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Release Note
OMS Agent 1.2.0-75 (9/27/16) - Docker Provider 1.0.0-12
- Added Docker 1.12 and Ubuntu 16.04 TLS support
OMS Agent 1.2.0-148 (11/9/16) - Docker Provider 1.0.0-16
- Support ACS DC/OS and Mesosphere DC/OS
- Container Solution is available on Mesosphere Universe. This solution will only monitor the Docker Container. Customer can select and run the OMS Agent for Linux on each VMs in DC/OS. You will require OMS WorkspaceID and Primary Key beforehand to install the OMS Agent for Linux.To support ACS DC/OS, you must use the OMS Agent for Linux in the Mesosphere DC/OS Universe.
- For more information about ACS DC/OS, please go here.
- Container Solution is available on Mesosphere Universe. This solution will only monitor the Docker Container. Customer can select and run the OMS Agent for Linux on each VMs in DC/OS. You will require OMS WorkspaceID and Primary Key beforehand to install the OMS Agent for Linux.To support ACS DC/OS, you must use the OMS Agent for Linux in the Mesosphere DC/OS Universe.
- Simplified installation
- Previously, Container Solution required universal setting for the docker log. This is no longer necessary. Follow the instruction on the github or website.
- Enhanced log collecton.
- Customers can now run docker log directly on the container itself and will also collect the logs on OMS as well.
- Bug fix
- Container Hostname provided container SHA ID information instead of the hostname.
OMS Agent 1.3.2-15 (03/31/17) - Docker Provider 1.0.0-22
- Updated the container image to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- Graceful shutdown of OMS process
- Decrease containerized OMS Linux Agent size for lighter agent experience
- Increase buffer size
- Capture host syslog
- Bug fix
- segfault error due to libcontainer.so.