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GitHub Action for generating a Dockerfile to build and run Azure Web Apps

With the Azure App Service Actions for GitHub, you can automate your workflow to deploy Azure Web Apps using GitHub Actions.

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This repository contains the GitHub Action for generating a Dockerfile to build and run Azure Web Apps using the Oryx build system. Currently, the following platforms can be built using this GitHub Action:

  • .NET Core
  • Node
  • PHP
  • Python

The generated Dockerfile follows a template similar to the following:


FROM mcr.microsoft.com/oryx/build:<BUILD_TAG> as build
COPY . .
RUN oryx build /app

FROM mcr.microsoft.com/oryx/${RUNTIME}
COPY --from=build /app /app
RUN cd /app && oryx
ENTRYPOINT ["/app/run.sh"]

Once this Dockerfile is produced, it can be built and pushed to a registry, such as Azure Container Registry, and used at a later time to deploy the Azure Web App.

If you are looking for a GitHub Action to build your Azure Web App, consider using azure/appservice-build.

If you are looking for a GitHub Action to deploy your Azure Web App, consider using azure/webapps-deploy.

The definition of this GitHub Action is in action.yml.

End-to-End Sample Workflows

Dependencies on other GitHub Actions

  • actions/checkout
    • Checkout your Git repository content into the GitHub Actions agent

Other GitHub Actions

Sample workflow to push an image using Azure CLI

The following is an end-to-end sample of generating the Dockerfile, building the image, and pushing it to Azure Container Registry using Azure CLI whenever a commit is pushed:

on: push

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Cloning repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v1

      - name: Running Oryx to generate a Dockerfile
        uses: microsoft/oryx/actions/oryx-dockerfile@master
        id: oryx

      - name: Azure authentication
        uses: azure/login@v1
          creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }}

      - name: Building image and pushing to ACR
        run: |
          az acr build -t <IMAGE_NAME>:<TAG> \
                      -r <ACR_NAME> \
                      -f {{ steps.oryx.outputs.dockerfile-path }} \

The following variables should be replaced in your workflow .yaml file:

  • <ACR_NAME>
    • Name of the Azure Container Registry that you are pushing to
    • Name of the image that will be pushed to your registry
  • <TAG>
    • Name of the image tag

The following variables should be set in the GitHub repository's secrets store:

    • Used to authenticate calls to Azure; for more information on setting this secret, please see the azure/actions/login action

Sample workflow to push an image using Docker

The following is an end-to-end sample of generating the Dockerfile, building the image, and pushing it to a registry using Docker whenever a commit is pushed:

on: push

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Cloning repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v1

      - name: Running Oryx to generate a Dockerfile
        uses: microsoft/oryx/actions/oryx-dockerfile@master
        id: oryx

      - name: Logging into registry
        uses: azure/docker-login@master
          login-server: <REGISTRY_NAME>
          username: ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_USERNAME }}
          password: ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_PASSWORD }}

      - name: Building image and pushing to registry using Docker
        run: |
          docker build . -t <REGISTRY_NAME>/<IMAGE_NAME>:<TAG> -f {{ steps.oryx.outputs.dockerfile-path }}
          docker push <REGISTRY_NAME>/<IMAGE_NAME>:<TAG>

The following variables should be replaced in your workflow:

    • Name of the registry that you are pushing to
    • Name of the image that will be pushed to your registry
  • <TAG>
    • Name of the image tag

The following variables should be set in the GitHub repository's secrets store:

Sample workflow to deploy an Azure Web App Container

The following is an end-to-end sample of generating the Dockerfile, building the image, pushing it to a registry using Docker, and deploying the web app to Azure whenever a commit is pushed:

on: push

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Cloning repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v1

      - name: Running Oryx to generate a Dockerfile
        uses: microsoft/oryx/actions/oryx-dockerfile@master
        id: oryx

      - name: Logging into Azure
        uses: azure/login@master
          creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }}

      - name: Logging into registry
        uses: azure/docker-login@master
          login-server: <REGISTRY_NAME>
          username: ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_USERNAME }}
          password: ${{ secrets.REGISTRY_PASSWORD }}

      - name: Building image and pushing to registry using Docker
        run: |
          docker build . -t <REGISTRY_NAME>/<IMAGE_NAME>:<TAG> -f {{ steps.oryx.outputs.dockerfile-path }}
          docker push <REGISTRY_NAME>/<IMAGE_NAME>:<TAG>

      - name: Deploying container web app to Azure
        uses: azure/webapps-container-deploy@v1
          app-name: <WEB_APP_NAME>
          images: <REGISTRY_NAME>/<IMAGE_NAME>:<TAG>

The following variables should be replaced in your workflow:

    • Name of the registry that you are pushing to
    • Name of the image that will be pushed to your registry
  • <TAG>
    • Name of the image tag
    • Name of the web app that's being deployed

The following variables should be set in the GitHub repository's secrets store:

    • Used to authenticate calls to Azure; for more information on setting this secret, please see the azure/actions/login action