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System Center Cross Platform Provider for Operations Manager (Open Source Kits)
The files in this directory reflect bundle files for each of our open-source OMI providers bundled with the System Center Cross Platform provider. Note that there are no hard-coded file paths here. Instead, filenames are determined dynamically.
At the time of this README file creation, this directory contains:
Note that version numbers may change, and new cimprov kits may be added.
The bundle creation software expects the following for each open-source provider:
<provider-name>-cimprov.*.i686.sh (Only one match allowed)
<provider-name>-cimprov.*.x86_64.sh (Only one match allowed)
It is assumed that each bundle will conform to the following:
- Will at least create a directory named
This is used for removal of the package during SCX removal, - For purposes of purging, after removal of the kit, the following directories will be deleted:
If files are created in other locations, the package should remove the files as part of the uninstall (purge) process.
Bundle creation software works as follows: For each *-oss-test.sh file,
- Include the file itself into the bundle,
- Include the associated i686.sh file for i386 builds,
- Include the associated x86_64.sh file for x86_64 builds
Bundle installation works as follows: For each *-oss-test.sh file,
- Run the file.
- If it returns 0, that means that the associated bundle file should be installed (otherwise, the associated bundle file is NOT installed).
To add a new OSS provider to this directory, do the following:
- Create -oss-test.sh file to determine if bundle should be installed,
- Check in associated -cimprov-*.sh binary bundle files (built for release and for distribution to customers). Two should be checked in, one ending in .i686.sh and another ending in .x86_64.sh.
If you are updating old kits, remove the old kits, add the new kits, and commit.
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