.\n",
"eval_map_at_k = 0.0024880331040521833\n",
"eval_ndcg_at_k = 0.025429799187102142\n",
"eval_precision_at_k = 0.029617834394904466\n",
"eval_recall_at_k = 0.010823063887818299\n",
"eval_rmse = 0.94190933971966\n",
"eval_mae = 0.7343136594682187\n",
"eval_rsquared = 0.301311692626853\n",
"eval_exp_var = 0.3023860484774723\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:Saving checkpoints for 58593 into model_checkpoints/model.ckpt.\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:Loss for final step: 40.66799.\n"
"data": {
"application/papermill.record+json": {
"eval_map_at_k": [
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
"data": {
"application/papermill.record+json": {
"eval_ndcg_at_k": [
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
"data": {
"application/papermill.record+json": {
"eval_precision_at_k": [
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
"data": {
"application/papermill.record+json": {
"eval_recall_at_k": [
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
"data": {
"application/papermill.record+json": {
"eval_rmse": [
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
"data": {
"application/papermill.record+json": {
"eval_mae": [
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
"data": {
"application/papermill.record+json": {
"eval_rsquared": [
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
"data": {
"application/papermill.record+json": {
"eval_exp_var": [
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
"source": [
" model.train(\n",
" input_fn=train_fn,\n",
" hooks=hooks,\n",
" steps=train_steps\n",
" )\n",
"except tf.train.NanLossDuringTrainingError:\n",
" raise ValueError(\n",
" \"Training stopped with NanLossDuringTrainingError. Try other optimizers, smaller batch size and smaller learning rate.\"\n",
" )\n",
" \n",
" for m, v in evaluation_logger.get_log().items():\n",
" pm.record(\"eval_{}\".format(m), v)"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"#### 3.2 TensorBoard\n",
"Once the train is done, you can browse the details of the training results as well as the metrics we logged from [TensorBoard](\n",
"<img src=\"\"> | <img src=\"\"> | <img src=\"\">\n",
"To open the TensorBoard, open a terminal from the same directory of this notebook, run `tensorboard --logdir=model_checkpoints`, and open http://localhost:6006 from a browser.\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"### 4. Test and Export Model\n",
"#### 4.1 Item rating prediction"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 13,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"INFO:tensorflow:Calling model_fn.\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:Done calling model_fn.\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:Graph was finalized.\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:Restoring parameters from model_checkpoints/model.ckpt-58593\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:Running local_init_op.\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:Done running local_init_op.\n"
"data": {
"application/papermill.record+json": {
"rmse": 0.9426291944019234
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"rmse = 0.9426291944019234\n"
"data": {
"application/papermill.record+json": {
"mae": 0.7339886412034928
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"mae = 0.7339886412034928\n"
"data": {
"application/papermill.record+json": {
"rsquared": 0.30024333876363185
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"rsquared = 0.30024333876363185\n"
"data": {
"application/papermill.record+json": {
"exp_var": 0.30290971689748925
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"exp_var = 0.30290971689748925\n"
"source": [
"if len(RATING_METRICS) > 0:\n",
" predictions = list(model.predict(input_fn=tf_utils.pandas_input_fn(df=test)))\n",
" prediction_df = test.drop(RATING_COL, axis=1)\n",
" prediction_df['prediction'] = [p['predictions'][0] for p in predictions]\n",
" prediction_df['prediction'].describe()\n",
" \n",
" for m in RATING_METRICS:\n",
" fn = getattr(reco_utils.evaluation.python_evaluation, m)\n",
" result = fn(test, prediction_df, **cols)\n",
" pm.record(m, result)\n",
" print(m, \"=\", result)"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"#### 4.2 Recommend k items\n",
"For top-k recommendation evaluation, we use the ranking pool (all the user-item pairs) we prepared at the [training step](#ranking-pool). The difference is we remove users' seen items from the pool in this step which is more natural to the movie recommendation scenario."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 14,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"INFO:tensorflow:Calling model_fn.\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:Done calling model_fn.\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:Graph was finalized.\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:Restoring parameters from model_checkpoints/model.ckpt-58593\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:Running local_init_op.\n",
"INFO:tensorflow:Done running local_init_op.\n"
"data": {
"application/papermill.record+json": {
"map_at_k": 0.0024952697678336188
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"map_at_k = 0.0024952697678336188\n"
"data": {
"application/papermill.record+json": {
"ndcg_at_k": 0.025467919551724758
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"ndcg_at_k = 0.025467919551724758\n"
"data": {
"application/papermill.record+json": {
"precision_at_k": 0.029617834394904466
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"precision_at_k = 0.029617834394904466\n"
"data": {
"application/papermill.record+json": {
"recall_at_k": 0.01080877083868074
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"recall_at_k = 0.01080877083868074\n"
"source": [
"if len(RANKING_METRICS) > 0:\n",
" predictions = list(model.predict(input_fn=tf_utils.pandas_input_fn(df=ranking_pool)))\n",
" prediction_df = ranking_pool.copy()\n",
" prediction_df['prediction'] = [p['predictions'][0] for p in predictions]\n",
" for m in RANKING_METRICS:\n",
" fn = getattr(reco_utils.evaluation.python_evaluation, m)\n",
" result = fn(test, prediction_df, **{**cols, 'k': TOP_K})\n",
" pm.record(m, result)\n",
" print(m, \"=\", result)"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"#### 4.3 Export Model\n",
"Finally, we export the model so that we can load later for re-training, evaluation, and prediction.\n",
"Examples of how to load, re-train, and evaluate the saved model can be found from [aml_hyperparameter_tuning](../04_model_select_and_optimize/hypertune_aml_wide_and_deep_quickstart.ipynb) notebook."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 15,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"os.makedirs(EXPORT_DIR_BASE, exist_ok=True)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 16,
"metadata": {
"scrolled": true
"outputs": [
"data": {
"application/papermill.record+json": {
"saved_model_dir": "b'./outputs/model/1550346652'"
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Model exported to b'./outputs/model/1550346652'\n"
"source": [
"train_rcvr_fn = tf.contrib.estimator.build_supervised_input_receiver_fn_from_input_fn(\n",
" train_fn\n",
"eval_rcvr_fn = tf.contrib.estimator.build_supervised_input_receiver_fn_from_input_fn(\n",
" tf_utils.pandas_input_fn(df=test, y_col=RATING_COL)\n",
"serve_rcvr_fn = tf.estimator.export.build_parsing_serving_input_receiver_fn(\n",
" tf.feature_column.make_parse_example_spec(wide_columns+deep_columns)\n",
"rcvr_fn_map = {\n",
" tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN: train_rcvr_fn,\n",
" tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL: eval_rcvr_fn,\n",
" tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT: serve_rcvr_fn\n",
"export_dir = tf.contrib.estimator.export_all_saved_models(\n",
" model,\n",
" export_dir_base=EXPORT_DIR_BASE,\n",
" input_receiver_fn_map=rcvr_fn_map\n",
"pm.record('saved_model_dir', str(export_dir))\n",
"print(\"Model exported to\", str(export_dir))"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"#### Cleanup"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 17,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"Do not directly delete EXPORT_DIR_BASE directory since hypertune_aml_wide_and_deep_quickstart\n",
"notebook uses this notebook to train and export model.\n",
"Instead, use the same name for both MODEL_DIR and EXPORT_DIR_BASE to test so that can cleaned up\n",
"shutil.rmtree(MODEL_DIR, ignore_errors=True)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
"metadata": {
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