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Bloomflow is the innovation management platform empowering large enterprises to thrive in todays rapidly changing business landscape. Leverage this connector to streamline collaboration and enhance productivity through efficient automated workflows.


You need to be a Bloomflow eterprise user and your organization needs to have access to the Blooflow Public API package. To know more about Bloomflow and our services, get in touch with us at hello@bloomflow.com.

How to get credentials

Bloomflow APIs use API key authorization to ensure that client requests access data securely. With API key auth, you send a key-value pair to the API in the request headers for every call. Request header must have a x-bflow-api-key field containing the API key When you are ready to work with the public API ask your credentials by contacting us at customer@bloomflow.com.

Known Issues and Limitations

  • Currently the Workflow property changed trigger only lets you track changes on Workflow Steps. This scope is likely to be expanded to cover changes in other workflow elements such as State, Groups and Tasks.
  • Currently the New Application created trigger gives access to limited information on incoming applications.

Common errors and remedies

Here are some issues you could face while using the connector:

  • Error 400: Appears when you make a bad request, it means that you wrongly enter the parameters. Check how to configure them correctly with our documentation.
  • Error 401: Appears when you are unautorized to access the requested information.
  • Error 403: Appears when you wrongly enter your API Key. If you have any questions about our APIs, check our documentation or feel free to contact us.