4 Project Sharing
stew-ro редактировал(а) эту страницу 2020-11-20 04:59:18 -08:00

How Project Sharing works?

Project Sharing helps you easily share existing projects with other users and open existing projects on additional browsers. In order to open an existing project, which isn't already in your browser's recent projects, multiple project details need to be shared. Project sharing helps automate this process for you, only requiring you to share the project's SAS URI and a generated project token.

Steps to share a project

Sender's steps:

  1. Open the project you want to share from your recent projects
    images/Open Recent Project.png

  2. Copy the project's connection's SAS URI through the Connections page and send it who you want to share the project with
    images/Copy Project SAS URI.png

  3. Copy the project's token by clicking the Share Project button on the right side of FoTT's title bar and send it who you want to share the project with
    images/Copy Project Token.png

Receiver's steps:

  1. Add a new connection using the received project's SAS URI through the Connections page
    images/Paste Project SAS URI.png

  2. Click the Open Cloud Project button on the right pane of the Home page
    images/Click Open Cloud Project.png

  3. Paste the received project's token where it says "Paste shared project's token here"
    images/Paste Project Token.png

  4. Click the Open button
    images/Open Project After Pasting Project Token.png

Additional details

  • The Share Project feature automates creating the shared project's security for the receiver of the project. If the project receiver already has a security token with the same name and a different value than the shared project's security token, then FoTT displays a notification stating the project can't be opened.
    images/project token name already exists.png
    To resolve this and open the shared project, you'll need to reconfigure your security tokens to resolve the name conflict.